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  My life, your life, my thought, your thought, my dream, your dream, all go together...
Fish 2008-12-30 00:25:38

On the flight from Kalibo, Barocay to Manila (2008-12-29), Derek thought of the fish he left behind in Manila and thought it might be dead already. He asked his daddy whether the fish was still alive and here was the answer he got from his dad which made him into laughter:


“Oh yeah, it’s still alive. I called it last night, asked how it was and it said:

“I was too hungry so I jumped out of the fish tank, went to the kitchen, found something in the fridge and ate some of them. Gotta go back to the fish tank ‘cause I need water. But the door to the fish tank was somehow closed, so when you come back you might find me dangling on the door handle…”

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· Another Broken Dream
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· 那些塑造过我的灵魂的人(4)
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· 某某老师不让我笑!那些塑造过我
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