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  My life, your life, my thought, your thought, my dream, your dream, all go together...
Another Broken Dream 2008-04-15 10:21:10


Another Broken Dream

                                                                --Thoughts after watching the Olympic torch relay in 2008


Some people’s dream was broken again, after having seen so many comments from the western world on the disruption of the torch, on those violent “peaceful” protesters.


Democracy, freedom, human rights, equality, all those buzz words came to us since the beginning of 20th century. Many people advocated, promoted, sacrificed for what they believe is the most meaningful thing on this earth that worth their lives to fight for, to live for. True, I myself have the same feeling toward those words. However, those words have been misused for evil purpose from time to time. People who misuse those words used them to such an extent that even a shameless people would blush. Everything that is to their interest they say it’s for democracy, it’s for freedom, and it’s for human rights. Equality was mentioned less because deep in their minds, from the bottom of their hearts, they think they are superior to anybody else. They are the one who make rules. They are always right. And if you’re not always wrong, you’d be wrong if they say you’re wrong.


Their interest, yes, their interest, it’s their purpose and their only purpose. Because of their interest, if something can prevent them from falling behind other people and other countries, if something can drag other people/countries’ progress, even just a little bit, then it’s good enough to support, no matter whether that thing is evil or not. When they have no interest in it, even if people died, they don’t care at all. I saw the same protect scene on TV and heard the same comment on the air many times, but I rarely see or hear them show a picture or say anything, if not at all, on those people died in the riots.


The spy plane crash in South China Sea, the riots in Lhasa, the Olympic torch relay, all has already reflected much of those people’s bias toward other nations. Sadly, that broke some people’s dream, an illusion of those dishonest people. Hopefully, people will keep awake and not fall into asleep and have the dream again.



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