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Vinegar,Vc,B3,and TCM is best cure for Covid-19 2023-01-19 08:11:48

Reads 820-1,Jan 2024

Vinegar,Vc,B3,and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases

已有 12071 次阅读2020-2-8 08:14 |个人分类:medicine

This is a version of translation-reedited from my Jan. 23 Mandarin article:



  Life is not easy, I wish all of families on the Earth healthier and happier.

    Frank Jan. 26, 2020 in Waterloo, Canada,  Updated in Jan. 27-30, Feb. 1 -> 29, Mar. 1 -> 15, 2020; Jan 13, 2021


 This article tries to explore the best cure for COVID-19 pneumonia, especially helps people self-help in treatment when just starts the feeling of flu by daily diets and diet supplements that are home handy available for all people so that everyone can get treatment timely, and importantly takes daily as prevention, such as, vinegar, honey and vitamins. Though natural Chinese medicine is good, but not easy available.

The cure at the time that is just start of the onset of ill will be much easier, thereby avoids developing as acute ill into ICU with 50% chance finished and big burden for medical system. In China, at the start of epidemic control, the ratio of suspected cases confirmed as COVID-19 was 90%, after 4 days of use of Chinese medicinals massively, the diagnosed rate dropped under 30%, and a longer time, it dropped to 3%.

There were many reports that patients suddenly died in home and on street when were in the mild ill state. Even if patients cured from critical state, the sequelae are also terrible. The autopsy revealed that the lungs of died patients were filled with tiny blood clots, if the large-sized such blood clots fall off into the brain or heart will cause stroke or heart attack, which is also in killing and disabling people. 

But, for the use of hopeful easy self-help in treatment will be difficult due to customary thinking; it needs to update the consciousness in disease treatment, so that people can accept the treatments that used to be considered as unscientific and ineffective. Because of since Jan. 27, I have been posting the link of this article as comments on some Medias with feedback in less appreciation more criticism.

British lady Stacey who was COVID-19 infected on life-machine supporting in unconscious  and her families have made final seeing farewell, but, as a final effort, doctors tried experience method by placing her face down on stomach for 12 hours to make her lungs transferring oxygen into blood, she eventually recovered and later discharged.

For treating COVID-19, many recovered cases proved that killing-virus is not essential, but any curative that can improve the physical condition of patients will be effective. So that dogmatically looking for virus killer and convincing people to reject the use of experience-based therapies by the pretext of unscientific is evil manner in assisting virus killing people actually. 

For curing COVID-19, we must update guiding philosophy from Reductionism of western medicine to Daoism of Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM, from looking for killing to be autoimmune boosting by people are handy available, such as, vinegar, honey, and vitamins, they all have function in boosting immunity.

A little trigger our autoimmune by healthy diet may help to reduce the harm of the virus. 


General introduction

1.. Vinegar

1.1.. The LD50 of vinegar

1.2.. The mechanism of vinegar kill pathogen

1.2.1.. Vinegar raised hemoglobin, total erythrocyte counts and total leukocyte counts

  1.2.2.. Vinegar destroys cell walls, protein structure, nuclear proteins of the pathogenic organisms

  1.2.3.. 1 and 3% vinegar can inactivate avian influenza virus

  1.2.4.. 4 - 8% vinegar can inactivate H1N1 human influenza virus

  1.2.5.. Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat

  1.2.6.. Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects

  1.2.7.. Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes

  1.2.8.. Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses

  1.2.9.. Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream

  1.2.10.. Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin

  1.2.11.. Apple Cider Vinegar promotes energy consumption and leads to weight loss

  1.2.12.. Vinegar reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels

  1.2.13.. Vinegar lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people with diabetes

  1.2.14.. Vinegar prmotes insulin-producing cells and slows atherosclerosis

  1.2.15.. The medicinal application in TCM

  1.2.16.. Vinegar’s functions on health: constituents, sources, and formation mechanisms

1.3.. My friendly associates with vinegar

  1.3.1.. A case of wrongful use of vinegar

1.4.. Homemade portable anti-virus bag

2.. Vitamin C

     2.1.. The LD50 of Vitamin C

     2.2.. Role in immunity of Vitamin C

     2.3.. High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report

     2.4.. Vitamin C Is an Essential Factor on the Anti-viral Immune Responses

     2.5.. Vitamin C and Infections

     2.6.. Vitamin C in sepsis

     2.7.. Evidence is stronger than you think of vitamin C

     2.8.. High-dose Vitamin C as a Successful Treatment of Viral Infections.

     2.9.. Mechanism of action of vitamin C in sepsis: ascorbate modulates redox signaling in endothelium

     2.10.. Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU: A Meta-Analysis

     2.11.. Vitamin C to Improve Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients-Review and Pragmatic Approach

     2.12.. About High-Dose Vitamin C from U.S. National Cancer Institute

    2.13.. Effect of Vitamin C on Serum Concentration of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

     2.14. The effect of vitamin C on Microbial Flora and blood morphology

3.. Vitamin B3

     3.1.. The LD 50 of B3

     3.2.. The Positive Side Effects of B3

     3.3.. Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs

     3.4.. The systematic report on B3 in Linus Pauling Institute

     3.5.. Myself test of the process of B3 taking effect

4.. Vitamin D

     4.1.. Vitamin D for influenza

     4.2.. Vitamin D, Minerals, and Toxic Elements: Exploring Interactions between Nutrients and Toxicants in Clinical Medicine

5.. Honey is a combo of the natural medicinals with broader range of therapeutic effect

6.. Melatonin can improve health by optimizing the composition of the gut microbiota

7.. Chinese medicine and its philosophy

     7.1.. A brief introduction of Chinese medicine

     7.2.. Daoism, the philosophy of TCM

     7.3.. The comparison in the symptoms of 2003 SARS and 2019 coronavirus

     7.4.. The convincing proof of the magic effect of autoimmune

     7.5.. A introduction of a herb that used in TCM for over 2000 years

     7.6.. A introduction of an over a thousand years classic formula of TCM

     7.7.. Phytomedicine Research in Germany  

8.. The origin of the Orthomolecular Medicine

     8.1.. Dr. Abram Hoffer, the initiator of the use of the megavitamin therapy

      8.2.. William Wilson, the setter for the promotion of megavitamins

     8.3.. Dr. Linus Pauling, the proposer of the Orthomolecular Medicine

9.. Why western medicine declines, why Chinese medicine rises

10.. The overcrowded hospitals of Canada

11.. The best doctor for treating social diseases

12.. My writings for proving the reliable of my talkative


1.. This topic is for changing people’s long used to traditional ideology and philosophy, and this is the most difficult, so that, I have to make a little more boring talkative.

2.. I am willing to provide further assistance in the implementation of my suggestions. Now, here, I want to specifically apologize for the poor wording or mistakes in this article. I am too anxious to spend more time to check.

3.. The bad news of widespread of new coronavirus in China and globally made me exhausted. Anxiety made me sleepless, and insomnia made me even more anxious. Mentally tired, extremely dizzy, my brain can't work on own wills.

4.. Please leave me message at:  https://www.facebook.com/people/Frank-Li/100015909153472    

I have sent this article to many people, but helpless, no one want uproot epidemic covid-19.

General Introduction

I put a story at first to show my basic purpose of this topic.

After the initial completion of this article, I once share it with several friends on Face Book with a reminding: Please forget killers for new coronavirus, but pick up human autoimmunity.‎ Humans can never keep up with the pace of virus mutation.

Feb. 11, 2020, 03:56 Morning, on Face Book, I found a message that my friend sent from Singapore.

   Bernie Yau 1:24 AM Powerful steps to combat the Coronavirus - Dr Alan Mandell, DC

The link is a video on You Tube, by which Dr Alan Mandell tells how to enhance autoimmunity to combat new coronavirus.

  Dr Alan Mandell motivationaldoc  https://www.facebook.com/motivationaldoc/   

      Please do not panic! Being healthy is staying knowledgeable regarding your surroundings and your body. The immune system is the body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Practice good eating habits and choose foods that strengthen the immune system. It is very important to make sure that our bodies are strong and fit to fight off those invaders.

      “There is no magic cure for this virus, antibiotics work on bacteria, not viruses, we have been exposed to many hundreds of virus in our life, and how we get well by a strong immune system. I'll teach you the best thing you can do the keep you immune system strong.”

      The facebook of Dr Alan Mandell: https://www.facebook.com/motivationaldoc/ 

        The speech of Dr. Alan Mandell reminds us that the key to treat 2019 New Coronavirus Pneumonia is not in finding new treatments, but in working smartly to improve our autoimmunity; and the improvement of the autoimmunity does not have to wait until the body getting stronger; but a simple diet that is conducive to improving immunity can help us achieve this goal quickly. Within tens of minutes, as long as we ate diet is absorbed by our body; it can help us to fight disease immediately.

                                                                    ---   Frank Feb. 11, 2020 in Waterloo, Canada

Don't blame the new coronavirus, it's trying to tell humans what is fair and reasonable, no matter Rich or Poor, Easterner or Westerner, it attacks equally with the purpose of telling mankind that everyone must give up hypocrisy and deception and turn to pragmatic self-help.

At the time that the epidemic is about to erupt globally, when humans need the research results of hopeful experts in western medicine for rescue, they surrender up their hands. Facts have proved that those experts, by the name of scientific, has conducted many meaningless studies but wasted a lot of social resources.

Please forget scientific or unscientific, that is an excuse that some people use for cheating money to make a living by playing scientific game, if we dig the issue in nature.

Please pick up the traditional medicine that some people have been scammed to crack down and reject by the excuse of unscientific. Many cases of being cured by traditional Chinese medicine have proven that ancient traditional medicine is reliable and can save humans.

Vitamins are the main ingredients in Chinese medicinals with the advantage of easily being absorbed and have been in playing significant role in restoring the balance of Yin and Yang of human body that was badly damaged and deteriorated by pathogens.  

The mistake of western medicine stems from its philosophy Reductionism that looks human body as a non-living mechanical assembly with an inhuman perspective, and by seeking killing as a cure, that is, it has been treating humans as non-living life. Under such a philosophy, humans would never get rid of the torture of pathogens.

Daoism of the holistic philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is exactly in opposite of the Reductionism; it cherishes human body as a living life, and by trying to restore the balance of yin and yang of human body as the treatment. It is the correct philosophy in guiding Chinese medicine to successful

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