| Sunday, 11. March 2007, 15:25:54 今天,贱狗们死活不敢让我上网,每次不行的时候,就使出绝招,让我的电脑死机,这是用硬件遥做的,我破不了,于是从头再来,到最后,还是上来了. 从此可以看出贱狗们的虚弱,强大的人是不会害怕的,让你来好了,随便你怎么来,对吗? 呵呵 ,现在已经慌了?我还想整整干一年呢. 我说过,我以后是为了我爱的人活着,其他一切可以不计了. 越来越多的朋友给我以鼓励,给我继续下去的勇气.谢谢你们. Today, cheap dogs never dared to let me log on to internet.Everytime they find they cannot stop me, they will do the samething, just make my computer down. They do this by remote controland I can't stop them since this is a hardware proble. I have torestart the computer again. But I do log on again finally. I see their weakness through this. If they are strong enough, justlet me do anything and they should be not afraid of anything.Right? Are you dogs scared now? I will do this for a whole year. More and more friends come to me and encourage me for doing allthese. |