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The Yellow World - 黄颜色的世界(By Derek, 9岁多的时候写的, 有点印象 2012-10-28 06:41:16

Yellow is the colour of canaries                       是穿越天空的

as they fly through the sky                                金丝雀


Yellow is the colour of the sun as it                 是宇宙中闪耀的

shines in space                                                  太阳


Yellow is the colour of lemons as                     是做柠檬汁的

they make lemonade                                          柠檬


Yellow is the colour of bananas                        是香蕉



Yellow smells like a glass                                 闻起来象夏日的

of lemonade on a summer day                           一杯柠檬


Yellow tastes like my banana                           尝起来象香蕉

smoothie                                                           冰沙


Yellow feels like my soft                                 摸起来象睡觉时软软的

blanket as I end the day                                   毯子


Yellow is the shine of gold                               黄颜色是金子的闪光

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· 某某老师不让我笑!那些塑造过我
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· 谁也没有能力拯救世界 --(巴别
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