眺望世界最美的十大海滩之一Megan Beach。

走近著名的Megan Beach

登上St Thomas的最高峰,眺望整个城市。




第三站: 波多黎各的San Juan
波多黎各经历过西班牙, 荷兰, 法国, 英国的统治, 再回到西班牙统治, 最后变成美国属地。波多黎各是战略要地, 各国都要来抢。最后一次是美西战争(美国先向西班牙提出要买这个岛,西班牙不卖, 美国就打), 打的很厉害, 西班牙远, 援助跟不上, 法国出来调停 (法国人有利益在这个岛 ), 所以最后一次停战协议是在巴黎用法文签的。虽然波多黎各是美国属地, 但西班牙语是政府和百姓的主要语言。
这个岛一直是女性多于男性, 现在62% 人口是女性, 据说据哥伦布记载, 岛上原住民不穿衣服(因为这里一年到头不冷), 只有当女的愿意跟某个男的"结婚", 那个男的就用"布" 把那个女的身体裹一段, 被裹"布"的女人, 你们别追了。
这个岛风景很美。岛上淡水充足(一片云飘来, 就撒一阵雨), 地方不大, 还有免费的公共汽车和敞篷车, 各站随便上下, 如果时间允许, 徒步加公共交通就能游玩。
Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin 就是波多黎各人。
San Juan has an old walled city with more than 400 years of history and a modern resort city that is thriving and full of life.
In the new part of town, you will see luxury hotels, casinos, nightclubs and many restaurants in Condado area.
San Juan's Old Town is UNESCO World Heritage Site which has history that spans more than 450 years. Many restored and renovated buildings, homes and fortifications are divided by narrow streets paved with cobblestones. If you walk west along the Paseo de la Princesa (Princess Promenade), you will pass the La Fortaleza, which is currently the official residence of the Governor of Puerto Rico, San Juan Cathedral, Capilla de Cristo, Fort San Cristobal and travel along the coast road to El Morro, where you will have a photo stop from the street.




最后一站: Grand Turk and Caicos'
Grand Turk Island
Grand Turk 是一个未开发的岛屿。岛上居民仅4000人。这里以晒盐为生。岛上没有监狱,治安有序,人们互相之间都很熟悉。因为未开发,岛上没有一个像样的商店。很多人每周坐船去主要岛屿买菜。我们的渡轮本来不来这里,这是临时改道。没想到,这里竟是我最喜欢的地方。蓝天白云,纯净自然,身临其境,恍如仙境。
Grand Turk Island is one of islands of Turks and Caicos nation. Some say that it is the site of Columbus’ first landfall in 1492. There are only 4,000 people living in the island. The island’s major industry is salt trade.
Island's top attractions include the former United States Air Force Tracking Base and a replica of Astronaut John Glenn’s Friendship 7 space capsule, which splashed down off the island’s coast in 1962 following the United States’ first successful manned orbit of the earth.
There are several 18th-century churches, beautiful Bermudan-style buildings, and salt ponds. In this peaceful town you may also see wild horses and donkeys freely roaming the streets.
A replica of Astronaut John Glenn’s Friendship 7 space capsule


岛上以晒盐为生。 这片池塘就是用来晒盐的。


岛上的灯塔。This lighthouse has been in service for more than 150 years. Built in London in 1852 and shipped to Grand Turk, it was assembled in hopes of saving the salt trade.



