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说大家都认可的道理, 原谅别人过去的错误, 做个对得起自己的人!-曾用名:BFTS  
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细胞和基因组 2016-12-07 19:52:52

咱琢磨着,是不是除了政治和时事的问题以外,咱也开始慢慢地弄一点点别的东西。首先从翻译开始吧!这是一篇咱以前的习作,贴上来看看有没有人有兴趣读。本人非常的感谢,如果有人能够帮咱,不管是文字上还是甚至是意思上作一些调整,使之更符合原文。附原文在下,[Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition, pp3]。




Cell and Genome  [Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition, pp3]

The surface of our planet is populated by living things-curious, intricately organized chemical factories that take in matter from their surroundings and use these raw materials to generate copies of themselves. The living organisms appear extraordinarily diverse in almost every way. What could be more different than a tiger and a piece of seaweed, or a bacterium and a tree? Yet our ancestors, knowing nothing of cells or DNA, saw that all these things had something in common. They called that something "life," marveled at it, struggled to define it, and despaired of explaining what it was or how it worked in terms that relate to nonliving matter.

The discoveries of the twentieth century have not diminished the marvel, quite the contrary. But they have lifted away the mystery surrounding the nature of life. We can now see that all living things are made of cells, and that these units of living matter all share the same machinery for their most basic functions. Living things, though infinitely varied when viewed from the outside, are fundamentally similar inside. The whole of biology is a counterpoint between the two themes: astonishing variety in individual particulars; astonishing constancy in fundamental mechanisms. In this first chapter we begin by outlining the features that are universal to all living things. We then survey, briefly, the diversity of cells. And we see how, thanks to the common code in which the specifications for all living organisms are written, it is possible to read, measure, and decipher these specifications to achieve a coherent understanding of all the forms of life, from the smallest to the greatest.

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作者:安博 留言时间:2017-01-31 19:46:15


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作者:BFTS 回复 Luo_Wang 留言时间:2016-12-23 17:08:38


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作者:Luo_Wang 留言时间:2016-12-17 10:47:39


The surface of our planet is populated by living things-curious, intricately organized chemical factories that take in matter from their surroundings and use these raw materials to generate copies of themselves. The living organisms appear extraordinarily diverse in almost every way. What could be more different than a tiger and a piece of seaweed, or a bacterium and a tree? Yet our ancestors, knowing nothing of cells or DNA, saw that all these things had something in common. They called that something "life," marveled at it, struggled to define it, and despaired of explaining what it was or how it worked in terms that relate to nonliving matter.



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作者:BFTS 回复 ladybug 留言时间:2016-12-08 17:09:59

There will be more to come! But I am afraid that it is too much technical that not many people will be interested in. 周末准备贴一个难度高一点点的。没有人来读,那只好自己欣赏了。咱已经喊过几次老度度了,他都装洋不过来哼一声!他一般都是偷偷的打个转就走。

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作者:ladybug 回复 BFTS 留言时间:2016-12-08 16:52:09

Well done!

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作者:BFTS 留言时间:2016-12-08 07:55:52


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作者:嘎拉哈 回复 嘎拉哈 留言时间:2016-12-08 02:43:04

【The discoveries of the twentieth century have not diminished the marvel, quite the contrary. But they have lifted away the mystery surrounding the nature of life.】


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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2016-12-08 02:04:42


【The surface of our planet is populated by living things-curious, intricately organized chemical factories that take in matter from their surroundings and use these raw materials to generate copies of themselves.】

---- 我们的地球表面,充斥着各种各样的活物。这些怪兮兮的活物,就像一个个错综复杂但却有序的化工厂。这些工厂以周围的普通物质为原材料来复制它们自己。

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作者:文庙 留言时间:2016-12-07 20:51:29







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