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  心靈的窗口 接受也給予 天涯有知己 共享人生無味
註冊日期: 2012-02-05
訪問總量: 462,007 次
· Why did China not produce harm
· 印度海外高管談印度:沒有榮譽
· Prof.James Galbraith strives f
· The feasible steps for improvi
· Vinegar based combinations can
· Why HCQ dumped in west but too
· The therapies used in China fo
· 葛兆光教授 不能胡說八道 應該為
· A thank letter to Technical Te
· Corporate Management & Red
· The death of a Canadian busine
· How to rescue Bombardier from
· Why German Economy Can Fly Aga
· 中國拯救被低智商獸性毀滅的世界
· Vinegar,Vc,B3,and TCM is best
· 布洛芬致猝死 醋治新冠病立竿見
· 布洛芬致猝死 醋治新冠病立竿見
【較真 辨是非】
· Why did China not produce harm
· 印度海外高管談印度:沒有榮譽
· Prof.James Galbraith strives f
· The feasible steps for improvi
· Vinegar based combinations can
· Why HCQ dumped in west but too
· The therapies used in China fo
· Some medical experts act as Ki
· Vinegar can end Covid-19 healt
· Non-partisan Leadership assist
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Human animal instincts dehumanized good democracy 2023-12-19 12:18:20
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取消以詛咒祖國為生人的國籍,到它們喜歡的地方去 2023-12-12 23:59:58
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