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In pursuit of a meaningless life 2016-08-20 01:57:05

Dear Jan,

Today I have some intuition that I can understand why you are looking for the man/woman who are in pursuit of a meaningless life. Or maybe I misunderstand you again:)

Imagine a man who loves me deeply, who is honest with me, who sometimes has bad temper because of me, who will be a little jealous when thinking of another man with me, who is silly to express himself in some lack mature way, even childlike just because he wants to hear some tender words from me, like "my silly gentleman‘’..........Is he lovely? He is kind of perverse, far from perfect, but he smells like a human, not God. Then to live with this kind of man can have a colorful and interesting life, isn't it?

If I can have everything, I am fully independent and I can support myself financially and emotionally, there is no need to look for a meaningful life in which everything will be confirmed with right or wrong, clever or stupid, gain or loss.......I think I am so blunt to get this point, and waste a lot of time for nothing but a meaningful life.

Enjoy your weekend:)


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