(Percy Shelley, 1792 - 1822) 一朵枯萎的紫罗兰(英)珀西·雪莱 舒啸 译
这朵花儿已然散尽了香味, 正如你的吻曾对我吐气轻吹; 这朵花儿的色彩已然消褪, 曾经闪耀过你独特的光辉!
一个枯萎没有生命的空壳, 留在我被冷落遗弃的胸膛, 用冰冷而沉寂的休息停搁, 嘲讽着这依旧热切的心房。
我啜泣,眼泪无法让它复生; 我叹息,它不再对我呼吸; 它有沉默而毫无怨言的宿命 我的命运本该是同样注定。
Shelley 原诗:
On A Faded VioletThe odor from the flower is gone, Which like thy kisses breathed on me; The color from the flower is flown, Which glowed of thee, and only thee!
A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form, It lies on my abandoned breast, And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, With cold and silent rest.
I weep ---- my tears revive it not; I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me; Its mute and uncomplaining lot Is such as mine should be.