(51) Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. —Thomas Henry Huxley 要试着学习每一件事情的某些方面,以及某些事情的每一个方面。 (52) The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once. —Samuel Smiles 做许多事情的最简捷的方法是立即只做一件事。 (53) A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year. —Marty Allen 经济学的研究通常昭示我们购买任何东西的最佳时间是在去年。 (54) As a final incentive before giving up a difficult task, try to imagine it successfully accomplished by someone you violently dislike. —K. Zenios 作为在放弃一项困难任务之前的最后激励,试想象你极其讨厌的人成功地完成了这项工作。 (55) A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognised. —Fred Allen 名人,就是艰苦工作一辈子而成为众所周知、然后戴上墨镜以防被认出的人。 (56) All generalisations are dangerous, even this one. —Alexander Fils Dumas 所有的归纳都是危险的,包括本条在内。—小仲馬 (57) The first man to fence in a piece of land saying “this is mine” and who found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau 那第一个在一块地上筑了籬笆,说“这是我的土地”,并且还发现人们单纯得竟相信了他,就是文明社会的真正奠基者。—卢梭 (58) There are so few who can grow old with a good grace. —Sir Richard Steele 极少的人能够非常乐意地进入耄耄之年。 (59) A friend is one who knows all about you but likes you just the same. —W.G.P. 朋友就是了解了你的全部而仍然喜欢你的人。 (60) You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity. —Dr A.O.Battista 一旦对金钱、赞誉和名声不再感兴趣,你就是到达了成功的颠峰。 (61) One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself. —Sara Jeannette Duncan 一个人由于不笑自己而会失去很多笑声。 (62) That list of New Year Resolutions you made last year can be used again. It’s as good as new. —W.G.P. 你可以把去年的“新年新打算一览”再次使用,它犹如新起草的一样美好。 (63) We’ve made great medical progress in the last generation. What used to be merely an itch is now an allergy. — Anonymous 在上一代我们已经取得了医学上的巨大进步,以前只不过称为“痒痒”的感觉,现在叫作“变态反应性”了。 (64) It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of disease a patient has. —William Osler 知道是什么样的人生了病比知道这人生了什么样的病要重要得多。 (65)Nothing puzzles me more than time and space; yet nothing troubles me less. —Charles Lamb 时间和空间是最使我迷茫、但也是最少烦扰我的东西。 (66) When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. —John F. Kennedy Crisis写成汉语是由两个方块字组成(危机),第一个字表示危险,另一个是机会。—约翰·肯尼迪(美国第三十五任总统) (67) The role of a retired person is no longer to possess one. —Simone de Beauvoir 一个退休人员的作用就是不再起作用。 (68) The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he’s a baby. —Natalie Wood 一个女人要改变一个男人只有在那男人是一个婴儿的时候才能真正成功。 (69) An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. —Nicholas Murray Butler 所谓专家就是越来越知道自己知道得少而又少的人。 (70) To do nothing is also a good remedy. —Hippocrates 不做任何事情也是一种补救良方。 (71) What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not been discovered. —Palph Waldo Emerson 什么是野草?就是一种其优点尚未被发现的植物。 (72) When a man opens the car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife. —Prince Philip 如果一位男士为他的妻子打开汽车的门,要么这是辆新车,要么那是位新太太。 (73) I have never seen pessimism in a Company prospectus. —Sir William Connor 我从来没有在一份公司的计划书中看到过悲观主义。 (74) If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man. —Mark Twain 如果你捡了一条饿狗并使它温饱,它便不会咬你,这就是狗与人的主要区别。—马克·吐温 (75) Parents spend the first part of a child’s life getting him to walk and talk, and the rest of his childhood getting him to sit down and shut up. —Anonymous 父母在孩子生命的最初阶段教他走路和说话,而在剩余的童年时期教他坐下和闭嘴。 (76) The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do. —James M. Barrie 幸福的奥秘不在于做你喜欢之事,而在于喜欢你不得不做的事情。 (77) The ideal committee is one with me as chairman, and two other members in bed with flu. —Lord Milverton 理想的委员会是我当主席,而另外两个委员流行性感冒躺在床上。 (78) When you cross a street, look both ways-even in a one-way street. —Andrew Rooney 当你过马路时,即使这是一条单向行车道,也得两边都要看一下。 (79) Whoever gossips to you will gossip of you. —Spanish Proverb 任何传闲话给你的人都会传你的闲话。-西班牙谚语 (80) Leisure is being allowed to do nothing. —G.K. Chesterton 闲适就是允许你不做任何时情。 (81)The human race has improved everything except the human race. —Adlai Stevenson 人类改善了除人类之外的每一样事物。 (82) Knowledge is not only power, it can also be a burden. —P.K. Shaw 知识不仅仅是力量,它也会是一种负担。 (83) One good thing about lovers is that they don’t take up much room on the public transport. —P.K. Shaw 与热恋的人们有关的一件好事是恋人们在公交车上占据的空间不大。 (84) It is not lack of love but lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. —Friedrich Neitzsche 不是缺少爱情而是缺少友情造成了不愉快的婚姻。 (85) Getting divorced just because you don’t love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do. —Zsa Zsa Gabor 仅仅因为你不爱一个男人而要与之离婚,这几乎是与单单因为你爱一个男人而要与之结婚一样愚蠢。 (86) Like can turn to love but seldom love to like. —P.K. Shaw 喜爱可以转为恋爱,但很少由恋爱变成喜爱。 (87) If you feel that some things in life are not fast enough, at least you can’t complain about your birthdays. —P.K. Shaw 如果你感到生活中有些事情来得不够快的话,至少你不能抱怨你的生日吧! (88) One should choose for a wife only a woman one would choose for a friend if she were a man. —Joseph Joubert 只有这样的女人才应该选作妻子:假如她是一个男人的话可以选作朋友。 (89) A man in love mistakes a harelip for a dimple. —Japanese Proverb 陷入爱河的男人会把一张豁嘴错当成一个酒窝。—日本谚语 (90) A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. —George Santayana 一个仅仅在学校受过教育的孩子是个未曾教化的孩子。 (91) Everyone’s responsibility is no one’s responsibility. —Anonymous 人人有责就是没人负责。 (92) Everyone lives by selling something. —Robert Louis Stevenson 每一个人都是靠卖点什么过日子。 (93) Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians. —Proverb 大自然、时间和耐心是三个伟大的医生。 (94) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? —Satchell Page 如果你不知道你有多老,你该有多老? (95) Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. —Lord Henry Bougham 教育使得一个人容易被领导,但不易被驾驭,容易被掌管,但是不可能被奴役。 (96) Three of the most powerful words in the English language are amongst the shortest. They are “If”, “Yes” and “No”. Any one of these could start a war. —J.D. Boatwood 英语中最有威力的三个词属于最短的,它们是“如果(If)”、“是(Yes)”和“不(No)”。这些词的任一个都可能引发战争。 (97) Silence is argument carried out by other means. —Ernesto “Che” Guevara 沉默是另一种意义上进行的争辩。—切·格瓦拉 (98) The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. —Winston Churchill 乐观主义者在每一样危险中看到机会,悲观主义者在每一种机会里看到危险。—丘吉尔 (99) When they are alone they want to be with others, and when they are with others they want to be alone. After all, human beings are like that. —Gertrude Stein 当孤单时,人们想与他人在一起;当与他人在一起时,人们又想独处。总的来说,人类大抵如此。 (100) It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one’s neighbour. —Eric Hoffer. 热爱整个人类要比爱你的邻居来得容易。