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注册日期: 2014-10-21
访问总量: 28,653 次
· 海外右派华人都是傻X
· 默大妈代表了西方文明的良知
· "白人意识“ - 也谈政治正
· 东施效颦-再谈北京折叠
· ”北京折叠“ 是部剽窃之作!
· 南大街的胡同串子谈珠宝,立马露
· 土豪的财富-睡美人绿松石
· 海外右派华人都是傻X
· 默大妈代表了西方文明的良知
· "白人意识“ - 也谈政治正
· 东施效颦-再谈北京折叠
· ”北京折叠“ 是部剽窃之作!
· 南大街的胡同串子谈珠宝,立马露
· 土豪的财富-睡美人绿松石
· 因为有了PLA。。。
· 测试帖: 润涛阎对于"已群
· test
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"白人意识“ - 也谈政治正确

这本来这个帖子是想贴在流浪者的 “自由,政治正确,我选川普。。。 “博文之下。 可不知为何无法发帖。只好自己出博。

This blog(自由,政治正确,我选川普。。。)” is a mere example of the colored perverts succumbing to  "white asses", well, to be politically correct,  "white consciousness."

Racial gratefulness expressed by some girls in the ensuing comments reflects nothing but slavish minds surrendering  to white knights, amputated spirits crying for prosthetic limbs and fat asses indulged in feederism, feeding on white feces like maggots feeding on decayed animal corpse.   


White consciousness germinates from racial identity, fruits into arrogance and subconscious superiority.   it is a majoritarian phenomenon which,  almost 50 yrs after Martin Luther King was assassinated,  is still omnipresnet in our society like colorless, odorless but nonetheless toxic chemicals,  posting hazardous conditions to the society as a whole.   It endears no idealism, embargos no bigotry and mends no racial resentment. 


"Political correctness" is like a rug which is used to cover racial ugliness.  It makes cultural concerns, ethnic differences, racial inequality etc. a taboo to the public. It makes truce, not peace, to racial conflicts.  "out of sight, out of mind".  


In reality, most of us are opportunistic, deriving happiness from whatever asses we can lay our hands on, white, hispanic, black or asses of our own race. 


The phenomenon of "political correctness" represents a paradox for most of us. We can't live on it but we can't live without.

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