| 不仅是美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,欧洲多国,日本等国,应联手加大对中共的制裁和打击力度。形成更大规模的全世界围剿中共之势 2019年1月底中共国副总理刘鹤赴美谈判,这也必将是中美最后一次谈判。中美谈判该到此为止了。美国对中共,不要再谈判,谈判没用,谈判早已无济于事。中共总是好话说尽,坏事做绝,说一套做一套。即使中共表面上说扩大开放,保护外商权益,不准以行政手段强制技术转让,减税降费等,中共从不会兑现!中共更不会落实和执行。中共无论怎么承诺,事后均不兑现!中共没有任何诚意去兑现它的承诺!中共的一切承诺,都是谎言,美国和全世界不能再被中共欺骗了!中共最擅长耍花招和搞拖延战术,但是美国和全世界拖延不起,中国人民更等待不起!2018年12月,习近平的讲话中说了"不该改的坚决不改",完全说明了中共根本不想做出任何改革!因此,根本没有可谈判的余地,只有对中共更严厉的制裁!不能再等下去了,没有时间可以等待了。 不能只局限于消减中美贸易逆差。只靠中国大量购买美国商品,短期内虽然能减少一些中美贸易逆差,但本质上无助于解决问题,也不是长久之计。要的是中共必须做出结构性改革! 对于2019年1月底刘鹤赴美谈判,强烈建议,美国必须由强硬派亲自主导谈判,一方面必须强迫中共作出结构性改革,中共必须无条件答应,限中共在3月2日之前必须无条件兑现并真正落实执行!在任何一个方面,只要中共不兑现,未落实执行好,就立即对中共实施更严厉的处罚和制裁。同时,美国要如期在3月2日起对2000亿美元的中国商品加征关税提高至25%。美国和更多国家对中共制裁,要比对伊朗,叙利亚,朝鲜,俄罗斯的制裁更为严厉。美国要坚决切断与中共国的一切经济来往,全面发起对中共国的冷战,直到中国部分地区先结束了中共的独裁统治,中国确实出现了结构性改革为止 美国联合更多国家,不仅要在贸易和经济方面对中共进行制裁,更要全方面的对中共实施最为严厉的制裁,打击,围剿,并加速实施。包括对中共实施政治,军事方面的围剿和打击。全方位的对中共制裁,对中共打击的效果更为明显,也最能刺痛中共。对更多中共高官实施对人制裁,这一招最为有效,禁止其入境美国,没收其在美国的所有资产,对其在美国的家属坚决驱逐出境。清查中共在所有民主国家秘密设立或资助的间谍机构,清查并没收中共在境外的大部分国有资产。对于华为,中兴,和其他与中共官方关系密切,有间谍嫌疑,与其他被制裁的国家有业务往来的,涉嫌欺诈的,涉嫌违法犯罪的中国公司,应立即下令禁止其在美国开展业务,禁售其产品,禁止任何美国公司向其出售芯片和原材料,调查其违法犯罪行为,让更多的国家封杀华为,中兴这样的中国公司…随时对中共国实施封锁禁运。其他民主国家也要跟进实施。 因孟晚舟事件,中共随意抓捕加拿大公民,有的还被施加酷刑。其中被中共指控贩毒的加拿大人谢伦伯格,被中共随意加刑至死刑,不仅毫无新的证据,中共肆意干涉司法,违反了上诉不加刑原则。不仅是中共的人质外交。这一切,充分暴露出中共的国家恐怖主义,黑帮,流氓的本性,中共已经丧心病狂!这一切,已经激起了加拿大人民,全世界有良知,追求正义的人们的愤怒!面对这种情况,加拿大不能只停留在对中共抗议,中共完全不理会加拿大的抗议,也不能完全依靠美国,加拿大应尽自己所能,以实际行动对中共反击。现在,有大量中共贪官的家属居住于在加拿大,中共贪官及其家属在加拿大拥有大量资产,因此,加拿大应尽快搜集中共高官及其家属的罪证,对中共高官实施针对人的制裁,禁止被制裁者及其家属入境加拿大,对于其已居住在加拿大的家属坚决驱逐出境,没收其在加拿大的所有资产。 美国和更多国家,要把中共和中国人民区别对待! 美国联合更多国家,对中共实施制裁,美国对中共国的贸易反击战,真正受害的是中共政权,而不是中国人民!制裁和打击中共,结束中共的暴政独裁统治,才有利于中国和中国人民,同样有利于全世界。反共,制裁和打击中共,就是在捍卫人类的自由和权益,捍卫文明和正义,捍卫人类的尊严,捍卫普世价值。 中共是世界头号恐怖组织,世界第一邪教组织,世界第一黑社会组织,世界最大的盗国集团。中共相比塔利班,ISIS,萨达姆,卡扎菲,伊朗,叙利亚,朝鲜,俄罗斯,更为邪恶,更为恐怖,对文明世界的威胁更严重!中国和中国人民,整个文明世界,乃至全人类,有着中共这样一个公敌,我们的一切冤屈,耻辱,不公,饥饿,贫困等,一切对文明世界的破坏,都是中共造成的。多少年来,中国人民和全世界受尽了屈辱和压迫,受尽了欺凌,无数的人间悲剧。因此,绝不能给中共任何活路!中共多统治一天,中共就会祸害更多!如果不迅速压制住中共,不将中共打败,中共对美国和全世界的经济侵略,对美国和全世界的威胁,等一系列对全世界的侵害,都无法解决。中共有了喘息的机会,逃过了劫难,恢复元气,中共变得异常强大,中共会变本加厉的祸害世界,残害人民。民众早已无力反共抗争,全世界对中共彻底无能无力,再也没有能力推翻中共!到那时,一切都来不及了,全世界都被迫屈服于中共,全世界任由中共宰割,当年美苏对峙的噩梦将重演,而且将持续更长久,形势更为严峻。面对中共的军事威胁,美国,英国,北约多国,日本等,都将束手无策。对全人类都是灾难! 中共是一切都罪魁祸首!必须将中共解决!才能大幅减少或消除贸易逆差。结束了中共的独裁暴政统治,中国出现了结构性改革,中国市场自然就开放了,没有了外汇管制,在华外企的利润汇出不再是问题,强迫外企转让技术等也迎刃而解,民企和外企的权益自然会受到有力的保障。也解决了中共的国家恐怖主义行为,中共向美国和世界输出毒品,中共的海外扩张和军事威胁,中共对台湾的打压和威胁,美国和其他国家公民在华被非法抓捕,遭遇酷刑,对美国和他国的渗透,各种间谍行为,窃密,网络攻击等诸多问题。无论对美国,中国,全世界,都是有利的。 2019年1月底刘鹤赴美谈判,可以断言,这次谈判不会有任何结果,不会有任何实质性和突破性进展,极有可能彻底谈崩。美国商务部长罗斯近期曾表示"美国在同中共国达成贸易协议上仍然非常遥远"。到那时,无论川普再怎么说,川普为了提振股市的需要,又说中美谈判取得重大进展,贸易战取得重大胜利等,但都无法掩盖事实,美国不会对中共妥协退让,对中共国的贸易反击战不会因此而暂停升级或结束,更不可能让中美之间达成协议。3月2日起,将如期对2000亿美元的中国商品加征关税提高至25%。中美全面冷战早已成定局!不以任何人的意志为转移! 2019-1-26 ----------------
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USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, more European countries, Japan etc., should joint to sanction China government (Communist Party of China government). Appear the momentum of worldwide sanction China government. For China government, strongly recommended U.S. government, USA will not need negotiation. Negotiation for China government, will not have any effect. China government always pretend commitment, but actually, China government always refuse to fulfill any commitment. China government always not have any sincerity to fulfill commitment! China government always be good at deceive and lie. China government also be good at using procrastination. In Dec 2018 year, China president Jinping Xi said: "If should not reform project, refuse reform determined", this means: China government refuse any reform! So will not need negotiation with China government. Should sanction China government more severe! Strongly recommended, will order and force China government to implement fundamental and structural reform! Will order and force China government should fulfill any fundamental and structural reform deadline Mar 2 2019 year! If China government will refuse to fulfill, will refuse any fundamental and structural reform, USA should sanction China government more severe! In Mar 2 2019 year, USA should increase China commodity's penalty tariff rates to 25% on schedule! USA and some other countries sanction China government, should be more severe than Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia! USA should cut any Economic exchanges to China, initiate cold war to China, until some areas in China will end Communist Party of China government's dictatorship! USA joint Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, more European countries, Japan etc., should sanction China government comprehensive, and implement sanctions soon! Should sanction more China government and China army's high-ranking official. Should survey and ban China government's espionage organizations. Should deport China government's spy. Should confiscate the illegal funds of China government's espionage organizations, some China government's assets, some China government high-ranking official's assets, some China companies illegal assets. For Huawei & ZTE, or some other China companies, if have close relationship with China government, espionage, have business with sanctioned countries, fraud, or have other illegal and criminal behavior. Should prohibit this kind China company to conduct business in USA. For Sanctioned China company, in USA, should banned sale sanctioned China company's commodity. For any U.S. company, should be prohibited to sell chip and other raw material to sanctioned China company. Should survey sanctioned China company's illegal and criminal behavior. Should distinguish Communist Party of China government and Chinese people! Communist Party of China is not representative Chinese people and China! People's Republic of China (Communist Party of China government) is not a elected government by Chinese citizen! So China government (Communist Party of China government) is a illegal government! Communist Party of China had used illegal means to occupy the motherland of China over 69 years since 1949 year! USA joint more countries to sanction China government, end China government's dictatorship and tyranny, will be very beneficial to Chinese people and China, very beneficial to whole the world and whole humanity, very beneficial to defend human's freedom and rights, very beneficial to defend human's civilization and justice! Communist Party of China government is the first terrorist organization, cult, gangster organization, fraud and corruption group! Communist Party of China government is more and more evil and brutal than Taliban, ISIS, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, and Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia etc.! Communist Party of China government always damage civilization and peace, pursue state terrorism, threat whole the world and whole humanity! More and more Chinese people and many other countries' people had been persecuted by Communist Party of China government! If will not end China government's dictatorship and tyranny soon, if mitigate to sanction China government, China government will be recovery, until then, China government will be more powerful, USA and whole the world will be incompetent to resist China government! That will be a very disaster for whole the world and whole humanity! Communist Party of China government is the chief culprit! When end Communist Party of China government's dictatorship and tyranny: China will appear fundamental and structural reform, China market will open, will end many limitation factor for foreign investment, will end foreign exchange control, will end the problem of government force foreign enterprises to transfer patented technology, entrepreneur's rights will be guaranteed, etc. And will end Communist Party of China government's state terrorism. And also will solve many problem, such as: China government export drug, China government's military threat, China government suppress and threat Taiwan, many other countries' citizen be arrested illegal in China, espionage and stealing confidentiality by China government, hacker attack by China government, and many other problem caused by China government. That is very benefit!
Jan 27 2019 year |