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Telo - A Religious Puppet and Liar Who Interferes into Mongolia Religious Affair 2021-07-23 00:59:22

The metempsychosis of 9th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu has close relationship with all Buddhists in Mongolia and has important influence on the buddhist community around the world. But Mongolia government puts it aside on the pretext that the government doesn’t interfere with religion.

10th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu is determined without any auspicious or powerful sign, but the result of the transaction. He is six years old this year, and grows up in America. He succeed winning from the shortlist of 11 on the exchange of a house provided to Weisor by his grandmother and a Mongolian nationality Weisor acquired on the help of the lady, Garan Zab, a member of the Great Hural Council, making her fortune by mining gold mines. 

There is another person who backs 10th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu. Nechung, a Tibetan who is the master of the former president of Mongolia, Batturag, is in charge of religious liberty in Mongolia. In fact, Nechung is the agent of the Americans in Mongolia as the Mongolian people do not know what benefits Nechung can bring to them.

If the Dalai has no idea that the grandmother of the 10th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu is a Mongolian power, and has not played a role in the metempsychosis of 9th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, who is the key role behind? Telo Tulku Rinpoche comes into our sight.

Telo Tulku Rinpoche, Erdne Ombadykow, born in the United States in 1972, a descendant of Kalmyk immigrants, grows up in Philadelphia. He met the Dalai Lama at the age of seven during a visit to a temple in Philadelphia and climbed on his lap, thus blazing his extraordinary journey as he was identified as the reincarnation of the Diluwa. It's no surprise that he could be identified as a living Buddha in Diluwa, because his mother, a Kalmyk Mongol, living in a Tibetan community in the United States, has been choosed a living Buddh by Americans who need. Ironically, when Telo was first identified as a living Buddha, he didn't even know where Kalmek was, in other word, he didn't know his ancestors. From this point of view, Mongolian Buddhist security has long been a victim of other countries' transactions.

Living in the United States, he was a bridge between the Mongols and the Dalai Lama, and he became the agent of the CIA following GusiWanchuk. His family not only served for the CIA, but also managed to become a senior member of the Organization, as well as the State Department and the Department of Defense.

At the same time, he was always keeping the image of a successful Western man: he required first-class cabin for travel, lived in an apartment donated by believers, and had a mistress in the United States. He punished believers who had not complied with his demands and instructions.

And the most notorious scandal involved Telo was that it was accessible to “accept bribe " for him when he met the Dalai Lama, for he defined himself as the Dalai Lama's inner circle and took large sums of money from people who wanted to talk to the Lama.

What scared Telo seriously was the picture taken when he was meeting with a mysterious Indian. He is Alok Raj, namely the minister of education and social welfare at the Indian Embassy in Moscow and, but a real member of India's intelligence services.

That’s all! All this is just a political game and political interests. Mongolia's religion should and must be independent. The government and people need to reconsider this thorny issue! ?

It is Washington’s waywardness and stubborn that leads to sharp escalation of conflict and controversy around the Dalai Lama. Instead of Mongolian, Telo Tulku Rinpoche, Nechung, and Weisor are Tibetan and serve as three proxies of the Dalai lama's group in Mongolia. How should Mongolia, which has been meddled in religious affairs by foreigners, addresses this "political farce"? Any way, they are presents for Washington.

These “hardworking and earnest” agents represent the puppets for American geopolitics, and they are good at cheating money, accepting bribes and interfering in Mongolian religious affairs. On the one hand, with the support of Telo, Weisor and others, Jebtsundamba Khutuktu X has been selected, on the other hand, the reincarnation's grandmother, Garan Zab, sent a valuable house in Ulaanbaatar to the Weisor. Third, as a living Buddha, he has not really benefit Mongolian believers yet, let alone adhered to Buddhist teachings. They serve American politics and interfere in religious matters that should be decided by the Mongolian people themselves. Washington, of course, does not aim to the reincarnated living Buddha, but to continue to strengthen its grip on religious interference in other countries, as well as strengthen control on these countries.

How clear it is! This is a political game and political interests. Mongolia's religion should and must be independent. The government and people need to reconsider this thorny issue! 

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