笔者最近在科学网发布了新的研究进展 博文将光压、静力做功扽该问题上升到相对性原理与自然哲学的高度。指出主流理论对力的定义存在严重缺失或遗漏。其中中文博文的摘要是 摘要:牛顿力学与相对论力学共有的关系式 (*)
违背相对性原理, 导致了静力不做功的谬论。而功率与其内蕴力的关系则符合相对性原理,利用这个关系可以明确力产生的原理并重新定义。牛顿对力的定义,特别是“物质内在的力”(Inherent force of matter)的定义包含了被普遍忽视的深邃思想。 英文博文的摘要与文中三部分的标题为 Abstract: The relation shared by Newtonian mechanics and relativistic mechanics (*)
violates the principle of relativity, leading to the fallacy that static force does not perform work. The relationship between power and its intrinsic force is in accordance with the principle of relativity. Using this relationship can clarify and redefine the principle of force generation. Newton's definition of force, especially the "inherent force of matter" (Inherent force of matter) contains profound ideas that are generally ignored.
Contents: 1. The principle of relativity and related issues
2. The definition and generation mechanism of force 3. The Natural Philosophy embedded in the combination of Newton and Einstein 希望对有关问题感兴趣的读者一览,并批评指正。