我是流着泪看完这段录相的! 太惨了, 陈坚, 你都坚持了三天三夜了, 三层预制板都没有压垮你, 好不容易被救出来了,你怎么就这样走了?
可是, 看完后我又很气愤! 仰天长啸呀! 一个电视台的瓜女子, 和几个救援队的瓜娃子, 生生地把救人变成了杀人!
记得在美国考驾照, 手册上其中有一部分就说如果发生车祸, 对受伤的人不要移动他的身体. 不移可能没事,移了非残即死.
再看陈坚, 三层预制板压在背上三天, 估计脊柱可能受伤了. 这时求援人员应轻轻地在他身下垫块木板, 然后拖着木板把他拉出来. 可那几个瓜娃子呢, 直接拉陈坚的胳膊, 人确实给拉出来了, 本来受伤的脊柱这时可能也被拉断了. 当时陈坚地就痛得直唉哟. 几个瓜娃子还一个劲说, “坚持一下,陈坚”. 然后呢, 又是直接拉着胳膊把陈坚放到担架上. 如果脊柱有伤, 这么一折腾, 不死也是终生残疾. 当他们发现陈坚不吱声了, 竟然直接让陈坚翻过身来抢救. 这下可好, 马上让陈坚断了气!
最可恨的, 那个电视台的瓜女子, 让被压的陈坚一会谈谈被压感想, 一会跟老婆说几句心里话….本来就只有半条命的陈坚, 被她这么一煽情, 激动万分, 用尽了最后的力气, 把感想变成了遗言.
还有呀, 这样的重伤员, 救出来后应马上用直升机送到医院. 可他们, 愣是抬着担架往山下走. 唉, 陈坚真是太倒霉了! 本来只是摸了下死神的鼻子尖, 大难不死, 必有后福的. 结果愣是让电视台的瓜女子和那几个好心办坏事的瓜娃子, 又重新把他推进了鬼门关.
以后记住了, 不要让电视台的瓜女子出来乱采访!! 如果遇上这样的瓜女子,直接哼“唉哟”,根本不要理她!
作者:浪宽 |
留言时间:2008-05-21 12:56:06 |
In fact, from medical point of view, a person who suffered from this kind injury (impact) may very well be fatal regardless.
作者:浪宽 |
留言时间:2008-05-21 13:24:32 |
If anybody does believe me, please check for yourself.
压伤综合症(Crush syndrome),是指大范围的肌肉受到挤压伤害,造成血液动力不稳定性休克、高血钾、代谢性酸血症、急性肾衰竭。若躯干挤压合并腹部创伤者死亡率更高。
Crush syndrome
Written by:DoctorNDTV team
Also known as: Rhabdomyolysis
What is it? What are the other causes? What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed? How is it treated?
What is it?
Crush syndrome is a condition caused when an excessive force is applied to a group of muscles for a long time. If the injury damages, which damages the muscles very severely, a toxic protein called myoglobin and others like potassium and phosphorus are released in large quantities in the body. The toxins are released from the muscles in the area where the load is the maximum. These toxins enter the blood stream and reach the heart. In most cases, this degeneration of muscle starts about 20 minutes after the muscle has been crushed.
These toxins may result in life threatening complications like acute kidney failure, heart attack and blockage of blood vessels. Kidney failure is caused due to blockage of the tubules that filter the waste. These toxins block the tubules destroying the kidney cells. This can result in kidney failure requiring dialysis.
What are the other causes?
Apart from being caused by injury to the muscle, crush syndrome may have other causes:
Hereditary causes – there may be inherent defects in the body\'s carbohydrate digesting mechanism.
It may be caused due to excessive exertion or heat stroke. Alcoholism induced coma or seizures.
Some drugs and toxins may also cause this syndrome. These include some cholesterol lowering drugs like clofibrate and gemfibrozil.
What are the symptoms?
The syndrome is generally marked by very specific symptoms that can be easily detected by the doctor. Some of them are: Decreased blood supply to the brain due to shock (hypovolaemic shock) resulting in altered consciousness or even coma.
Muscular weakness due to increased potassium in the blood
Pale, cold and clammy skin
Weak and rapid pulse
Absence of pain in the affected region
Decreased urine output.
How is it diagnosed?
The condition is diagnosed by conducting certain tests like urine myoglobin, serum CPK and a host of chemical test including serum creatinine, BUN and a total bilirubin count.
How is it treated?
The simplest form of treatment is to make the patient consume a lot of water and other liquids. This helps to dilute the acid concentration of the blood and also helps the kidneys to excrete myoglobin better. This ensures adequate availability of fluids and oxygen to all the tissues.
Before medical aid arrives, some first aid may be provided to the victim. This includes pulling away excessive load from the victim\'s head, chest and abdomen. The patient should be constantly reassured till medical help is available and should be treated for any other minor injuries. However, treatment measure is primarily surgical in case the limb is crushed very badly and has lost the ability to function.
Fluids may need to be given into the vein. The crushed tissues need to be removed urgently by an operation. If there is kidney failure, the patient may need dialysis.
Rescued victims still face \'crush syndrome\' danger
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/world/5786689.html |