早晨带着女儿从楼上下来,儿子正准备吃早餐。我走去端老公热好的奶,准备往里加咖啡。回头看见女儿爬上餐 桌的椅子,大声用英文说:“做饭前祷告(pray before you eat.)” 朋友们总是说女儿说话带着权威,可是这也是让儿子最抓狂的,照儿子的话讲女儿总是让他出糗(She always make me look bad.) 按理说儿子大女儿几乎6岁,可女儿从三岁起就开始小嘴说个不停,还会和儿子说:“上帝 不喜欢你这样做(God does not like you do it this way)!" 当然有时候是为了她自己的利益给哥哥扣大帽子 ,这时我就会说她不能“假公济私”。女儿会立刻顺服,还说:“妈妈说的对,不能随便论断别人,不然 就上不了天堂,只能下地狱了。(Mommy is right, we can't pass judgement to others, otherwise we can't go to heaven and can only go to hell)。" 听得我一身冷汗,平时和老公讲自己怎样努力排除万难, 靠主得胜管住自己舌头的心得体会,都被女儿活学活用了!难怪说身教最重要! 眼看女儿用命令的口气和儿子说话,儿子一般在这种时候的反应都是提高声音对女儿说:“管好你自己(Mind your own business)!” 刚想过去调解,儿子已经闭上眼睛开始饭前祷告。心中的感恩泉涌而出,对儿子说:“感谢主!妈妈很高兴你能谦卑下来不计较妹妹的态度,只听她说的话有没有道理!(Praise the Lord! I really like you humble attitude toward your sister, you only care if what she said is right and not the tone she said it.)” 转过头对女儿说:“妈妈很高兴你记得提醒大家饭前祷告, 以后讲话再温和一些效果会更好!(I like that you remind everyone to pray before eating. It would be great if you could say it in a softer tone in the future.)" 兄妹俩满脸幸福笑得象花一样。 [Psalm 43:5]Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God! 心里有主的孩子是被祝福的! |