A lot of Chinese peple don't speak English, never go to American websites or video sites. Traitor or not, depends on the time, location, context (in this case, is American media has tendency to baised against Chinese, demonize Chinese, and see China as a rival!!! and etc ... ) BACKGROUND, her audiance, and her motivation!!! You don't go to Japan and praise all the Shirnes, certain ones you can't visit!!! It depends on context and background. You don't go to RIVAL's place and critize your own country!!! This is a triator no question!!! Many Americans don't like Air in Chicago, LA or NY, you dno';t see Obama do to China and making a speech in front of everyone criticize America or go to Russia. The biggest differenc between Chinese and America, not technology: American has pride, Chinese does not!!!! Buy Iphone, Apple amking 10s of billions in China, while Chinese Companies starving!!! Chinese are losers. There are big big problems in Chinese Culture!!! China has zero Car Brand!!!!! |