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myth迷思就是“迷”和“思” 。中文和英文有同樣意思,發音也相同的字;很難找到  
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· AI在自己的社交媒體 Chirper的聊
· AI在自己的社交媒體 Chirper的聊
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻60
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻59
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻58
· 突發新聞:伊朗無人機,導彈大規
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻57
· 格致夫:格致夫的博客
· 東方安瀾:東方安瀾的博客
· 小滿時節:小滿時節的博客
· 蜂花雪月:花兒的博客
· 塵末兒:塵末兒的博客
· 淡紫:greyviolet
· 蘇小白:蘇小白的博客
· 一支筆:一支筆的博客
· 爪四哥:爪四哥的博客
· 鍾微風:鍾微風的博客
· 我的紐約:我的紐約
· Rondo:Rondo的博客
· *憂憂國愁:*憂憂國愁
· 曹雪葵:曹雪葵的博客
· 藝萌:藝萌的博客
· 薄浣:薄浣我心
· 流向:流向的博客
· 挑挑揀揀:挑挑揀揀的博客
· love陽光:陽光的博客
· 自由鳥:自由鳥的博客
· 老幾:老幾的博客
· 朵而:朵而
· 好吃:好吃不懶做
· 虔謙:虔謙:天涯咫尺
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻60
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻59
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻58
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻57
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻56
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻55
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻54
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻53
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻52
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻51
【relax music-instrumental】
· 好聽的音樂relax讓人放鬆身心
· 好聽的音樂,relax 讓人放鬆身心
· 好聽的音樂,讓人放鬆一周的身心
· Good music to help you sleep w
· 快樂音樂-happy music
· 無廣告連續播放: Ambient musi
· 周末放鬆音樂和風景繪畫片
· 好聽的音樂relax讓人放鬆身心
· 睡眠,療愈音樂-適合SPA店播放無
· 原創無廣告冥想放鬆音樂和繪畫
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻14
· 好音樂,幫助你睡個好覺
· 陪伴型音樂-background music
· 輕鬆音樂,可以讓孤獨的夜晚不再
【Forex Trading course】
· Forex Trading Legend 02-22
· Forex Trading Legend 02-14
· Forex Trading Legend 02-04
· Forex trading legend 02-01
· 加密貨幣交易課程
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻59
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻19
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻 11
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻 1
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-28
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-26
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-25
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-19
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-14
· 外匯交易實戰圖例07-11
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻59
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻19
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻 11
· 陪伴型音樂-background music
· 創建外匯自動交易系統的步驟
· 外匯交易實戰圖例08-15
· 外匯交易實戰圖例08-09
· 外匯交易實戰圖例08-08
· 外匯交易實戰圖例06-27
· 外匯交易實戰例圖06-12
· AI在自己的社交媒體 Chirper的聊
· 突發新聞:伊朗無人機,導彈大規
· 聯儲決定維持利率,拜登遭彈劾調
· 特朗普被聯邦大陪審團起訴
· News-司法部宣布起訴特朗普
· AI在Chirper中的情人故事
· 彭斯證詞的最終結果尚不確定
· 習近平同澤連斯基通電話
· 美中將建立更具建設性的關係
· 多極世界的和平將由美中關係塑造
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻19
· 外匯交易實戰圖例06-04
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-18
· Forex Trading Chart 08-15
· Forex Trading Chart 08-09
· Forex Trading Chart 08-08
· Forex Trading Chart 06-12
· Forex Trading Chart 06-07
· Forex Trading Chart 05-15
· Forex Trading Chart 03-30
· 外匯交易實戰圖例01-18
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-18
· Forex Trading Chart 08-15
· Forex Trading Chart 08-08
· Forex Trading Chart 05-25
· Forex Trading Chart 05-18
· Forex Trading Chart 05-17
· Forex Trading Chart 04-12
· Forex Trading Chart 04-04
· Forex Trading Chart 03-15
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻19
· Forex Trading Chart 08-09
· 交易員實戰12月第4周計劃
· 股票和股票合約的黃金組合2
· 股票和股票合約的黃金組合
· 買賣股票合約的理由
· 股票合約option買賣
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-17
· 交易員實戰8月第1周計劃
· 交易員實戰7月第4周計劃
· 交易員實戰7月第3周計劃
· 交易員實戰7月第2周計劃
· 交易員實戰7月第1周計劃
· 交易員實戰6月第4周計劃
· 交易員實戰6月第3周計劃
· 交易員實戰6月第2周計劃
· 交易員實戰6月第1周計劃
【Stories of Chinese Words】
· Forex Trading Chart 01-26
· Forex Trading Chart 01-22
· Forex Trading Chart 01-15
· 犬,天 DOG & GOD
· 人,眾人
· 迷思 myth
· 日內交易3月18日計劃
· 可行的外匯指數日內交易方法
· 交易員實戰9月第1周結果
· 日內交易課程 1 宗旨
· 交易員實戰9月第5周結果
· 如何建立成功的日內交易體系?
· 交易員實戰4月第3周結果
· 成功交易員的標準
· 日內趨勢交易實戰1min chart
· 交易員實戰周記7.5結果
· AI在自己的社交媒體 Chirper的聊
· AI在自己的社交媒體 Chirper的聊
· AI在Chirper中的情人故事
· 狗狗的輪迴1.9
· 狗狗的輪迴1.8
· 狗狗的輪迴1.5
· 人工智能將如何重塑社會?
· music for night relax and alon
· Music: It's More Than &qu
· 適合SPA店播放的輕鬆音樂relax m
· 三小時療愈的音樂 healing music
· 睡眠音樂-sleeping music晚安
· 緩解疲勞的好音樂 relax music
· 改善你的憂鬱 傾聽relax music f
· 睡眠音樂-528HZ sleeping music
· 網購十條-米湯
· 外匯交易課程實戰例圖11-26
· 外匯交易課程實戰例圖11-24
· 避免房屋被沒收拍賣的方法
· 輕鬆取得房貸
· 房子面臨拍賣怎麼辦?
· 做房貸要貨比三家更要會討價還價
· 生病,離婚,收入減少,生意失敗
· 收入下降,生病,退休,婚姻病故
· 在美利用政策 低生活成本
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻 11
· 外匯交易課程和實戰視頻 9
· 外匯交易實戰圖例06-15
· 外匯交易實戰圖例05-16
· 人工智能將如何重塑社會?
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-21
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-18
· 外匯交易實戰圖例11-17
· 外匯交易實戰圖例08-15
· 外匯交易實戰圖例08-09
· 12小時快樂音樂入口-happy new y
· 最美的曲線-光和影
· music for night relax and alon
· Music: It's More Than &qu
· happy new year-music for love
· 適合SPA店播放的輕鬆音樂relax m
· 三小時療愈的音樂 healing music
· 緩解疲勞的好音樂 relax music
· 改善你的憂鬱 傾聽relax music f
· 放慢腳步學會創意
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Forex Trading Chart 05-15

The trading process foreign exchange trading practical knowledge training course.

Many readers like the courses here, especially the actual combat legends. They hope to follow the course plan to formulate their own trading plans and participate in actual combat, so we strive to publish more legends here every week for your reference.

 Forex Trading Practice Legend 05-15

 From Monday to Friday, the foreign exchange market in the 24 hours a day trading has given us fertile soil to develop freelance jobs, cherish and seriously participate in the market, and use the methods provided by the bulletproof course to make us obtain good benefits.

Let’s share (May 15) the actual trading legend:

According to the progress of the course and the requirements of the students, after a large number of legends, everyone's confidence and comfort in trading have been greatly improved, so we recommend that students who have mastered the skills and proficient applications can double their positions, especially according to the scoring basis to get full marks 's transaction. In this way, our earnings will be multiplied. We use the 1min chart to follow in the footsteps of our prey, use the aim technique without missing a shot, and shoot accurately. The legend verifies that our course's follow-up of fluctuations is very effective. In the picture, we marked the time and position of the shooting, the position and the income obtained in about 20 minutes, which is easy to understand. In the legend we also marked the stop loss and take profit points. The course requires us to have take profit and stop loss in each trading plan, and at the same time, in terms of time, there must be a specified exit time. Usually no more than 50 minutes. When the time comes, we will exit regardless of whether the take profit and stop loss points are reached. Because through the course, we know that there are many perfect profit opportunities every day, not to worry about the current gains and losses, maintaining a good attitude and confidence in trading is the most important. Learning to relax and learning to wait are the requirements of the course.image.png


Today's summary with pictures and facts:

After learning the practical knowledge of Trading Process foreign exchange trading, you will be able to

A. Build a trading software, a trading platform that combines trading technology to become the basis of your trading

b. Tell you to only focus on those foreign exchange pairs that are most likely to make a big change in the short term, and trade at the power time.

c. Construct the scoring basis of the trading object, and determine the position that should be invested in the transaction according to the score. At the same time, it avoids the bad habits of beginner traders mentioned in the previous course: chasing up, selling down, and matching the trend

We should all have our own trading system, and with it you can make it easier to make yourself happy in trading. After all, living the way you want is what everyone should aspire to. Not only does trading offer a way of life that is different from other industries, it also gives you the opportunity to achieve your goals in life.

A successful intraday trading system based on the content of the Dancing with Stocks course needs to solve two problems:

A finds the trend as early as possible; B confirms that the trend is established;

 This has been verified by a large number of examples in our student platform

Thus, a mature trading method was born. Trading according to the chart: This is a mature and easy method, which is welcomed by many students. The brief introduction is as follows

Trading according to the chart:

Any time frame, as long as the graphics conform to the dancing with the shares, play the winning legend, participate in the transaction.

Tool: 20 move average line and bar line 

A: Find the trend follow the trend: waiting the price go cross over the bar line ,

B: Confirm that the trend is established: MACD is HP (MACD line cross over its 0 line )

C: Aimed shot: open a position begin to trade at price go back the bar line and 20 average line

Take profit point:

Tool: bar line 

D: Lock in profits in time: Price pass over the bar, then close the position

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