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A thank letter to Technical Team of Google Search 2023-11-22 07:45:46

Reads 7217-26,Nov. 7531-3, 7616-5, 7665-6, 7719-7,8391-23, 8593-29,Dec. 2023.8666-1, 8695-2, 8730-3, 8850-7, 8952-9, Jan 2024

A thank letter to the Technical Team of Google search 

  Frank Li, Morning, Nov. 22. 2023 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


  Thanks Technical Team of Google Search for reediting searching page to reach the core of the article, and specially emphasized in black characters; by which reached the feelings and longings of writer, thanks, thanks a lot. 


   People enjoy the convenience of Google search but they may not know the hard work of the Technical Team of Google Search, they have to read too much in work to patiently look for the valuable points in a long talkative article to ensure the quality of searching results.

   Of course, as outstanding well educated rational group, in the process of the patently reading, they are also for; they are able to take humanized responsibility of kicking away the poisonous ideologies to avoid the inhuman thoughts dehumanizing human world.

  Today, under the guise of freedom of speech and media, the ideologies and social media have been exploited as evil means to fatally mess social governance, even being used to provoke the color revolution and create social riots to cause people cannot make a living in their home place and have to be integrated into the torrent of refugees of living on streets. 

  The Technical Team of Google Search has been in dutifully acting as security guards at the door of the life and death of so called higher animals, the higher animals have been evilly coerced acting as that of lower animals to have to live in the Law of Jungle.

  The founder and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk is in doing same duty at Twitter. 

  Maybe, only Elon Musk dares to use the most uncivilized language to express the most civilized thoughts in hating evil: If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising money, go to fuck yourself. I'm saying what I care about is the reality of goodness not the perception of it and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil, fuck them, ok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kala1B1IO0&ab_channel=

  Please look at the video on YouTube; it was clear that Elon Musk was deliberately shouting abuse back in face to face at the media host, who is deliberately creating chaos and unrest in public opinion by pubilc media in venting his childish mentality.  

  Thank Technical Team of Google search and Elon Musk for hard working to keep world in peace with a clear mind of what is human civilization.

  In Nov. 30, 2023 YouTube video Elon Musk on Advertisers, Trust and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind | DealBook Summit 2023, the founder and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk revealed the truth of Europe looting and killing bloody culture budded Western civilization; which is “people who care about looking good while doing evil.”


An inspiration comes from the rational practice of the Technical Team of Google search.

Human is a body of a skin wrapping 206 bones in driven by reasoning of populations of brain cells based on acquired knowledge and experiences to signal behaving; the computer program Alpha Go beats human Go player revealed that human intelligence is in acting as a Robert by acquired knowledge and experiences as the software driver; which inborn character caused dual results:

1. The intelligence or quality of people is in lifelong reshaping by ideologies, philosophies and life experience.

2. As Robert, if it is installed driver of servant; it will serve people, if it is installed driver of killer, it will kill people; which was the reason that Hitler and Mussolini were able to drive compatriots as manic war ragers.

The defect brain and bad knowledge will drive people wrongful behaving; so that it is not all of people in human feature in human nature; some are in low quality without ability for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are in doing and going to do, therefore taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right and promoting inhuman for human.

The so-called religion is by fabricating single ideology to brainwash or coerce people as believers for easily ruling. The so-called secularization is to allow freely fabricating ideologies at will in regardless of whether good or bad for social governance. So called cultural fault line actually it is the cultural boundaries; in which the cultures are made by purposefully fabricating different ideologies to brainwash people for pursuing economic interests in different ways. The driving engine for the development of cultures is the selfish instincts of those in power. The so called the civilizations are destroyed by other civilizations. In essence, they are not destroyed, but the original local culture is replaced by foreign culture. All of those happening are driven by greed of human inborn instinct.

The ancestors of China have long recognized the reality that social activities of higher animals or lower animals all are driven by selfish instinct for survival; in which people die for money and birds die for food.

In history, many settled farming civilizations were destroyed by tough nomads. Ancient Babylon was destroyed by the Persians, Egypt was destroyed by the ancient Greeks, and ancient India was destroyed by the Aryans.

Strictly speaking, this destruction was cultural being replaced, they often replace the ideology of the occupied areas with their own fabricated ideologies, and re-brainwash the people in order to facilitate their rule. Religions are often used ideologies, and the result is ideological chaos. Because fabricating ideologies is driven by the interests of a particular ethnic group as lives matter, when cultural change occurs, the conflicts of interest naturally arise, and in many cases, they are opposed to each other. For example, Christianity and Islam, and even within Islam, have entered into irreconcilable and bloody conflicts, fighting each other to the death.

China has also experienced many foreign invasions and rules, but no foreign ethnic groups have been able to carry out cultural replacement, and Chinese civilization has continued.

So what is Chinese civilization?

Dr. John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg, who published The Virus Should Wake Up the West and pointed out: Since the time of Hobbes (1588-1679), China, not Europe, has been the center of administrative excellence. China has the most advanced civil service in the world; whose members are scholarly civil servants selected from across the vast empire through rigorous Imperial Examination. While the Europe was a bloody battlefield ruled by rival feudal families and Gov-positions were either assigned by birth or bought and sold like furniture.

Since 1400s, Western missionaries have continued to enter China, and successive Chinese governments have not restricted their missionary activities. However, the missionaries carried out cultural substitution for their own sake, to brainwash Chinese believers by stopping their expectation of Confucius and ancestor worship. As a result, the believers became furious, drove out the missionaries and burned down the church. Later, the European Pope issued a special decree allowing Chinese believers to respect Confucius and worship their ancestors. However, Christianity did not become popular in China. Because of, invading God cannot compete with the status of local Confucian and Chinese ancestors in the minds of Chinese people.

In contrast, European missionaries were humanize-cultured by the connection between China's Imperial Examination system and civil service recruitment, a political system that prioritized merit over birth or bloodline and allowed for social mobility. Quesnay, the leader of French Physiocrats, who praised China as a constitutional despotism in 1760s; he supported China's elite political concept of giving political power to scholars and openly advocated the adoption of Chinese institutions.

The Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty can be considered to be established by invading ethnic groups. However, they had to use the existing local culture to govern and could not replace it with their own one. Instead, they used the barbaric nature of their horse people to resist the attacks of other ethnic groups; also continued expansion of territory, greatly developed and strengthened the old civilization of China.

According to Baidu Encyclopedia, the Qing Dynasty (1616-1912) was a feudal dynasty established by the Manchus who occupied the northeastern region of China. It lasted for 296 years and integrated more than 50 ethnic groups in unprecedentedly unified and China's traditional society has achieved unprecedented developed and grew as a unified multi-ethnic world power. Under his rule, territorial sovereignty was actively expanded. The population exceeded 400 million, accounting for nearly half of the world's total population of one billion at that time.

It can be seen that the respecting Confucianism, worshiping ancestors, and selecting officials by Imperial Examination are the ballast of Chinese civilization. It remains unchanged in responding to all of changes as a pot of melting foreign ethnic groups and cultures. Many foreign ethnic groups and cultures have trickled into the long river of civilization of China. It is said that 30% of Chinese vocabulary comes from ancient Indian Buddhist teachings.

India has no ballast of its own civilization and has become a dumping ground for foreign civilizations.

The selfish animal instinct of people can never be changed lifelong. Therefore, so called humanization of human beings actually it is the humanization of social governance, it is to establish government and then by Gov-power curbing the excessive exertion of human greedy instinct of the minority to ensure the survival of the majority. The evil of the Neoliberalism capitalist economy is at that it legally emasculates the function of government in humanized social governance and facilitates the greedy play of a few people, making it impossible for the majority people make a living.

If you asked me to sum up Western civilization in the most concise way, it would be freedom. Freedom is the main axis, penetrating all aspects of Western politics, economy and society like an evil poisonous arrow, driving human evil souls to freely spread and create all kinds of disasters. Modern research has proven that human self-reproduction is accompanied by brain-disabled people, who are unable to think and behave rationally and are in a state of inhumanity. Freedom precisely meets the delusional instincts of these people, so they are eager to pursue and desperately promote democracy and freedom around the world.

The purpose of establishing a government in human society is to use the administrative power of the government to suppress the anti-social behavior of some mentally defects people and create a peaceful livable life. However, democratic politics turns the government into a political game, by which attracts social rubbish playing as means of making livings, and giving the driving power of State Apparatus that determines the fate of the country and people to the people in anti-social mentality to have been disrupting social governance.

In the democracies that make rich by plundering wealth through military and economic means; on their bustling streets, people are busy or leisurely enjoying life; suddenly, there is a loud bang from a deliberately placed bomb, and many people lie lying in a pool of blood. In families, people are happily enjoying birthday gatherings, in churches; people are enjoying the joy of weddings and in classrooms, teachers and students are enjoying the joy of imparting knowledge; suddenly, gunfire breaks out, and people run away crying or lying in a pool of blood; those happen in the peaceful times of peaceful countries, but are ruined by liberal democracy.

In order to please voters, democratic politicians raise interest rates to curb inflation. As a result, it becomes more difficult to produce the material wealth that needed for human survival, and making daily necessities more expensive unaffordable. The basic driving engine of inflation is that plutocratic politics using political contribution to corrupt and coerce politicians and then drive the State Apparatus to carry out greedy plunder, resulting in the vast majority unable to survive.

For example, the world's grain prices are determined by the four major grain merchants that controlled by the United States. The British Guardian once commented on their influence: As long as a person is alive, she or he cannot escape their shadow. Aug. 6, 2021, article Crop giant Cargill reports biggest profit in 156-year history reports that in 2021, when people troubled by inflation, the commodity powerhouse Cargill Inc. cashed highest profit in its 156-year history; which fed 14 billionaires among its ruling circle.

Since ancient times, Europeans have been in killing each other in home yards and later they are looting and killing all of over the world. After democratization, they played government with the separation of powers, which improved obvious bestiality in the past. Therefore, they pride themselves on being a modern civilization. However, they are still carrying out military and economic plunder, which does not change the behavior driven by animalistic genes at all.

The social elites nourished by the culture of Western civilization in the genes of European looting and killing say, that the world is undergoing tremendous changes and that is the control power in shifting; which is someone lost to someone gain. However, I think that it is the wrong view of the ignorant people. Actually as my view, it is the changes in the political model in social governance. The democratic politics and its relied ideologies that grew out of the looting and killing bloody culture of Europe have euthanically failed and leaving world in the chaos and made people unlivable.

The way out to solve the existential crisis that is faced by mankind is to adopt any successful capable model in social governance by dumping evil-maker liberal democracy and its relied ideologies into garbage bin. Such as:

The Israelites are the most intelligent and hard-working nationality; they should easily understand that faced with huge Islamic world, the only way out for Israelis dealing with the conflict with Palestinian Hamas is to give up the attempt by own govern-power creates a peaceful life, which is impossible; the feasible way is to stop hatred toward peaceful reconciliation to cooperate with Hamas, by their powerful leadership helps to create a life of co-prosperity.

Otherwise; without improvement of the life of the Palestinian people will be no peace. Even if it is reluctantly with somewhat sadness, but we must accept the actuality that Hamas in Palestine is a kind of political model with strong appealing based on the special political culture with a strong vitality from the fertile living environment of attractive appealing to create a better life for the Palestinians.

Lived in the specific geographic and ethnic areas with long history of extremely violent conflict in the culture or ideologies, even if it is not for long term survival concern, but it is only for current survival of not being killed from bombing, it is not willingly but have to, Israelis need to treat Hamas as a government and cooperate with them and use their strengths to help creating a co-prosperity life, the results will be better for both; otherwise; the result of accumulating hatred will only be to gain more hatred to be hurt.

The more wins Israel's battles become, the more dangerous the situation becomes, the more unsuitable to survive for the Israelis.

As Professor of Jewish descent Gad Saad at Concordia University of Canada; who posted on Twitter in Oct. 21,2023 to have warned: To all Jews around the world: Consider learning Cantonese or Mandarin and keep your fingers crossed that China allows you in. This might become the only safe place for Jews in 20+years.Tragic but true.

Obviously, rational Jewish descent professors has foreseen the sad reality that the attempt of eliminating Hamas; of an organization that is supported by the huge Islamic world, is impossible at all; but only will anger more Islamic people joining the fight against Israelis; by which Israelis is in ruining own root ground for self survival to be nowhere for living.

The same is true for the Taliban governance in Afghanistan. We must stop the economic sanctions in attempt to defeat its ruling; which is impossible also; so that the right way is to help them to improve their economy and people's lives, and then by the trust to gradually improve their human rights situation. A United Nations survey found that poppy cultivation dropped by 95% under the leadership of the Taliban. This is the advantage of the Taliban's strong leadership; which was that democratic governance in Afghanistan and in other countries failed in costly long efforts.

At this point; the dictatorship governance of Taliban achieved protection of human rights in a larger social scope; while the childish democratic play can never achieve this humanized contribution; besides makes reason for some smart people making livings by the smart way of useless yelling the protection of human rights.

Now, on this world, we may say that China supporting Taliban basically eradicated poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, and Myanmar Chinese armed forces basically eradicated poppy cultivation in Golden Triangle area of Southeast Asia.

YouTube: people from China teaching Afghan girls make scarves and pay them salary.


YouTube: people from China help produce and purchase pine nuts in Afghanistan



Afghanistan exports about 23,000 tons of pine nuts to China every year, which can bring Afghanistan US$800 million in revenue.

According to the World Bank, Afghanistan's per capita GDP is only US$508, and nearly 40% of the population is in absolute poverty. Actually Afghanistan’s mineral resources are rich with a total value exceed US$3 trillion. Afghans are poor people lying on gold mines. China is helping them export minerals and create them a prosperous life.

Humanized people must admit that the Western democratic governance has failed in Afghanistan; even if it is in their own democratic played countries, such as, the United States, the self-proud of beacon of democracy, which has been promoting democracy by force; but in own ruled country has been continuing to provoke wars and bombing others, own innocent citizens have been constantly being shot by uncontrollable gun abusing, and endless social riots impact social governance.

Trace back history; some people touted liberal democracy and its relied ideologies have been making troubles even disasters for human world; it was just because of democracy helped Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy to have gotten political power and political appealing to fabricate evil ideologies to dehumanize kind Germans and Italians as reckless fighters to have swept world and killed dozens of millions of people.

Why humanize-designed liberal democracy made human society into inhuman way?

Feb. 17, 2020, researchers in Duke University of USA and Otago University of New Zealand publish research report Associations between life-course-persistent antisocial behaviour and brain structure in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort reveals that 23% of antisocial kids reduced to 12% stay in lifelong antisocial in a population since birth. Compared with healthy people, MRI brain scans show that the antisocial group had anatomically reduction in the surface area in 282 of 360; which associated with executive function, affect regulation, and motivation.

Nov 7, 2008, article Teenage Bullies are Rewarded With Pleasure, Brain Scans Show reports that the aggressive teenage boys triggered parts of their brain associated with pleasure when watching others being bullied. July 3, 2016, article Bullies' Brains Wired To Get Pleasure From Aggression: Study reports that the brains of bullies' are wired to seek pleasure from picking on victims.

May 26, 2017, in article What science can reveal about the psychological profiles of terrorists, the Professor of Psychology Dr, Coral Dando wrote that: “What went though the mind of the suicide bomber Salman Abedi just before he blew himself up in Manchester this week, killing 22 people? We often dismiss terrorists as non-humans, monsters, at first. But when we learn that they were seemingly normal individuals with families and jobs, it’s hard not to wonder about how their minds really work.” The study Quantitative evaluation of gender bias in astronomical publications from citation counts revealed reason: 

In compared with non-criminals, the terrorists have no differences in the terms of IQ or executive functioning besides the difference in moral cognition in poor moral reasoning; which means that the dead killers are living among us as same as normal people in unidentifiable before them making tragedies.

The fatal harm of the flaws in human intelligence is in political field. Social governance relying on quality politicians who can make rational judgment on social problems and provide correct solution, but, studies show that the innate structure of human brain is in decisively affecting people’s political judgment; so that people’s political attitudes do not come from the reasoning according to the observation on the practical world, but from innate brain structure naturally determined in advance without relation with reality.

Apr. 26, 2011, the researchers in University College London of UK published their meaningful studies, Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults. The researchers MRI brain scanned 90 healthy young adults who self-reported their political attitudes confidentially on a five-point scale from “very liberal” to “very conservative”. They found that the increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex was significantly associated with liberalism; while the increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism.

Mar. 7, 2017, the Professor Mario F. Mendez at UCLA who published article A Neurology of the Conservative-Liberal Dimension of Political Ideology indicates that “Many studies now indicate that differences between extreme conservatives and extreme liberals are not entirely due to differences in socioeconomic, cultural, or other learned attributes, or rational consideration of the issues. It is also associated with differences in personality, attention, memory, perception, emotional reactions, problem-solving, and response choices.”

We may extend this cognitive phenomenon from the political realm to daily life. The fact revealed that it is the innate brain structure in decisively determining the cognitive function of people. Such an inherent physiological function will create habitual psychological stereotypes; and which will produce extremely dangerous social effects by badly affecting people's correct perception for the ongoing true essence of what is happening, thus results in the inability of people for timely correcting mistakes.                          

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.

British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) who indicates that: “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” 

For human social governance, the psychological behaviors of people in social activities are the most lethal. People grouping social activities will naturally produce crowd psychology. In order not to stand out from the group to be excluded by the mainstream, rational people choose to remain silent and let irrational opinions dominate.

It is just the complexity of human nature and the complexity of Crowd Psychology leads social governance kidnapped by low quality people and this is the reason of the power of State Apparatus is often used for exerting the beastly mentality of some individual; and which is the root cause that the Europe once stays in long Dark Ages and world has been in forced towards increasingly unlivable with made large amount nuclear weapons for times destruction of the world.

It is just the complexity of human nature accompanying with complexity of human psychology decided the complexity and difficulty in the governance of human society; and caused formation of the variety of civilization on Earth in radical different quality, China was in long peace providing world with life necessaries and some are endlessly provoking wars for wealth, for faith, or for any reasons to live in the way of Law of Jungle as that of lower animals doing.

Now you will understand that why China strictly controls ideologies; selects outstanding entrepreneurs and scholars as lawmakers; and set 7 members’ politburo as top leadership; as discipline, without collective consensus, no one allowed to free talk at will; and which is the best way to avoid personal dictatorship.

The social governance of China was developed in a peaceful environment of unified dozens of races in centralized governance since ancient times; under powerful stable royal power that could last for hundreds of years, and then by imperial examinations selects outstanding talents to engage in social governance. Until right now, it has been promoting scholars, scientists and engineers in technocratic Democracy social governance.

The social governance of West was developed in Europe populated like ants nests looting and killing environment. The democratic political design hopes that multi-party mutually supervision may ensure a quality government; but has no quality control on players; the multiparty supervision used to maliciously opposition of lawmakers deadly fighting disabling social governance and ruins the life of people and themselves. 

In 2006, Prof. Dr. Niall Ferguson who published book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West to disappointedly indicate that, why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 major military conflicts.

April 2019, article US the most warlike nation in the history of the world: Carter said that former President Jimmy Carter indicated that, the U.S. is the most warlike nation in the history of the world and has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history, because of a tendency to try to force others to “adopt American principles.”

April 2023, the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on Twitter indicated the different deeds of the U.S. and China: “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.”

It is clear that today if China does not develop enough armed forces to self defense, these politicians in bestial genetic instincts will invade and plunder China several times just like that the bestiality deeds of their bestial ancestors did in century ago.

Trace back the history since democratization in the West; it has proven that liberal democracy and its relied ideologies provide opportunities for low-quality people who have no ability to think and behave rationally, allowing them freely display their anti-human nature. Some of them act as political gamblers dysfunction of government; while the most of them act as reckless beasts messing human society unlivable.

The facts were clear that liberal democracy is a childish game by granting the steering wheel of the State Apparatus to mindless low quality people by looking for harming others as pleasure.

As my view from the current development trend of childish democratic game play, those self-proud secular democratic played countries will euthanasia themselves and let the entire world to be buried with them together, makes humans have no way to survive. In contrast, the non-secular Countries in religious governance are able to survive because that they use extreme means to deal with people who behave against humanity.

Please look at Mr. Mohammed bin Salman of the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia and Mr. Abdullah bin Zayed of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the United Arab Emirates, who showed outstanding rationality and prudent manner in handling government affairs and diplomatic affairs.

In contrast, the most of the democratic played politicians have shown their childish nature to be no different from the manner of the terrorists. They constantly clamor that democracy and non-existent international rules are being threatened, and waste a lot of people's life-saving money to develop weapons of mass destruction, without considering that it will destroy the world and the life of themselves and their families.

Liberal democracy has been helping low quality people ruining human world.

Everything has two sides, we must flexibly use of the positive side to rationally compromise and integrate in social governance; otherwise, nothing can be solved.

Hamas and Taliban may be the only model that is able to give people a peaceful life since humans evolved into higher animals by eliminating the sources of drugs and wars.

Human society develops this day, the social governance has been evolved as that of establishing legislature legislates policy to pave orbit, then society runs accordingly; we may imitate the political model of ancient China, under powerful stable royal power by outstanding social elites form legislature performing social governance.

Hamas and Taliban may play a role as that of stable royal power of ancient China.

Europe bloody soil based Western civilization has animalistic genes in everything. For example, the independent judiciary leaves the fate of the country and people to the dictatorship of a few old people who cannot count on their own fingers; many of legislations passed by the legislative body initiated by the most of people have been struck down by one or more of the Supreme Court's judges under the name unconstitutional.

In the United States, more and more innocents are shot and killed by out-of-control guns, and man-made tragedies continue again and again. Looking back at the history of the gun bans, the resolutions of gun bans passed by legislative bodies at all levels have been rejected by Supreme Court judges by the name unconstitutional, due to that 232-year-old Second Amendment to the United States Constitution supports civilian ownership of guns.

At the old days of social chaos, the legislation of the Second Amendment was a wise move. However, today times have changed, and private gun ownership has become a social nuisance. However, the top judges in the United States still use outdated laws from time to time to protect legal gun ownership to kill innocents.

                        --- Frank Li, Nov. 23. 2023

Since ancient times, Chinese ancestors have recognized the role of ideology in reshaping human nature. Since Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC–256 BC), government has started to control ideologies by developing a ritual and music system to educate people on etiquette to standardize social behavior - young people must respect and support their elders, ministers must respect and follow monarch by a specific physical gesture of respectation. Later, 771BC started wars destroyed the ritual and music system, and the government forced the use of Confucianism that tries to restore the ritual and music system of Zhou with added new thoughts to educate people on humanized behave; by which made people of China in collective quality and created a relative longer peaceful life.

While, the European looting and killing bloody soil based Western Civilization has never think of controlling ideologies and never think of educating people; but proud of freedom allows freely fabricating ideologies, such as, allows hating and killing of each others’ religions to wash the brain of people to tear people and society into the state of mutually hostility and killing. Now, in bloody soil budded West, the democratic player politicians use various humane reasons to condemn the bloody war and killings between Israel and Palestine. However, if we trace back to their root cause of bloody killings, it is the extreme ideologies fabricated in history that are doing the evil.

Why do professor of Jewish descent Gad Saad said that China might become the only safe place for Jews in 20+years; tragic but true? Because of, the outstanding professor realized that China was the only country that has not used extremist ideologies to brainwash own people, so that their people have always been in a humanized state. During World War II, the vast world was hunting down Israelis everywhere, but China took the initiative to accept the Israelis. In Shanghai, the Japanese who invaded China responded to the request of Western fascists to trap the Israelis to death; but, a century long foreign invasion killing and plundering impoverished starving people of China; secretly delivered food to the Israelites to help them survived, while at that time, Chinese diplomat He Fengshan risked his life to issue visas to Israelis.

Looking back at history, China strictly controls ideology and uses favorable ideologies to educate its citizens and govern the country rationally. However, in the West, fabricating ideologies has become a necessary way to govern their country by brainwashing their people. As the result, in this world, the Israelis are the ethnic group that was mostly persecuted by extremist religious ideologies. They had to wander around in nowhere to settle and established their current country in an uninhabited desert. For this reason, the Israelis particularly cherish own country and have built own country into a surprisingly wealthy, technologically advanced and beautiful home.

However, the hopeful life is facing unsolvable existential crisis, which is the conflict with Palestinian Hamas that backed by the huge Islamic world, the more radical Israel's methods are, the worse the consequences will be, and it cannot solve the problem at all; besides makes the matter worse and worse. Perhaps it is necessary to change the corresponding thinking, from confrontation to reconciliation will be an only long term peaceful way.

Nov. 5, 2023, UN survey: Opium cultivation declines by 95 per cent in Afghanistan, Opium poppy production in Afghanistan has plummeted since the de facto authorities imposed a drug ban last year, new UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) data reveals. The survey also noted the sharp reduction has had immediate humanitarian consequences for many vulnerable rural communities who relied on the income from cultivating opium. There was report that former poppy growers switch to tomatoes.

Perhaps, only the unique governance method of the current Taliban government is able to quickly eliminate drug production in Afghanistan; which should be helped rationally. However many countries go on wrong way of making sanction of Taliban government. But the government of China realized the positive role of Taliban rules and has been helping Taliban government to restore its economy, especially increases import from Afghanistan, so that their economy can continue to develop. China never considers ideology and political system in its interactions with other countries, but resects their ideology and political system.

On YouTube, talking about global south; American economic strategist David P. Goldman said that the influence of China among billions of people is enormous and we in the United States have tended to look at these places as baggage, so we don't take them seriously. The Chinese take them seriously and the longest the biggest challenge to American influence in the world, long term is China's ability to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy. You're talking about people going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or15 a day which is the beginning of dignity; and that is something we've really dropped the ball on we we're doing almost nothing in that area; we've ignored it.

Israel should learn from China, to cooperate with Hamas, and relies on their strong leadership to improve the lives of the Palestinian people, and then the hatred will be gradually eased. This process may need the replacement of several generations.

Please remember what Professor Gad Saad has warned; as Jewish descent, Professor was in full hearted concerning for the long term future of Israelis.



Thanks again with a lots thanks in 90 degree bow.

--- Frank Li, Morning, Nov. 22. 2023 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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· 说给陈启宗博士 不要悲观绝望 而
· 西方文明的产物扭曲人性 把人变
· 中国不战而胜 印度军团摧毁祖国
· Chinese Medicine can enhance i
· Chinese Medicine can promote W
· Recover Mental Disorders by Ch
· Chinese Medicine can promote C
· Chinese Medicine can Reduce St
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