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毛主席130诞辰纪念专辑(bilingual) 老董 2024年1月2日 2024-01-02 15:34:56


老董 2024年1月2日 
























我在1986年写过一篇文章 《关于毛泽东的思索》。其中有一节是“贬毛”,提到毛泽东应该对中国的人口问题负主要责任。我这样写:

  “中国今日尚未富足的主要原因,就是人口太多。举一简单例子,在韩丁工作过的张庄,从1949年到1971年,粮食·的产量虽然增加一倍以上,可是在这一阶段中,耕地减少了39% (工业用及造路)人口增加了70%。人均口粮不赠反减。人口过多的伤害,一直存在且恶化。想象一下,虽然中国不如美国富饶先进,如果现在也只有二亿人口,将会是多么美好的国家;而美国如有十亿人口,将变得多么混乱,可怕。



“中国人口众多是一极大的好事,再增加多少倍人口也完全有办法。这办法    就是生产。”又说:








世局多变。尤其在科技发展极快的今天,很难想象百年以后会是怎样的世界。 “人口”可能不成为一个问题。








































































七、李孟欣:獻給東方偉人 毛主席

        在毛主席誕辰紀念日這個特殊的日子裡,請讓我們再次回顧那段屬於人民的光輝歷史,紀念偉大領袖: 毛澤東主席。




古有云: 長樹先長根,立人先立德。人類社會的根本應是以人為本,並非以資本為本。人類創造貨幣建立資本卻被貨幣和資本所奴役,這並非當初創造貨幣的本意。卻是當今主流,實屬感慨。




















1964巴解组织宣布成立时,中国是最早的支持者。毛主席提出了“坚决支持巴勒斯坦人民的正义事业,反对犹太复国主义”的口号。周总理表达了中国的立场:中国人民强烈谴责美帝国主义侵略阿拉伯国家和损害阿拉伯人民利益的各种罪恶活动,坚决支持巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯各国人民的正义斗争。六亿五千万中国人民永远站在. 阿拉伯人民一边。 “文革期间,中巴的关系密切,所结成的战斗友谊,中国对巴勒斯坦人民的尊敬和支持,在当时也是只此一国。



















































坂田介绍基本粒子的新观念,唯物主义的立场鲜明,一开头便特意引述培根(Francis Bacon)的告诫:










上个世纪一位丹麦物理学家,给予量子理论以哥本哈根诠释的玻尔(Niels Bohr),感性加理性,微观兼宏观,研究大自然的经验丰富。他的认识论意识强烈,据他说:







谈哲学,恩格斯先分出两种互不相容的主义“唯物”或“唯心”。这两个词,日常谈话有人爱用,意指实事求是或空想空谈,但哲学的唯物与唯心本是“唯物认识论”与“唯心认识论”的简称,谈的是人们并不放在心上的认识论。那末,认识论的唯物和唯心什么意思?如何定义?列宁书第三章专论认识的一个要素——经验,引了他人一句话“经验只是研究的对象,决不是认识的手段”(列宁书 p.143)。话不大好理解,不知是唯物还是唯心之说,列宁也觉得意思不甚明白,易起误会,特为读者加了一条注:也许...不是“研究的对象”...而是“不依赖于认识而存在的认识对象”(列宁书 p.145)。这条注倒很好理解:唯物主义主张“认识对象不依赖于认识而存在”,唯心主义相反,主张“认识对象依赖于认识而存在”。





自在之物(Thing in Itself),自在的客体(Objects in Themselves),起初并无深意,字面可解:“经验之外的,我们认识之外的物质”(列宁书 p.9),或“物是不依赖于我们的意识我们的感觉而在我们之外存在着的”(列宁书 p.92)。譬如夜晚清空的明月,我看着,它在,我不看,它仍在,我出世之前之后,它都在,地球上有人类之先,它早就在了。理所当然,月亮是个自在之物。

十八世纪之时,除开“外界之物本身不在人的认识里,不依赖于人而存在”的唯物观,唯心主义不可知论者康德(Immanuel Kant)添加了一项内容:自在之物与人心之间有个不可逾越的鸿沟,不能为人所知。他的理由,用前述列宁那条注的语言翻译:唯心主义的认识对象既然依赖于认识而存在,那末,不依赖于认识的自在之物,在唯心论者眼中不是认识的对象,非认识所能及,于是不可知。

问题的复杂性还不止此,以上二论之外另有第三论:休谟(David Hume)不承认自在之物,不承认物是大自然的客观存在。“恩格斯直截了当地说,他既反对休谟又反对康德。但是休谟根本不谈什么‘不可认识的自在之物’... 认为关于自在之物的思想本身在哲学上就是不可容许的...”(列宁书 p.91)



    ‘人们为自然本能或偏见所驱使,喜欢相信自己的感觉。我们总是不加思索地(without any reasoning),甚至在思索之前(before the use of reason),就设想有一个外部世界(external universe),它不依赖于我们的知觉,而且即使在我们和其他一切能够感觉的生物都不存在了或被消灭了的时候,它也会存在着。这可以说是很明显的。连动物也为类似的见解所支配,在它们的一切意图、计划和行动中都保持着这种对外部客体的信仰... 


    ‘用什么论据可以证明,我们心中的知觉一定是由那些虽和这些知觉相似(如果这是可能的)然而又完全不同的外在物唤起的,而不是由心本身的能力,或者是由某种看不见的、无人知道的精神的作用,或者是由我们更加无从知道的一种别的原因产生的呢?... 这个问题怎样才能解决呢?当然,也像其他一切类似的问题一样,由经验来解决。可是,经验在这里却沉默了,而且也不能不沉默。我们心中从来只有知觉,而没有任何其他的东西,并且无论如何也不会获得有关知觉和客体的关系的任何经验。因此,设想有这种关系,是没有任何逻辑根据的...’

。”(列宁书 p.20)




    “恩格斯不容许对自然界的客观规律性、因果性、必然性的存在有丝毫怀疑。”(列宁书 p.148)

因果性,唯物主义视为自然界的属性,唯心的经验批判主义则视为人类认识的本性。(按:常见词是“因果律”——任何事物都有它发生的原因,有因必有果,有果必有因,等等。)休谟《人性论》对于人类认识的本性,知性,有如此一说:“必然的联系依靠于推断,而不是推断依靠于必然的联系”,自然界的客观规律性、因果性、必然性,据他说,根本不存在。所谓因果性,那是“主观的必然性,即习惯性,算做是来自观察的一种客观的必然性”。休谟认为感觉经验丝毫没有告诉我们事物之间任何(因果的)必然联系,“除了逻辑的必然性,其他任何的必然性,例如物理的必然性,都是不存在的”。列宁提醒大家:这正是费尔巴哈极坚决反对的一种观点。(列宁书 p.151)

费尔巴哈(Ludwig Feuerbach)主张:


    “这是什么意思呢?是不是我想说,自然界中没有任何秩序,比方说,秋去可以夏来...?是不是我想说,自然界中没有目的,比方说,肺和空气之间...没有任何适应呢?是不是我想说,自然界中没有规律,比方说,地球时而按椭圆形运转...?这段话里没有说自然界中任何真实的东西都跟秩序、目的、规律这些词和观念不相符合,这段话只是否认思想和存在是同一的,否认秩序等等之存在于自然界就像存在于人的头脑或感觉中一样。秩序、目的、规律...这些词不是没有意义的,不是没有客观内容的...”(列宁书 pp.146-147)

马赫(Ernst Mach)倒是赞成休谟的解答:自然界中,既没有原因,也没有结果。

    “我说过不止一次,因果律的一切形式都是从主观意向中产生的。对自然界说来,并没有必要去同这些形式相适应。”(列宁书 pp.151-152)

毕尔生(Karl Pearson)附和:人是自然规律的创造者。


    “必然性属于概念的世界,不属于知觉的世界。...在一定知觉系列不断重复时具有的均一性中,即在知觉的常规中,没有任何内在必然性。可是知觉常规的存在是思维者存在的必要条件。因此,必然性包含在思维者的本性中,而不包含在知觉本身中。必然性是认识能力的产物。”(列宁书 pp.153-154)

列宁总评:费尔巴哈承认自然界的客观规律性,承认被人类的秩序、规律等等观念仅仅近似正确地反映着的客观因果性。...费尔巴哈的观点是彻底的唯物主义观点。(列宁书 p.148)



唯物论介绍过后重返矛盾论。上文提到事物的矛盾性和认识的矛盾律,二者大不同,前者容许矛盾后者不容矛盾,前者是有特定内容的认识,后者是不含具体内容的认识论。认识论单论知识的普遍特征,不论个别论点的正误,单论认识行为的一般过程和状态,不论认识行为所得结果的用处。科学发展到今天,我们对大自然的认识多不胜数,对人间社会的认识更是无处不有,溢满街头,然而,对于人的认识行为本身我们所知却不多,已知者,逻辑是其一。逻辑不容矛盾这条规律一般称作矛盾律(正确的称呼是“不矛盾律”):任一事物,假使我们有了认识,我们对它的认识有可能今天是(be)明天不是(not be),但绝不会在认识到它是的当下,同时认识到它不是,今天不会,明天也不会。话虽如此,我们的遵从矛盾律的认识行为实际上的确会产生矛盾,单项认识不矛盾,多项认识保不住互相矛盾。理性的认识,并无感性作祟,亦非一时疏忽,矛盾是怎么产生的?答曰:归纳(Induction)造成的!归纳是什么?如何造成了矛盾?


读者您,倘若心中猜疑:只凭多次经验就推出必然?恐怕推不出!对了,过去的经验推不出将来的必然!可是,人间的知识,尤其是科学知识,无一例外,全都是由过去推断将来。推不出的硬推了出来,这就是认识之中发生矛盾的原因。两个或然(或然如此或然如彼)不冲突,两个必然(必然如此必然如彼)必冲突。归纳既推出不应推出的一律,又推出不应推出的另一律,康德所谓的二律背反便是这么来的。有趣的是,归纳(或称归纳法)不时想跻身逻辑的范畴,自称“归纳逻辑”,但逻辑在严格意义上只含演绎(Deduction)不含归纳。数学这个演绎的天地里根本没有归纳法,只有一个性属演绎而非归纳的“数学归纳法”(Mathematical Induction)。数学是纯粹的逻辑运用,有些人宁愿说它是一种语文(或推理工具)而不是一种知识。这已是题外话了。



    “每个观察人类认识对象的人都看得清楚:这些对象或者是感官真正感知的观念(ideas),或者是我们观察人心的情感和作用而获得的观念,或者是借助于记忆和想象而形成的观念... 凭着视觉,我获得光和色的观念,获得它们的强弱浓淡的观念。凭着触觉,我感知软硬、冷热、运动和阻力... 嗅觉使我闻到气味,味觉使我尝到滋味,听觉使我听到声音... 人们观察到各种不同的观念彼此结合在一起,于是就用一个名称来标志它们,认为它们是某一个物。例如,人们观察到一定的颜色、滋味、气味、形状、硬度结合在一起(to get together),就承认这是一个单个的物,并用苹果这个词标志它;另外一些观念的集合(collections of ideas)构成了石头、树木、图书以及诸如此类的感性实物...”。(列宁书 p.10)

此段描写并非列宁没有完全讲清楚的他本人的唯物认识论而是他所反对的唯心主义者巴克莱(George Berkeley)1710年《人类知识原理》讲的认识论。



Translation from the Chinese into English

Chairman Mao's 130th Birthday Commemorative Album

Lao Dong January 2, 2024

The 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth will be held online on December 26, 2023 (the evening of the 25th in the Americas). The speeches at the meeting and the manuscripts received before and after the meeting have been compiled into this album and sent. Please disseminate it widely.



1. Ding Yi: Population Issues (with comments from participants)

2. Han Dongping: Chairman Mao's population policy is the most humane and correct

3. Han Dongping: Chairman Mao's opponents always continue to prove that he is right

4. Sans-culottes: Commemorating the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth—Retrospect and Prospect

5. Wen Ping: Mao Zedong Thought shines brightly

6. Lao Xian: Speech at the symposium in New York commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great leader Chairman Mao

7. Li Mengxin: Dedicated to Chairman Mao, the great man of the East

8. Liu Shi: Between Chairman Mao Zedong and Dr. Kissinger

9. Lao Dong: The significance of the Palestinian people's armed struggle in this era

10. Huang Zhecao: Chairman Mao's thought of self-reliance has a long history - Speech at the 130th Birthday Commemoration of Chairman Mao

11. Next: Chairman Mao talks about (human) understanding





This passage has become popular on the Internet in the past two days:

     “The Chinese Communist Party's attitude towards Chairman Mao determines the Chinese people's attitude towards the Communist Party, and also directly affects the world's attitude towards China!”


1. Ding Yi: Population Issues

I wrote an article "Thoughts on Mao Zedong" in 1986. One section is "Derogating Mao" and mentions that Mao Zedong should be primarily responsible for China's population problem. I write like this:

   "The main reason why China is not yet rich today is that it has too many people. To give a simple example, Zhang Zhuang, who worked in Hinton, said that although the output of grain more than doubled from 1949 to 1971, at this stage Among them, the cultivated land decreased by 39% (for industrial use and road construction) and the population increased by 70%. Per capita rations decreased instead of being given away. The harm of overpopulation has always existed and worsened. Imagine that although China is not as rich and advanced as the United States, if now What a wonderful country it would be with only 200 million people; and how chaotic and terrible the United States would become if it had a population of one billion.

   "Re-reading the articles Ma Yinchu wrote in "New Construction" in 1959 and 1960, we can know that in January 1960, more than 200 articles criticizing him had been published. He said: 'Since the November 1959 issue of "New Construction" After my article was published, there were not a few letters that agreed with me. Although some expressed their agreement, they did not dare to sign their names and only wrote the words "Yours sincerely, readers"... I had no choice but to sing "One-man show", I I had to go out alone to fight.'"

In "Bankruptcy Against the View of History" written by Mao Zedong in September 1949, he said:

"China's large population is a great good thing. There is a way to increase the population no matter how many times it is. The way is production." He also said:

"Of all things in the world, people are the most precious. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, as long as there are people, any miracle in the world can be created."

  In 1957, when Zhou Enlai reported to Mao Zedong, Mao said:

     "Thank you, the success of the Chinese revolution has proved that firstly, things are easier to do when there are more people, and secondly, more people are more energetic."

Hundreds of critical articles were written in response to Mao Zedong's opinions. Ma Yinchu has been the president of Peking University since 1950. Under such tremendous public pressure, he resigned in 1960. He was also 78 years old at that time.

In 1979, Ma Yinchu was rehabilitated and appointed as the honorary president of Peking University.

In 1980, the "Family Planning" began the "one-child" policy.

Today, forty years later, China's production has greatly increased. But the population is too small.

The world is changing. Especially today, with the rapid development of science and technology, it is difficult to imagine what the world will be like in a hundred years. "Population" may not be an issue.

[Remarks from participants]

Morning glory:

The speeches on China's population issues and Ma Yinchu's population theory at the meeting were thought-provoking.

In a society with a large population and a division of labor, labor and labor are increasingly separated. Which side should be given more attention? Who should listen to whom, those who work hard or those who work hard? The reality we see is that those who work hard get more rewards, and those who work hard obey the will of those who work hard. According to Marx's capital economic theory, the "cost" of labor for those who work hard is high, and the "value" of labor per unit time is large. According to the "principle of equal exchange", they should receive more remuneration. However, we also see that laborers provide the necessities for people's survival. What do laborers provide? Countless "knowledge"! Knowledge can be big or small, good or bad, right or wrong. It cannot feed people but often causes controversy and makes people at a loss what to do. Who has a say in the function of knowledge? Who can make the final judgment on whether knowledge is right or wrong? A hard worker or a hard worker?


2. Han Dongping: Chairman Mao's population policy is the most humane and correct

The population issue is a very serious political issue. Generally speaking, poor countries and poor people are not worried about population growth. Those who are worried about population growth are the elites in developed countries and some people who don’t know what they are doing. When many people talk about population issues, they are often linked to the environmental crisis. But the environmental problems in our world are not caused by Chinese farmers and Indian farmers, but by the extravagant and luxurious lifestyles of the United States and the West.

In Mao Zedong's China, Chinese farmers lived a garbage-free lifestyle. All kitchen waste was used as pig feed, and the wild vegetables and wild grass in the fields were used as pig feed, sheep feed, and rabbit feed. Every farmer has one or two pigs and a few sheep at home, and every primary school student has a few rabbits. The first thing students do after school is to dig wild vegetables in the fields, cut grass and feed the pigs and rabbits they raise at home. In 1960, when I was five years old, my hometown suffered a severe natural disaster and food was in short supply. Many families in our village began to raise sheep. My parents bought me a lamb and let me herd sheep for a year with the older kids in the village. At that time, there were hundreds of sheep in our village, and a dozen children herded them together. At that time, the sheep manure was given to the production team to be used as fertilizer, and the production team gave them work points.

The production team encourages farmers to raise pigs and give each pig hundreds of pounds of sweet potatoes and sweet potato leaves as feed, because pigs can produce a lot of organic fertilizer, which is beneficial to increasing production. A pig can generally grow to about two hundred pounds in one year. Farmers can sell them to state slaughterhouses, and state security will purchase them at a price of 45 cents to 48 cents per kilogram of live pigs, depending on the fatness of the pigs. One pig can be sold for about 100 yuan, and two pigs can be sold for about 100 yuan. It was about two hundred yuan, which was a lot of income at the time. Farmers can also choose to kill the pigs themselves and sell them at the market. Each kilogram of meat can be sold for eighty-four cents per kilogram. The butcher kills the pigs and sells the pork for about four yuan. He also has to take care of the butcher's food and drinks, and also gives the butcher some meat or pig water. Our family once asked a butcher in the village to kill the pigs we raised and sell the meat at the market. Later, we calculated the results and found that there was not much profit. Later, we no longer hired people to kill pigs ourselves, but sold them directly to the national slaughterhouse. . There were seven part-time butchers in our village, two brothers from the Lan family and five brothers from the Zhou family. Many people say that during Mao Zedong's era, you had to have a ticket to buy meat, but they actually do not understand the situation in Chinese society. The ticket is only for meat from the national store, which is 7.3 cents per catty, one catty per person per month for the urban population, and half a catty per month for the rural population. But the eighty-four pounds of pork on the free market does not require a ticket. You can get as much as you want, every day. The same goes for eggs, fish, and other non-staple foods. Those bought with tickets are cheaper, while those on the free market are more expensive. That's all. It's just to ensure that the poor can also eat cheaper meat.

When I was in high school, I was very interested in pen calligraphy, and I would practice calligraphy whenever I had nothing to do. The first pen I used was a Hero brand gold pen from Shanghai. It cost four yuan and twenty cents a pen. I bought it with the money I earned from buying rabbits. Then I lost the pen. I feel very depressed. My classmate and friend Dong Shenhui sold the rabbits he raised and bought me a similar gold pen. I was very grateful and can't forget it to this day. Money came in handy back then. Farmer children have no pocket money, so they raise rabbits by themselves and collect scraps to sell for a little money. A toothpaste casing can be sold for three cents, a pound of scrap iron can be sold for ten cents, a pound of scrap copper can be sold for thirty cents, and a pound of waste paper can be sold for five cents. The National Collection Station specializes in purchasing these reusable waste products. When I was a kid, I earned pocket money from selling scraps and rabbits. The buying station also buys rabbits. This is why in 1975, when the Western world was experiencing an environmental crisis, the United Nations called China a model for the Third World and the hope of mankind. Why, it's because the Chinese people's garbage-free lifestyle sets an example for protecting the environment.

At that time, we collected all human feces and animal feces, fermented them, and used them as fertilizer in the fields. This method of returning everything obtained from the land to the land is the most environmentally friendly method and the real reason why mankind can continue. This seems unbelievable to Western elites, but what they don’t know is that the most delicious vegetables and fruits grown with farmyard manure.

Americans don't know how to protect their own soil. They only obtain it from the land and dispose of human and animal feces as garbage, causing serious pollution. The Chinese have always used human and animal excrement as valuable fertilizer. Farmers will go to cities to collect the feces of urban residents, ferment it back, and use it as fertilizer for growing vegetables. This is why crops in the suburbs of Chinese cities tend to be much better than those further away from the city, simply because they use more human waste. In the Chinese concept, the longer the land is planted, the more fertile it is. However, the land in the United States and the West becomes poorer as time goes by, and must be left fallow to protect soil fertility.

The people in the world who are most worried about population growth are the American elites. They are worried to death about population growth in third world countries. In order to allow India to have family planning and reduce population growth, they gave India six billion US dollars in the 1950s and 1960s to induce India to have family planning. In order to supervise the Indians, the United States sent a large number of graduate students to India for research and investigation. It was later discovered that all the money the Americans gave to India was wasted. Poor people in India don’t want family planning at all. Although India has used money from the United States to train many rural doctors and build many rural family planning clinics. Because farmers need children to work as a source of support for the elderly. So they only take family planning measures after they have five or six children. Later, the Indian government adopted material incentives. If farmers went to family planning clinics, they would be given a radio, or a bag of rice or sugar. The results were ineffective. Farmers would only go to family planning clinics after they had enough children. The elites think that farmers are stupid, but in fact, they themselves are the ones who are really stupid. Those who blame Mao Zedong's criticism of Ma Yinchu for China's population growth should look at India's population situation.

The Indian government has taken money from the United States, but it has not reduced population growth. Of course the Americans will not do it. Under pressure from the United States, India instituted a national emergency law in 1975 to force farmers to plan their families. Indian military police rushed into farmers' homes in the middle of the night and took fertile people to the hospital for sterilization. They stopped the train and forcibly took the fertile people on the train to the hospital for sterilization. All government employees must undergo sterilization. Only through formalities can you save your job. It can be said to be the most stringent family planning measure in the history of the world. But the Indian government paid a heavy price for this. Indira Gandhi was murdered and so was her son Rajiv Gandhi. Governments and leaders who deprive poor people of their right to have children are not worthy of living in this world.

The Chinese government began legislation on family planning in 1952, giving people the right to use contraception and sterilization. The first decree passed by the Communist Party of China government was the Marriage Law promulgated on March 8, 1950, which gave women equal rights, autonomy in marriage, and freedom in marriage. The first sentence of this law is: The state protects the rights and interests of women and children. The Marriage Law liberated Chinese women and allowed Chinese women to enjoy the same rights as male citizens. This also became a powerful weapon for the Chinese government to implement family planning. Because Chinese women enjoy equal rights, they have greater autonomy in reproductive matters. For this reason, China's family planning issue was never a problem during Mao Zedong's era.

Some people with ulterior motives say that China's population has increased by several hundred million because Chairman Mao wrongly criticized Ma Yinchu's "New Population Theory". In fact, most people don't know what Ma Yinchu's New Population Theory is, and what Malthus said. What kind of population theory is this? Malthus's theory of population is actually very simple. It means that the growth of living materials, such as food, etc., is arithmetic, with one percent and two percent growth, while the growth of population is geometric. A couple has four children. Children mean twice the growth. Four children and four more children mean four times the growth. Therefore, if the growth of living standards cannot keep up with the growth of population, it will cause famine, disease, war, etc. This view is also the view of Western environmentalists today. What Ma Yinchu promoted was also Maltius's point of view. Marcius believed that the solution to population growth was not to pay too much wages to the poor and workers, because the poor and workers would have more children if they had more money. If the poor and workers are forced to live barely enough to survive, they will not have more children. Today's Western environmentalists also hold this view. They oppose the development of production, infrastructure construction, etc. in third world countries. Some people even oppose building roads and railways in third world countries. This is the real reason why Westerners are against China and China's One Belt, One Road and other policies. They do not want third world countries, including China, to live like themselves.

In fact, the population increase during Mao Zedong's era was not mainly caused by the increase in the birth rate, but by the increase in the survival rate of children and the increase in average life expectancy. In 1949, before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the average life expectancy of Chinese people was only 32 years old, and the child mortality rate was more than 200 per thousand. In the 1930s and 1940s, old Shanghai had a population of only two million, but there were two hundred unclaimed corpses on the streets every day, most of them children. If a poor person gave birth to four or five children, only one or two would survive. This is why China's population barely grew during the more than 100 years from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. During Mao Zedong's era, China's average life expectancy increased from 32 years in 1949 to 69 years in 1976, doubling in less than 30 years, while the mortality rate of children increased from 32 to 1,000. Two hundredths, dropped to eighty-nine thousandths. This is the main reason for the increase in population during Mao Zedong's era, and has nothing to do with criticizing Ma Yinchu.

In 1964, when I was nine years old, I started to work in the production team to earn work points after school. By the time I left in the spring of 1978 to go to college, there were more than 1,500 people in our village except for one work-related injury and one suicide. There were no deaths. There is a reason why life expectancy has doubled. The popularization of rural cooperative medical care, the improvement of living standards, and the social environment and climate in which everyone has something to do, food to eat, and housing to live have led to unprecedented improvements in the living standards of the Chinese people. The extension of average life expectancy is the most practical and reliable measure of a country's living standards.standard.

During the Maoist era, life expectancy doubled and the population doubled. For ordinary people, this is a good thing for the country and the people to live and work in peace and contentment. But some anti-Mao people began to blame Mao Zedong for criticizing Ma Yinchu and causing China's population to double. On the one hand, they advocate Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, which caused tens of millions of Chinese people to starve to death, and on the other hand, they want to blame Mao Zedong for causing the population to double. Isn't this self-contradictory?

Mao Zedong said that people are the most precious in the world. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, as long as there are people, any miracle in the world can be created. This statement seems absolutely true today. Without people, there would be no human society and everything would be gone. In 1970, Chairman Mao proposed that the population issue also required planning. Premier Zhou Enlai proposed that one child should be less than three, and two children for a couple would be just right. So China started a nationwide family planning education campaign and achieved great success. Our village cadre called a meeting of the members and said that it was impossible to increase our land, and our population had doubled. If this continued, it would definitely not be sustainable. Therefore, young people in the village are required to marry after they are twenty-five years old and have only two children, five years apart. The young people in our village all promised to the village to get married after they turn twenty-five. My eldest sister and I promised not to get married until we were 26 years old. By the time Chairman Mao passed away in 1976, rural planning problems had basically come to an end. Most people took the initiative to marry late and only have two children. For some people who want to have more children, the village does not punish them. It just holds classes to educate them until they agree to be sterilized. My eldest cousin's wife gave birth to two daughters. He wanted a son, so he didn't want to plan a family. There were two other people in the village who had only given birth to two daughters and did not want to give up the idea of having a son, so the village asked them to study in a class. While others work in the fields, they go to the brigade headquarters to study alone. As time passed, they agreed to undergo sterilization surgery.

When China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1979, Deng Xiaoping visited the United States. Bewitched by the American elite, he accepted the one-child policy. The Americans have always wanted to intervene in China's population policy, but they have been unable to do so because the two countries have no diplomatic relations. Now with an obedient Chinese leader like Deng Xiaoping, he sold the one-child policy to China. At the same time, Deng Xiaoping dissolved the people's communes and let farmers divide their fields and work alone. The collective economy in rural China provides social security for farmers, which is the main reason why Chinese young people can successfully accept the family planning policy. Now the state forces farmers to divide their land and work alone, and farmers have lost their social security. The idea of raising children to provide for old age has reappeared. They refuse to accept the country's one-child policy. They want to have more children while they are young so that they can have someone to take care of them when they are old.

In order to force farmers to accept family planning, the Deng Xiaoping government passed legislation and made family planning a basic national policy, which means that family planning is a law under the law and can override all laws. In order to promote family planning, officials can illegally force farmers to have family planning. For example, farmers can be cut off from electricity and water, and their furniture, food, and electrical appliances can be taken away to force farmers to submit. People who refuse to implement family planning can be illegally detained, and their parents can be beaten. They can break into houses in the middle of the night and drag pregnant women to hospitals for abortion. They can also arrest pregnant women on the streets or in markets and take them to hospitals for forced abortions. In the 1980s and 1990s, many family planning slogans on the walls in rural areas said: I will open a bottle for you to drink medicine, and I will hang you with a rope, but it is absolutely not allowed to have a second child. Family planning law enforcement teams have been set up in many places to punish farmers who want to have one more child to death. The Communist Party of Mao Zedong's era prided itself on being in contact with the masses, caring for the masses, not beating or scolding others, and sharing weal and woe with the peasants. Deng Xiaoping's Communist Party became the nemesis of the peasants, far more ferocious than the Kuomintang reactionaries' chief security officer. The Americans used the one-child policy to successfully undermine the good relationship between the Communist Party and the Chinese people, and turned the Communist Party and the farmers into complete opposition. If Xi Jinping had not brought order to things after coming to power in 2012, stepped up poverty alleviation work in rural areas, increased investment in rural areas, and eased the relationship between the government and farmers, the Communist Party of China would have never had a future in China.

China's population is now seriously aging. In 2023, there were more than 11 million deaths and only more than 7 million newborns, a gap of more than 3 million. The birth rate was even lower than that of South Korea and Japan. If this continues, China's population will plummet in a few years, and the aging problem will further intensify. China's aging population is unnatural and entirely caused by government pressure. The number of children in a family suddenly dropped from four or five to one. This kind of cliff-like decrease is unprecedented in the history of human society. The one-child policy adopted by Deng Xiaoping from the Americans will undoubtedly cause an unprecedented catastrophe to the future of the Chinese nation. If the Chinese government wants to solve the problem of population aging, its top priority is to reckon with and criticize the consequences of Deng Xiaoping's wrong policies, and to apologize to the broad masses of the people, especially farmers, and seek their forgiveness.


3. Han Dongping: Chairman Mao's opponents always continue to prove that he is right

Class struggle exists objectively, and it cannot be survived by Yao or destroyed by Jie.

Chairman Mao is a man, not a god, and people always make mistakes, so Chairman Mao will also make mistakes. This is a logic that Chairman Mao's political opponents have tirelessly reiterated after the reform. In order to prove that Chairman Mao made mistakes in his later years, Chairman Mao's political opponents took great pains and used all kinds of conspiracies and tricks. They say that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, completely ignoring the truth that practice has already proven: only socialism can save China. They say that Mao Zedong Thought is the collective wisdom of their generation, completely ignoring the fact that the party's history has long proven that it was Chairman Mao who time and time again saved the party and the Red Army from the fatal mistakes caused by the wrong line of their generation. . We have no data to prove how many people have been deceived by these shenanigans, but based on my experience of more than 30 years of rural survey research, the number of poor and lower-middle peasants in rural areas who have been deceived can be ignored. Workers in cities have lost their iron rice bowls and tens of millions of people have been laid off. The number of people who have fallen for their trap can be ignored. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the wave of Mao Zedong craze in China today.

The people who really oppose Chairman Mao in the countryside are only some wealthy counter-rightists and their descendants. The total number should not exceed 5% of the total population. Those who oppose Chairman Mao in the city are only some former capitalists and their children, and a small group of revisionists and class dissidents who have sneaked into the party and government and were exposed and criticized by the masses during the Cultural Revolution. The total number of these people will not exceed 5% of the urban population. Out of their own class position and class interests, these people do not need anti-Mao propaganda, but are filled with deep-seated hatred of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party, which is not subject to human will. There are not many of these people, but they are the people who have been cultivated and reused by those in power after the reform. Therefore, they often occupy important positions in the government, the army, and the cultural and propaganda departments. They are extremely energetic and make people feel their power. Much larger than their actual numbers.

In 2015, I was invited to give a lecture at the Institute of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University. Director Liu of the Institute of Modern History at Sun Yat-sen University, a fellow from Shandong, invited me to dinner. During the dinner, he denounced the Mao Zedong era and the rural collective economic system. I asked him what his class status was, and he said that his family was a landlord. I said, what do you have to say? The Chinese revolution and the political power established by the Chinese Communist Party were to deprive the landlords and rich peasants of their exploitation gains and distribute them to the poor and lower-middle peasants. The landlords and rich peasants were unwilling to lose the land and other means of production they once owned. If the broad masses of workers and peasants wanted to safeguard the new people's political power, they had to suppress hostile elements. I told him that Chairman Mao of the Communist Party only reformed the former landlords and rich peasants, while the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek government physically destroyed the poor who dared to resist. In the Soviet areas of Jiangxi and in the Soviet areas of Hubei, Henan, and Anhui, Chiang Kai-shek engaged in atrocities in which stones were overdone and people were forced to change their species. More than eighty members of General Xu Haidong's family were killed, and dozens of members of Marshal He Long's family were also killed. The Kuomintang reactionaries must have killed at least 20 million Communists and their families. Of course the director of modern Chinese history, Liu, knew this very well and did not argue with me anymore.

When I gave my speech the next day, Director Liu brought his graduate students to listen to my speech. Many professors and doctoral students at the Institute of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University were surprised because Director Liu never allowed his students to speak well of the Cultural Revolution or mention class, class contradictions and class struggle. No one of his students dared to say that the Cultural Revolution was good, and no one dared to mention class struggle. Otherwise, you will not be able to graduate. He brought students to listen to me talk about class struggle and rural collective economy, and he did not argue with me, which can be regarded as giving me, a fellow countryman, some face. But I sincerely hope that he or his students will debate this issue with me in order to clear it up. The society we live in is a class society. Different classes have different class demands. The struggle between these different demands is class struggle. This cannot be transferred by human will. Living in a class society and not acknowledging the existence of classes, class contradictions and class struggles is truly a cover-up, or a blind eye.

In the general situation where the Communist Party seized power and the workers, peasants and soldiers took control of the state machinery, Chairman Mao was far-sighted and warned the whole party and the people not to forget the class struggle and the possibility of capitalist restoration. In that social climate, China's workers and peasants truly There are not many people who can understand Chairman Mao's concerns and speak truthfully. At least I couldn't understand it back then. On the day Chairman Mao passed away, my father cried all the way home. The first thing he did when he got home was to gather the whole family together and say: Now that Chairman Mao is gone, the sky has fallen for the poor. No one knows what China will look like tomorrow. But he hoped that his children would never forget what Chairman Mao had done for the Chinese people. At that time, I didn’t think so. Aren’t the workers and peasants already the masters of the country? How can changes happen just because Chairman Mao died alone? Do workers and farmers today still have such questions? In the past forty years of reform and opening up, workers and farmers have re-recognized the existence of classes and the cruelty of class struggle from their own personal experiences. If there are still people today who say that classes and class struggle no longer exist, workers and peasants know that they are misleading the people.

Some people oppose taking class struggle as the key link and believe that it is right to focus on economic development. In fact, why didn't Mao Zedong pay attention to economic development? The vast number of workers and farmers are working day and night on the front line of industrial and agricultural production, building factories, repairing reservoirs, breeding improved seeds, and conducting scientific research. For what? It's not just for economic development. In just over twenty years, our country's grain output has tripled. The establishment of an independent modern industry and a modern national defense industry system is not only to develop the economy and improve people's living standards, but also to enable the broad masses of workers and peasants to enjoy free Education, free medical care, and average life expectancy increased from 32 years in 1949 to 69 years in 1976, 19 years ahead of India at the same starting point. Isn’t this the best for great economic development? prove.

Why should we not forget class struggle? It is to ensure that the economic achievements that the broad masses of workers and peasants have worked so hard to develop will not be appropriated by a few people with ulterior motives. It is to ensure that the broad masses of working people will always firmly hold the means of production and the fruits of labor in their own hands. inside. The capitalist roaders in the party and the bourgeoisie in society say they will not engage in class struggle, but in fact they have never stopped class struggle. Looking at the social development since the reform and opening up, workers and farmers have lost free education and free medical care, hundreds of millions of farmers have become migrant workers, one-third of the country's farmers have lost their land, tens of millions of workers in state-owned enterprises have been laid off, and many state-owned enterprises have lost their jobs. Managers enriched themselves during the privatization process and became new bourgeois elements. The number of billionaires in Chinese society exceeds that of the United States. The polarization between the rich and the poor in China has reached a dangerous level, far exceeding that of most capitalist countries, so much so that the country has not dared to publish the Gini coefficient for a long time. Practice has proved that class struggle has never stopped in China. The purpose of the revisionists in preventing the masses of workers and peasants from engaging in class struggle is to cover up their own "class struggle" that steals the fruits of economic development.

The bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party

Another important assertion made by Chairman Mao during his lifetime was that the bourgeoisie is within the Communist Party. In the process of reforming from the upper echelons of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Chairman Mao realized the class nature of those in authority within the party who were taking the capitalist road and the harm it would do to the cause of socialism. At the risk of being shattered into pieces, Chairman Mao mobilized the masses to rise up and fight against the party. Struggle against those in power taking the capitalist road. Because the people are fully mobilized and use the four freedoms granted by the Constitution to speak loudly, amplify and debate big-character posters, they effectively supervise the cadres of the party and the state. They live with, work with, and eat with the workers and peasants. The children attended the same school as the children of workers and peasants. They live among the people and have no chance of being separated from the masses and have no chance of corruption because everything they do is under the supervision of the broad masses of the people. The Cultural Revolution gave the people the freedom and right to supervise officials, blocked the channels for official corruption, and restricted the freedom of officials to act recklessly. This is the real reason why the people at that time believed that the Cultural Revolution was good and that it was good if it came. According to an online survey, even today, more than 40 years after being smeared, more than 80% of Chinese people still believe that the Proletarian Cultural Revolution was a good thing, which makes some people feel that the rejection of the Cultural Revolution was not thorough enough.

Some Chinese leaders after the reform betrayed the original intention of the Party and ignored the fact that the Cultural Revolution was a social movement involving hundreds of millions of people to oppose and prevent revisionism. They completely negated the Cultural Revolution and deprived the people of their right to use big-character posters to speak loudly and amplify debates. They no longer want to work and live in the eyes of the masses. They no longer want to be public servants serving the people. They want to be officials and masters. They think that they have worked hard to conquer the world and have achieved great results. Now it is they and their families who are the masters, eat, drink and have fun. It's time. They moved out of civilian residential areas and built themselves villas; they raised their own wages and promoted their children to important government positions. Their children no longer went to the same schools as civilian children. They use public funds to buy imported cars and travel with public funds. They colluded with unscrupulous businessmen like Xu Jiayin, took a large amount of national assets as their own, and then transferred the money abroad, leaving debts to the country and the people. What they did continued to prove how correct and forward-looking Chairman Mao was in launching the Cultural Revolution.

The contradiction between China's bureaucratic class and the Chinese workers and peasants has intensified in the harsh class struggle. During my inspection in the countryside, I witnessed Chinese farmers beating a township chief until he went into shock. The township chief was riding in a car provided by the government when he was stopped by a farmer who urgently needed to take the patient to the hospital. He asked the township chief to take the patient to the hospital, but the township chief refused and said that not everyone could take the township chief's car. His words angered the onlookers. The farmers dragged him out of the car and beat him until the township leader went into shock. The superiors investigated the matter, but in the end they just transferred the township chief. There were too many farmers who violently attacked the township chief, and the police were unable to arrest them, so the matter was left alone.

There is also a township party committee secretary who arbitrarily moved a rural gathering in that township to the location of the township government, which seriously affected the original gathering.economic life of local farmers. Farmers petitioned many times to move the market back to its original location, but were ignored by the township government. Finally, the farmers in the village rushed into the township government during lunch break one day, put a sack on the head of the township party committee secretary who was taking a lunch break, and then rushed up and dragged the township party committee secretary to the street, beating him while He scolded the party secretary until he went into shock. In the end, the superiors only transferred the party secretary and did not take any punishment against the farmers who participated in the beating of the township party secretary. Because there are too many such things. The government can only take measures to calm the situation and avoid the situation where the government forces the people to rebel. Before Xi Jinping came to power, there were hundreds of incidents of besieging and beating county and township governments in China every day, and more than 100,000 incidents a year across the country. Seriously endangering the stability of the country. In 2005, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao had to take extreme measures to abandon the thousands-year-old land tax and all other rural taxes to ease conflicts with farmers.

The Cultural Revolution was the most effective way to eliminate corrupt officials and various social injustices

Since the reform and opening up, corruption among Chinese government officials has reached unprecedented levels. From the Politburo Standing Committee to the village head and branch secretary, almost all officials found are corrupt. From the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission to the Minister of National Defense, more than a dozen generals from various branches of the military have been arrested for corruption. Provincial governors, provincial party committee secretaries, and ministers of various ministries have all been arrested. There are countless arrests at the county, division, and township levels. Even tens of thousands. Since Xi Jinping took over as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee in 2012, he has launched a severe crackdown on corruption. Several million officials at all levels have been arrested, far exceeding the number of war casualties suffered by the Communist Party during its seizure of power. When I visited rural areas, farmers said that if a hundred officials were shot, one or two of them might be unjustly convicted. If every other official is shot, there will be too many corrupt officials caught. A county-level cadre told me personally that according to the standards of the Mao Zedong era, he should have been shot a hundred times. The reason he wasn't caught was because every official was like him. They have all been arrested, and no one is an official anymore.

Since Xi Jinping took office in 2012, he has been cracking down on corruption. Officials have been arrested batch after batch. However, the amount of corruption committed by the officials caught is getting larger and larger, from several million, to tens of millions, to hundreds of millions. , billions, and now Xu Jiayin alone is involved in more than 2 trillion, and the methods of corruption are becoming more and more shocking. This shows that there are limitations in relying on officials from the Discipline Inspection Commission at all levels to fight corruption. Often there are moles within the Discipline Inspection Commission. Only by fully mobilizing the masses and relying on all the people to supervise officials at all levels, as was the case during the Cultural Revolution, can we create a social climate where officials dare not be corrupt and do not want to be corrupt. Can we effectively stop corruption and ensure that the color of socialist China will not change.

Now is a critical moment for Chinese society to inherit the past and inherit the future. China faces unprecedented challenges both internationally and domestically. The question of where China should go has once again been put before the Chinese people. The Constitution of the Communist Party of China is about pursuing common prosperity. The Party Central Committee headed by Xi Jinping has repeatedly said that it will take the path of common prosperity. The broad masses of workers and peasants in China also expect the Party Central Committee to lead them on the path of common prosperity. But China's people in power who are taking the capitalist road, those small group of unscrupulous businessmen who have become rich by stealing state-owned assets through collusion between officials and businessmen, and some descendants of landlords and capitalists do not want to take the road of common prosperity. This is class struggle, this is the line struggle in reality. There is no room for reconciliation between the two. what to do? The Communist Party has no retreat, the Party Central Committee headed by Xi Jinping has no retreat, and the Chinese people have no retreat. They can only unswervingly follow the path of Chairman Mao's generation of communists. If we continue to fight, there is no way out, and retreating is a dead end. As Lenin said in October, death does not belong to the working class.

I would like to write this article to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the birth of the people's leader


4. Sans-culottes: Commemorating the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth—Retrospect and Prospect

The capitalist line and road that came to power 47 years ago through the counter-revolutionary military coup of Hua Ye, Wang, Li and Deng comprehensively usurped the iron power of the working people and realized the most profound and insidious premeditation of the bourgeoisie at home and abroad to restore capitalism. The agents of the Western bourgeoisie, represented by President Carter of the United States, usurped all political, economic, and military affairs through Deng Xiaoping, a class traitor, state thief, and public enemy of the people who has been lurking in the party for 50 to 60 years, and his group of reactionary forces. Diplomacy, ideological propaganda, public opinion and other ruling powers. Just when the power of this bourgeois dictatorship reaches its peak and the people are forced to go to a dead end, the world's capitalist road is on the decline, and its internal contradictions are so serious that it is falling apart and panicking.

The four major crises of capitalism - the Great Pandemic, the Great Depression, the Great War and the Great Climate Change - have forced the world capitalist camp to undergo huge divisions and an unprecedented tendency of self-denial - unprecedented awakenings and manifestations of exploited and oppressed nations and peoples in the world. Show the passion and ambition to dare to fight.

Powers such as the "Big Four" (Speak out freely, Air their views fully, Big debates, Big-character posters) distributed among the people and their communities in various countries around the world are rapidly unfolding with the widespread dissatisfaction with world capitalism that is armed to the teeth, and It has become the invincible basic rights and weapons of citizens, and has more completely got rid of the formalistic and stinking fig leaf of so-called democracy under the dictatorship of the world bourgeoisie.

Because the decadence of the Western (referring to the United States, Europe, and Japan) capitalist world has been exposed due to its chronic diseases, it has been scorned by the awakened people of the third world; even the so-called new revisionism of the second largest economy, a rising star, The capitalist road under the counter-revolutionary regime is also showing irreversible ruin.

The people's democratic revolution faced by the Western capitalist camp belongs to the category of the new democratic revolution pioneered by Chairman Mao due to historical reasons. The new revisionist counter-revolution, that is, the people's democratic revolution in China under the rule of the so-called characteristic party, also belongs to the proletarian revolution due to historical reasons. Continuing revolution under class dictatorship is the scope of the second proletarian cultural revolution. The big-character posters of the Second Cultural Revolution that appeared on the streets of Beijing this time illustrate that Hua, Ye, Wang, Li, Deng, Jiang, Hu, and Xi, the Eight Revisions, are unpopular and have reached the point where their reactionary rule can no longer continue. As conflicts in the political, economic and social fields worsen, there may be calls for a second cultural revolution across the country. The current problem is no longer to continue to wait but to create conditions to gain a favorable opportunity to initiate and launch the great cause of the people's democratic revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.

It can be asserted that the second world-revolutionary storm will advance rapidly on the basis of the ideology and class line of the first-world revolutionary storm led by the great leader Chairman Mao. 


5. Wen Ping: Mao Zedong Thought shines brightly

Thank you to the hosts and old directors for adhering to the original intention regardless of rain or shine, and continuing to hold the 130th anniversary commemoration of Chairman Mao's birth on the program this year. We always firmly believe that Mao Zedong Thought will always shine brightly.

The world is facing a century of changes. The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to rage, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is recurring. In addition to climate change, there are also social issues such as Black Lives Matter, rainbows being expensive, oil being too expensive, the proliferation of guns, technology and ethics, and so on. On the surface, these are ethnic divisions, historical hangovers, seemingly deception and awakening, the relationship between a majority and a handful, historical national grievances between Russians and Ukrainians, Palestinians and Israelis, innovation and conservatism, etc.

In essence, these conflicts, in the final analysis, are still class struggles and people-oriented issues. If we forget the people, forget to serve the people, and forget to serve the majority of the people, we will not be able to avoid wars, we will not be able to solve problems, and we will always be accompanied by social unrest. China has thousands of years of history, and many classic examples can be found.

The east is red, the sun is rising, and Mao Zedong was born in China. All Chinese are very fortunate that China has produced a great man and national hero, Chairman Mao Zedong. His thoughts guide us, not only for us Chinese ourselves, but also have a profound impact on the world.

In Tiananmen Square, there are two large and distinctive slogans, one is "Long live the People's Republic of China" and the other is "Long live the great unity of the people of the world." After all, long live the people. The people of all ethnic groups in China are united as one and, under the leadership of President Xi and the Party Central Committee, continue to create brilliance and take the lead. This is the luck and expectation of all Chinese people. The road to unity for the people of the world is still long and arduous. If we insist on spreading the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind to the whole world, the world will definitely become better and better.

Finally, thank you all and wish you good health and a happy New Year!


6. Lao Xian: Speech at the symposium in New York commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great leader Chairman Mao

Some time ago, I saw on the Internet that people braved the severe cold and heavy snow to line up in long lines to pay homage to Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, which made me cry. Indeed, the status of the elderly in the hearts of the Chinese people is irreplaceable.

In this year, the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Zedong, the situation can be described by the Chairman's poem: the sky is rolling with cold currents, and the earth is slightly warm. Several incidents of demolishing Chairman Mao's statues have occurred in the north and the south, causing strong indignation among people and casting a shadow on people's minds. Hence this passage that became famous on the Internet:

“The Chinese Communist Party's attitude towards Chairman Mao determines the Chinese people's attitude towards the Communist Party, and also directly affects the world's attitude towards China!”

As the Chairman's birthday approached, I noticed a notice: Chairman Mao Memorial Hall would not be open to the public on the morning of December 26 due to work, and would only open in the afternoon. I can't help but look forward to an official commemorative event being held at the memorial hall.

Finally, the report arrived: On the morning of December 26, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a symposium to commemorate the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth in the Great Hall of the People. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders went to pay homage to Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. The central government complied with the people's wishes, and the people were very happy with it.

The flesh-and-blood connection between Chairman Mao and the vast majority of the Chinese people cannot be cut off by anyone. I was watching the TV series "Ask the Cangmang" released to commemorate the Chairman's birthday, which brought back memories of my visit to Anyuan when I was in Jiangxi. The chairman came to Anyuan, personally went down to the depths of the mine, and had heart-to-heart talks with the "coal black men" who were suppressed at the bottom of society and made friends, which moved the majority of workers. "Yesterday we were bullshit, today we have to be human beings!" Can the workers not follow the Chairman on the road to seeking liberation?

I even heard the story of an old worker in Tianjin. When Tianjin was liberated, she was still a child laborer in a textile factory and knew very little about the outside world. In just 29 hours, the People's Liberation Army captured the city of Tianjin. She went to work in the factory as usual, but was surprised to find that the usually fierce foreman had a flattering smile on his face that day. Her intuition quickly told her that Chairman Mao and the Communist Party were here and liberated!

The entire Mao Zedong era was an entrepreneurial era of hard work and excitement. Chairman Mao taught us that the establishment of the socialist system has opened up a way to reach the ideal state, and reaching the ideal state requires everyone's hard work. The overturned Chinese people consciously followed the Communist Party and Chairman Mao, worked hard with their own sweat to change the backwardness of the motherland, and worked hard to build a prosperous and powerful New China. Without oppression and exploitation, everyone is in a happy mood and full of energy, just like a song says, "No matter how hard it is, no matter how tired it is, the heart is sweet"! As the motherland becomes increasingly prosperous, everyone is full of hope, because the dividends of production development and social progress belong to everyone in the society, and will not be exclusive to a small group of early adopters.

Today we commemorate the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth. The question we must consider is how to continue to advance the socialist cause he pioneered under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought. For this reason, it is very important for the broad masses of the people to give full play to their historical initiative as protagonists. Let us unite and work hard together towards the socialist direction of common prosperity.


7. Li Mengxin: Dedicated to Chairman Mao, the great man of the East

         On this special day, the anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, please let us once again review that glorious history that belongs to the people and commemorate the great leader: Chairman Mao Zedong.

Chairman Mao was not only a great leader of the Chinese revolution, but also a firm believer in people-centeredness. He led China on the path of independence, freedom and dignity, leaving an indelible mark on it.

         Chairman Mao put the people first and always believed that the rise and fall of a country depends on its people. The most distinctive aspect of his leadership philosophy is to put people first. During Chairman Mao's long revolutionary process, he deeply understood the sufferings of the poor people, so he put forward the idea of "serving the people" to actively improve the impoverished post-war China and put it on the correct path of socialism.

       Why did Chairman Mao firmly advocate the socialist system and regard it as an effective means to fight capitalism. Because he is well aware of the exploitation and injustice under the capitalist system, he actively advocates socialism and pursues true fairness and justice in human society. Recalling the COVID-19 period a few years ago, I still have a deep impression, which directly exposed the way capitalist countries treat their people. Most capitalist countries adopt a liberal isolation mechanism, which in name respects people's freedom, but in fact directly implements social Darwinism. If you have money, you will actively treat people, and if you don't have money, you will give up treatment. This shows the distorted system and idea that capital is greater than people's lives.

There is an ancient saying: To grow a tree, you must first grow roots; to build a person, you must first build virtue. The foundation of human society should be people-oriented, not capital-oriented. Human beings create money and build capital but are enslaved by money and capital. This is not the original intention of creating money. But it is the mainstream today, which is really sad.

Commemorating Chairman Mao is not just to review history, but also to continue his thoughts and move towards a better future. The people-oriented concept will always be the unchanging cornerstone for us to build society and promote development.


8. Liu Shi: Between Chairman Mao Zedong and Dr. Kissinger

After Dr. Kissinger passed away, many Chinese and foreign media called him the man who opened the door to China and the man who laid the foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Regarding this kind of praise in the media, Dr. Kissinger made a direct judgment during his lifetime. Let's take a look at what he said:

"What I didn't expect is that in Chinese media reports, whenever the improvement of Sino-US relations in 1972 was mentioned, most of the words were given to me, praising my contribution to this. This is inappropriate and unfair. , and it also disturbs me that most of the words should be given to the great Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai."

First of all, Dr. Kissinger visited China many times on the orders of President Nixon. More importantly, if Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai do not cooperate, his visit to China will definitely be in vain. What we want to discuss here is: Why did Chairman Mao Zedong readily cooperate with the special envoys of "American imperialism"?

It is said that the Zhenbao Island incident occurred in 1969, and the Chinese border defense forces caused a big loss to the Soviet army. Breznev was furious and had the idea of attacking China with nuclear weapons. He planned to bomb thirty-seven Chinese cities, including in particular China's nuclear bases.land. He knew the problem was serious, so he sent secret letters to solicit opinions from five countries, including the United States and West Germany.

The first person to react was President Nixon. After consulting closely with Kissinger, he sent the big news to the tabloid "Washington Star". He also announced: "The United States opposes the Soviet Union's unilateral actions to destroy the world's balance of power." West German Prime Minister Brandt stated that China has a high degree of civilization and that if it is given time, it will have its due status. West Germany opposed the Soviet Union's action. At the same time, Chairman Mao Zedong imitated Zhu Yuanzhang and published his nine-character mantra: "Digb deeply, accumulate food widely, and never seek hegemony." Chairman Mao Zedong wanted to minimize the losses caused by nuclear attacks. Externally, it cooperated with the United States to contain the Soviet Union, and at home, it implemented these nine-character mantra, which made the Soviet Union restrain its hands and the Chinese people safely escaped this disaster.

Kissinger was absolutely right to credit Chairman Mao Zedong, while also showing his own style.


9. Lao Dong: The significance of the Palestinian people's armed struggle in this era

Listen to the thunder in the silent place

The armed uprising in Gaza led by Hamas on October 7 shocked the world. Overnight, the situation changed. Previously, the United States led Israel, the two major rivals in the Middle East, to shake hands with Saudi Arabia and discuss the new division of power in the Middle East. In fact, it was to completely cancel the tacit alliance between the Arab countries in the Middle East to fight Israel that had long existed in name only on the Palestinian issue. , replaced by a new Israeli-Saudi Arabia agreement to partition the Middle East. While this new international trend was being vigorously publicized, gunfire rang out in Gaza. In just one day, Hamas's underground guerrillas launched multiple attacks in the Gaza "concentration camp" under Israel's strict surveillance, breaking through several frontline surveillance fortresses and Israel was defeated. , thousands died and hundreds were captured. The unprecedented military defeat shattered the propaganda myth of Israel's invincibility.

The Oslo Accords of 1993 led by the United States and Europe, the so-called two-state rule for Palestine, gave Palestine state treatment and made it obedient to Israel's orders as a condition for survival. It has been going on for thirty years without any results, and this time it went bankrupt. The war in Gaza dominates international trends around the world. Every day, the hegemony, corruption and incompetence of the US hegemony and the Israeli colonial regime are revealed more clearly. Every day that passes, countries around the world are involved, and people all over the world take to the streets to express their stance, marking an unprecedented awakening of the people.

The people's battle cry against capital, hegemony, imperialism and colonialism is sounded again

The biggest difference between this Gaza incident and the past is the people's war approach. Without the support of the people, it would be impossible to survive under such high pressure, let alone a counterattack, let alone a huge victory that would attract global attention and reverse the situation. If we do not resort to war, and not only carry out armed resistance, but also work hard and long-term planning to ensure victory, it will not have any impact, let alone change the historical turning point of the world. The Palestinian people have found a way to live even in the face of death.

The four words "people's war" are the signature of Mao Zedong's path. "The country wants independence, the nation wants liberation, and the people want revolution. This is an unstoppable trend of history." This was also Chairman Mao's famous saying during his lifetime. Today we see it again in the Palestinian protests in Gaza. From the death of Chairman Mao to today, the interrupted historical trend has continued again in the 21st century. This is the significance of this incident in Gaza.

Great reversal in China-Pakistan relations

China, during Chairman Mao's lifetime, was the first supporter of the Palestinian people's armed self-rescue, but after Chairman Mao's death, China became the number one betrayer of Palestine. This can be seen more clearly from the development of Sino-Israeli relations.

When the PLO was founded in 1964, China was the earliest supporter. Chairman Mao put forward the slogan of "firmly supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism." Premier Zhou expressed China's position: The Chinese people strongly condemn U.S. imperialism's aggression against Arab countries and various criminal activities that harm the interests of the Arab people, and firmly support the just struggles of the Palestinian and Arab peoples. The 650 million Chinese people will always stand with the Arab people. “During the Cultural Revolution, China and Palestine had close relations, the fighting friendship they forged, and China's respect and support for the Palestinian people was unprecedented at that time.

After Chairman Mao's death, China betrayed the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America with an unparalleled speed. Palestine was the first to be betrayed. This can be seen more clearly from the development of China-Israel relations. Internationally, the Chinese government is closest to Israel. Especially after the June 4th Incident in 1989, the United States and Europe publicly boycotted China in the front office, but left a way out for Israel to win over China in private, performing a double act. . This was Deng Xiaoping's basic policy of keeping a low profile. On the one hand, he kept saying that he would not change his sincerity in requesting to join the United States and Europe because of U.S. condemnation and boycott; on the other hand, he continued to use Israel as an intermediary to connect with the West. The betrayal of the Palestinian people is in sync with the domestic criticism of Mao Zedong. This close relationship between China and Israel has, over the past thirty years, affected Chinese party and official personnel, especially all departments of politics, economics, academia, journalism, military, culture, technology, foreign trade, etc. that interact with the West. The personnel are all tacit and undisclosed secrets. China-Israel relations are so deep that Israel is the exclusive agent for China to sell goods to the United States. It is no exaggeration to say that he has become China's closest friend in the West. If we say that since the reform and opening up, under China's national policy of "keeping a low profile", it has only one "friend" that it relies on in the world, and that is Israel. Such a relationship remains the same even when the West has vigorously cracked down on China in recent years.

Fortunately, the Hamas uprising has prevented the Chinese authorities from continuing to play the two-faced game. At the same time, China also attempted to change its capitulation policy of subjugating the party and the country. The domestic anti-Maoist forces became passive. When dealing with the Palestinian issue, they had to take an international stance and had to make diplomatic speeches condemning Israel. However, the style was low and the approach was unfair. The ambiguity is also obvious to all. However, it has allowed the Chinese people, especially the new generation of young people, to re-understand the world situation and the Palestinian issue, and have a new awakening.

Return to the path of Mao Zedong

The just struggles of the revolutionary people have always supported each other. Just like Chairman Mao's speech when meeting people from Asia, Africa and Latin America: It is not that China supports the people's revolutions in Asia, Africa and Latin America, but that the revolutionary struggles in Asia, Africa and Latin America help China's anti-imperialist and anti-hegemonist international struggle. The people's revolutionary struggle in Palestine is still the same this time. It has greatly aroused the awakening of the Chinese people. The international community has supported China in resisting Western pressure and attacked the domestic capitulationists in power, allowing the people to re-view Mao Zedong's legacy.

On the other hand, China's experience is extremely valuable in people's revolutionary self-help struggles around the world. Only the path opened by Mao Zedong is a successful path based on the regeneration of the working people and extended to the great unity of the people of the country and the people of the world. As time goes by, faith becomes stronger. Society is getting darker and darker, but the future is getting brighter and brighter: "The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life." Mao Zedong's path is the embodiment of the righteousness of the world. This year, this feeling is even deeper.


10. Huang Zhecao: Chairman Mao's thought of self-reliance has a long history - Speech at the 130th Birthday Commemoration of Chairman Mao

Hello everyone, thank you for attending the commemoration of Chairman Mao's 130th birthday. Today is December 26th in mainland China, it is also the 26th in Taiwan and Hong Kong, but it is one day later in the United States, it is the 25th. We commemorate Chairman Mao online through zoom birthday. Today's memorial meeting is co-hosted by Lao Dong (Dong Qingyuan), Xiao Xu (Xu Zhun) and myself. Xiao Xu is also responsible for technical support.

Today I want to talk about the impact of Chairman Mao's self-reliance thought on China. Chairman Mao is an unprecedented genius in Chinese history. He has made outstanding achievements in philosophy, politics, military, poetry, calligraphy and many other aspects. No one in Chinese and foreign history can surpass him. I think his biggest influence on China is his idea of self-reliance.

Let me first talk about what Chairman Mao said? During the revolutionary period and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he mentioned the word self-reliance many times. In his 1935 report "Strategies Against Japanese Imperialism," he said that our Chinese nation "has the determination to recover the old on the basis of self-reliance and the ability to stand on its own as a nation in the world."

In a conversation with American writer Snow in 1936, Chairman Mao repeatedly emphasized that independence and self-reliance are the fundamental guarantees for the victory of the Chinese revolution.

On the issue of economic construction, Chairman Mao also made it clear in his article "We Must Learn Economic Work" in 1945 that "We advocate self-reliance and we hope to have foreign aid, but we cannot rely on them. We rely on our own." efforts and rely on the creativity of all military and civilian personnel.”

On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Chairman Mao said in "The Current Situation and Our Policy after the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War" that after victory, our policy should be based on. Starting from one's own base is called self-reliance.”

Self-reliance is an important part of Mao Zedong Thought and the ideological force that has had the most profound influence on China since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Below I will explain it from five aspects.

First, my dream is that China has an aircraft carrier

I was born and raised in Taiwan. I have been attracted to China since I was a child and have been looking forward to China's prosperity. In 1972, when I left the United States for China and set foot on the motherland for the first time, my emotions were ups and downs and my blood was surging. My biggest wish in this life is for China. To powerfully wash away the humiliation of the past 100 years or so, a strong country and strong army are one of the necessary means, and the greatest wish is for China to have its own aircraft carrier. China's own aircraft carrier has become my biggest dream for China in this life. To my surprise, China had its first aircraft carrier in 2012. It was an unfinished aircraft carrier that China bought from Ukraine and refitted. It was named Liaoning and had a displacement of 60,000 metric tons. Then China built its second aircraft carrier, named Liaoning, with a displacement of 70,000 metric tons in 2019, and its third aircraft carrier, named Fujian, with a displacement of 80,000 metric tons in 2021. According to reports, the fourth and fifth aircraft carriers, both nuclear-powered, are being built simultaneously at Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard and Dalian Shipyard.

China has designed and built its own aircraft carrier, which far exceeded my expectations in terms of time and technology, and far exceeded my dreams. This is the contribution of Mao Zedong's guiding ideology of self-reliance.

Second, rely on self-reliance to make China's lunar exploration successful

About 10 years ago our family took a trip to Florida to visit the U.S. Space Center there. There was a big banner hanging at the entrance that said the United States and the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, and New Zealand. 12 other countries share space data, but China is not included. When I saw this banner excluding China, I felt disapproving and angry.

Armed with Mao Zedong's belief in self-reliance, China launched the Chang'e lunar exploration project in 2004. After long-term and unremitting efforts, it collected lunar soil from the moon in 2020, attracting worldwide attention. Now China has also launched a manned mission to the moon. It is expected that Landing on the moon in 2030 is just around the corner.

Third, the dazzling Beidou satellite navigation system

In 1993, the China Ship Yinhe was en route to Iran when it was forcibly boarded and intercepted by the United States on the high seas, claiming that there were chemicals on board. This was a false accusation. The United States shut down the GPS navigation system, leaving the ship adrift at sea. Faced with this humiliation that has severely damaged China's national character, all China can do is protest and swallow its anger. In addition, it can use Chairman Mao's magic weapon of self-reliance to develop its own navigation system.

In 1994, the Beidou Satellite System was officially established to discuss related issues. After nearly 30 years of arduous efforts, there are now 30 satellites covering the world. The Beidou Satellite System not only keeps pace with GPS, but has even surpassed it. It is the World Civil Aviation Organization (World Civil Aviation Organization) One of the world's civil aviation passenger aircraft navigation systems designated by ICAO).

Beidou Satellite Navigation System has a huge work team of 80,000 people, the backbone of which are young technical talents in their 30s and 40s. I saw them on TV in the control room in Beijing, full of energy and working hard. I felt very happy and proud.

Fourth, young students have unlimited potential

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has been very dedicated and admirable in its investment and efforts in education. In the past 2023, China had 21.58 million college graduates, of which about 7 million were majoring in science and engineering. This ratio is No other country can match them. They can be said to be the backbone of China's founding. Like the graduates of the Department of Liberal Arts and History, they are young people armed with Mao Zedong's self-reliance thought. They have unlimited potential and are a strong team in China's national construction.

Fifth, Mao Zedong's thought of self-reliance has a long history

The greatest asset Chairman Mao Zedong left to the 1.4 billion Chinese people is Mao Zedong Thought, of which self-reliance is the most important component. In addition to the contribution of aircraft carriers to the military and armed forces, space development, the Beidou satellite navigation system, and young students, Mao Zedong's self-reliance thought has great influence on The Chinese people are indispensable for establishing a strong sense of national pride, and its influence in various other fields such as economy, society, culture, education, etc. is also powerful and multifaceted and has a long history.


11. Next: Chairman Mao talks about (human) understanding

(1) "On Contradiction" and "On Practice" - the laws and sources of cognition

(2) Sakata's article "Dialogue on the New View of Elementary Particles" - Physics is not abstract mathematics

(3) "Materialism and Empirical Criticism" written by Lenin - the grand view of epistemology

Chairman Mao's talk on dialectical materialist epistemology in 1964 (on the eve of the Cultural Revolution) was roughly recorded and became a part of the history of Chinese cultural thought that is visible to the public. It is contained in the eighth volume of "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" "On the Problem of Human Understanding" (p.389), "Long Live Mao Zedong Thought", "Conversation on Sakata's Articles" (p.561) and "Guangming Daily", etc. Friends may have read the transcript of the conversation and Sakata's article many years ago. Now that I have reread it, my feelings and understandings vary from person to person, but I think the feeling of longing for Chairman Mao is the same.

According to records, Chairman Mao said, "What is philosophy? Philosophy is epistemology and nothing else." He also said:

     "Human knowledge comes from practice. When we use hoe, machine, etc. to transform the world, our understanding becomes deeper. Tools are the extension of human organs, the hoe is the extension of the arm, the telescope is the extension of the eye, and all the five senses of the body can be extended. ...

"People's understanding of things always needs to go through many iterations. There must be an accumulation process and a large amount of perceptual materials must be accumulated to cause a leap in perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge. Regarding from practice to perceptual knowledge, and then from perceptual knowledge Neither Marx nor Engels made it clear about the leap to rational understanding, nor did Lenin. Lenin's "Materialism and Empirical-Criticism" only made it clear about materialism, not the theory of epistemology. ...This The ancient Chinese did not explain it clearly. Laozi and Zhuangzi did not explain it clearly. Mozi talked about epistemological issues, but he did not explain it clearly. Zhang Zai, Li Zhuowu, Wang Chuanshan, and Tan Sitong did not explain it clearly."

"Philosophy is epistemology and nothing else." The author also holds the same belief. However, this is a subjective point of view. It is impossible and does not have to be agreed by everyone. Generally speaking,The scope of philosophy is relatively broad, and it has always emphasized ethics rather than epistemology. Chairman Mao mentioned Lao Tzu in his talk, and said in five thousand words: "The Tao can be Tao, but it is not eternal. The Tao can be named, but it is not eternal. The nameless beginning of heaven and earth has the name of the mother of all things." The Tao of those who do not know is like the name of those who know it. What is the Tao and where does its name come from? I said it but it seemed like I didn't. In short, I didn't make it clear. Several other historical figures mentioned, their philosophical discussions about intelligence are somewhat mixed with emotional judgments of right and wrong, especially Sakata and Lenin, who have prominent political stances. Before going into details, let us review two of Chairman Mao's early epistemological articles.

(1) "On Contradiction" and "On Practice"

"On Practice" talks about the sources of understanding:

     "Human production activities are the most basic practical activities and are what determine all other activities."

     "Production activities are the basic source of human understanding."

In philosophy, there are many words with unclear or controversial meanings, such as "things in themselves" and "causality" in the third section below. However, the above two sentences on practical theory are very clear, and they are the least that can be said about epistemology. Life and survival activities are the source of human understanding. Production activities are not only the primary basis for understanding, but also the basic needs of life. Human understanding, first of all, is the understanding of the surrounding environment and the understanding of the conditions on which the human body depends for survival. The ability to know for survival is the instinct of life shared by all animals. This article talks about understanding, why only talk about people? Observe birds, animals and even insects. They struggle to survive and display various amazing skills. Even domestic dogs can recognize people and understand things, but these show what is generally called perceptual knowledge, the beginning of understanding. Furthermore, rational understanding formed by generalization, abstraction, and the gradual expansion of small-scale special concepts in the field of thinking into universal concepts is something that humans have but other animals do not. People use language and words to communicate ideas. Language is a combination of concepts, and concepts are products of rationality. There is no such thing in sensibility. What power does rationality use to create it? The Chinese language has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is easy to learn and use. In your and my experience, concepts are mostly taught by predecessors, and it takes no effort to acquire them. But how can the original concepts of human beings be created out of thin air by reason? Chairman Mao felt that no one had made it clear about the principle of "a leap from perceptual to rational understanding."

"On Contradiction" talks about the laws of cognition:

     "The fundamental reason for the development of things... lies in the internal contradictions of things."

     "Every difference in human concepts should be regarded as a reflection of objective contradiction."

How to know things? split into two. Everything can be seen as two contradictory aspects. Observing the mutual transformation of the two parties is a good way to understand things. It is called "dialectics". Compared with rigid formal logic, dialectics is a flexible thinking tool, "for natural science, it is the most important thinking form" (Engels' "Dialectics of Nature" p. 28). According to the definition of Engels (who inherited Hegel), dialectics has three laws: the unity of opposites, the change from quantity to quality, and the negation of negation. However, things and their evolving phenomena are differentiated by appearance and interior, and may not all be regarded as basic laws. In the end, no consensus was reached on those three principles, and they could not be defined. Knowledge (knowledge) and action (practice) are regarded as two separate things in life. Try to look at it this way: the theory of practice says that knowledge depends on action, and the theory of contradiction, in turn, is that action depends on knowledge: how to know is how to do, what a world view is convenient What kind of stance and actions. Survival activities and sensory experiences first and decisively produce knowledge, and then (perhaps in no particular order), actions follow the orders of knowledge, and what a person knows guides his actions all the time. Behavior, especially production activities, is originally the purpose of acquiring knowledge. If it were not for action, people would not necessarily seek knowledge. In this way, the unity of knowledge and action, contradiction, dialectics, and the unity of opposites can all refer to the mutually reinforcing relationship between knowledge and action.

However, the laws of knowledge are different from the laws of knowledge. The law of cognition that we all know is called the "Law of Contradiction." The law of contradiction does not mean that there are contradictions everywhere, but on the contrary, there is no contradiction at all. Logic does not allow contradictions. People will not think that something is and is not at the same time. However, everyone clearly sees that there are many contradictions in people's understanding. Unknowingly, illogical antinomies have sneaked into their understanding. What's going on? This epistemological issue, which is not easy to clarify, will be discussed below after Lenin has talked about materialism.

(2) Sakata's article “Dialogue on the New View of Elementary Particles”

The reason for Chairman Mao's speech on August 24, 1964: "I came to you today to study Sakata's article. Sakata said that elementary particles are not indivisible, but electrons are divisible. He said this from the standpoint of dialectical materialism From a standpoint." (Note: Chairman Mao found Zhou Peiyuan and Yu Guangyuan, and they recorded their conversations respectively.)

Sakata introduced the new concept of elementary particles, with a clear materialist stance. At the beginning, he specifically quoted Francis Bacon's admonition:

     "Don't reduce the universe to the scope of understanding, as people have done until today, but we must extend and expand our understanding to accept the image of the universe that is consistent with its original appearance."

Bacon's "original" epistemology is consistent with the creed of materialism: the universe is primary, and human knowledge is secondary.

The article titled "Dialogue on New Fundamental Particle Views" is a simple explanation from an insider to a layman. The language is simple, but it is content for physics majors. Sakata explained: In ancient times, atoms represented the basic components of matter and could not be further divided. This idea has been maintained for two thousand years. Over two thousand years, the idea of atoms has evolved with increasing scientific knowledge. After the discovery of neutrons (uncharged in the nucleus) in 1932, the idea that atoms were indivisible was finally broken, and the physics community turned to the name "elementary particles". "Elementary" also means indivisible. Indivisible things are easy to imagine and describe using "points". In response to this, Sakata wrote an article to replace the old concept that cannot be subdivided with a new concept that can still be subdivided, emphasizing that "elementary particles are not points." Then reflect on:

     "Once a theory can be developed in a rigorous mathematical form and achieves some success, the significance of the approximation adopted at the beginning is often forgotten, and it is blinded by an illusion, as if the object of study itself is a mathematical point."

Can the elementary particles of physics be regarded as points in mathematics? A layman thinks: When what the eyes want to see is the location or trajectory rather than the internal structure, it might be better to regard the external object as a point, whether it is as small as an electron or as large as a celestial body. In fact, this has always been the case in scientific research. made. However, just as Sakata sounded the alarm to scientists: Researchers should not forget that mathematical points are abstract concepts in the mind and are things that do not exist in nature. However, the basic particles that are the object of physics are the actual existence of nature and are Things that cannot be abstracted into concepts, physics and mathematics are two different worlds of materialism and idealism. Point problems involve the abstract nature of mathematics, and cutting-edge physics has no conclusive answer except a Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory. The biggest difficulty in this problem lies in the dialectical relationship between physics and mathematics, and in the epistemology that Chairman Mao said has not been clearly explained by everyone.

Based on the epistemology of materialism, Sakata proposed a new view of elementary particles, which regards "elementary particles as one of the infinite levels of qualitative differences that constitute nature" (note: the word "infinite" is the key). Taking Lenin's admirable famous saying: "Electrons (like atoms) are inexhaustible" take a step forward: "Neuttrinos are also inexhaustible." At this time, laymen who don't know what neutrinos are are interested and take a step back: "Matter is inexhaustible." The three sentences are exactly the same when viewed from a distance. The concept of "inexhaustible" has been around for a long time. "Conversation on Sakata's Articles" mentions an ancient Chinese debate topic: "If you take half of a one-foot stick every day, it will be inexhaustible for eternity." This phrase comes from the book "Zhuangzi", but it is not said by Zhuang Zhou himself, but the sophistry of a group of pre-Qin debaters who "decorated people's hearts and changed their minds. They can win with people's words but cannot convince people's hearts." The ancients (such as Zhuang Zhou) marveled at the inexhaustible and inexhaustible oral conversation throughout the ages, but modern people no longer find it strange. The concept of infinity has long been unimpeded in the field of abstract pure mathematics.

The relationship between concepts in cognition and phenomena in perception is subtle. Can the concept of "infinite" (or "inexhaustible") in mathematics be applied to physics to explain the phenomena of nature? Or is it the same as point, which can only be temporarily and one-sidedly used as the premise assumption of individual theories when conditions permit? When we observe things in the outside world, some are big, some are small, some are smaller, and some are smaller than smaller, but we do not observe infinite smaller ones. Our observations have been made once, twice, many times, more times, never infinitely. The metaphor of a stick with a foot that is difficult to pass through is a metaphor for infinity in the mathematical world, not the infinity in the physical world. Nature, the phenomena observed by people, are new and new every day, and they feel infinite. Therefore, ordinary people, not only in the field of physics, subconsciously accept the concept of infinity, and unconsciously attribute this concept to existing objects, treating it as inherent in external objects. nature. But as long as you reflect on it, you will know that endless feelings are one thing, and whether physicists can endlessly find "things" (or "existences") with particle characteristics is another thing. Are the unfinished prospects that have yet to come in the real world something we could have anticipated?

The application of mathematical concepts to physics is subject to conditions and limitations. Sakata knew this very well, so he asserted that "elementary particles are not points." Don't think that they cannot be subdivided. Assuming that it can be divided again and continues to be divided, will it never end? We don’t know and dare not say. However, considering the common mathematical abstraction of "infinity" and "point", "elementary particles may not be infinitely divisible" is a more cautious guess, following the reflection of "point":

     "Once a theory can be developed in rigorous mathematical form and achieves some success, the significance of the approximation adopted at the beginning is often forgotten, and it is blinded by an illusion, as if the object of study itself is the infinity of mathematics."

A Danish physicist in the last century, Niels Bohr, who gave the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, was perceptual and rational, both micro and macro, and had rich experience in studying nature. He has a strong epistemological awareness. According to him:

     What is the task of physics? If you answered "Discover the truth of nature", you would be wrong. The task of physics is not to explore the nature of the universe, but to provide an explanation for the natural phenomena we observe.

According to another listener's recollection, Bohr also said:

     "The purpose of describing nature is not to reveal the true nature of phenomena, but to find out as much as possible the relationship between various aspects of our experience." (Sakata, "Dialogue on New Elementary Particle Views" p. 48)

This kind of statement actually "excludes objective existence that does not depend on subjectivity from science" and is inconsistent with the basic principles of materialism. Sakata called it "Copenhagen fog."

(3) "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" written by Lenin

The book "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" (hereinafter referred to as Lenin's book) is familiar to you. This book is really a grand view of epistemology. Lenin took the trouble to quote various theories, which were diverse and unbelievable, each one more bizarre than the last. Chairman Mao commented: "We only made clear the materialism, but did not fully explain the theory of knowledge." People ask: What exactly is epistemology about? How can I speak clearly? The previous section talked about its impact on physics, this section examines its possible connections with political science.

When talking about philosophy, Engels first distinguished two mutually incompatible doctrines: "materialism" or "idealism." Some people like to use these two words in daily conversation, which means seeking truth from facts or empty talk. However, materialism and idealism in philosophy are the abbreviations of "materialist epistemology" and "idealist epistemology", and they talk about epistemology that people do not take seriously. So, what do epistemological materialism and idealism mean? How to define? Chapter 3 of Lenin's book is devoted to one element of knowledge—experience, and quoted someone else's words: “Experience is only an object of study, not a means of knowledge” (Lenin's book p. 143). It is not easy to understand what he said, and he does not know whether it is materialism or idealism. Lenin also felt that the meaning was not very clear and could easily lead to misunderstanding, so he added a note for readers: Maybe... it is not the "object of study"... but "not the object of study"... An object of knowledge whose existence depends on knowledge” (Lenin p. 145). This note is easy to understand: materialism advocates that "the object of cognition exists independent of cognition," while idealism, on the contrary, advocates that "the object of cognition exists dependent on cognition."

Existence that "does not depend on knowledge" is commonly known as objective existence, and is the consistent standard for judging right and wrong in materialist science. There are many forms of idealistic ontology that "depend on knowledge", and the subjective and objective views are vague, depending on the theorist's personal beliefs. An example is as follows:

     "We may well ask: What causes us to believe in the existence of bodies? But it is in vain to ask: Are there bodies at all? That is what we must assume in all our reasonings." (Quoted from Hume's " "A Theory of Human Nature", Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 2 "On Skepticism in Senses")

Such claims are the source of empirio-criticism and Machism that Lenin's book targets. In his book, Lenin selected two major issues in epistemology - things in themselves and causality - as the battlefields for the debate between materialism and idealism.

Topic 1: The starting point of epistemology—things in themselves

Thing in Itself, Objects in Themselves, initially had no deep meaning and can be understood literally: "matter outside experience, outside our knowledge" (Lenin p. 9), or " Things exist outside of us independent of our consciousness or our feelings” (Lenin p. 92). For example, the clear moon at night, I look at it, it is there, but I don’t look at it, it is still there. It was there before and after I was born. Before there were humans on the earth, it was already there. Of course, the moon is a thing in itself.

In the 18th century, in addition to the materialism that "external things themselves are not in people's knowledge and exist independently of people", the idealist agnostic Immanuel Kant added another content: things in themselves and the human heart. There is an unbridgeable gap between them that cannot be known. His reason is translated in the language of Lenin's note mentioned above: Since the object of idealism's cognition depends on cognition for its existence, then things in themselves that do not depend on cognition are not objects of cognition in the eyes of idealists and are not the subject of cognition. It's within reach, so it's unknowable.

The complexity of the problem does not end there. In addition to the above two arguments, there is a third argument: David Hume does not recognize things in themselves and does not admit that things are the objective existence of nature. "Engels said bluntly that he opposed both Hume and Kant. But Hume did not talk about 'unknowable things in themselves' at all... He believed that the idea of things in themselves is philosophically unacceptable..." (Lenin's book p.91)

Why is it not allowed?

     "See Hume's discussion in the chapter on skeptical philosophy (Chapter 12) of Inquiries into Human Reason:

     ‘People are driven by natural instincts or biases and like to trust their feelings. We always imagine, without any reasoning, even before the use of reason, that there is an external universe that does not depend on our perceptions and even inIt will exist even when we and all other sentient creatures cease to exist or are eliminated. This can be said to be obvious. Even animals are governed by a similar view, and retain this belief in external objects in all their intentions, plans, and actions...

     'But this first universal opinion of all men was soon destroyed by the most superficial philosophy. This philosophy teaches us that nothing can be present in our minds except images or perceptions. The senses are merely the inlets through which these images enter; they cannot establish any direct relation between the mind and the object. The farther away we are from the table, the smaller the table we see seems to be. However, the real table, which exists independently of us, has not changed. Therefore, what appears to us is just an image of the table. These are clearly rational instructions. No sensible person can ever doubt that the existences to which we refer when we speak of this table and this tree are nothing more than perceptions in our minds...

     'By what argument can it be proved that the perceptions in our minds must be evoked by external objects which, though similar (if this is possible) are quite different from these perceptions, rather than by any faculty of the mind itself, or by some Is it the action of an invisible and unknown spirit, or is it produced by some other cause still less known to us? ... How can this problem be solved? Of course, like all other similar problems, it will be settled by experience. However, experience is silent here, and it cannot help but be silent. We never have anything but perceptions in our minds, and in any case we never gain any experience of the relationship between perceptions and objects. Therefore, there is no logical basis for imagining such a relationship...'

. ” (Book of Lenin p.20)

The above three paragraphs first describe how people firmly believe in the existence of external objects, then claim that the existing objects that people firmly believe are only the shadows of objects rather than the reality of objects, and finally support them with the essential element of knowledge that no one dares to ignore - experience. argument. Why did Hume say this? Again, translated into the language of Lenin's Note: The objects of knowledge, all things in the universe, dependence or not, existence or non-existence, are all outside of knowledge. Not only cannot they be recognized, they cannot even be perceived. There are only reflections in perception, no reflections. reflected existence. Things cannot be talked about, existence cannot be said, and freedom cannot be said. Therefore, it is not allowed.

Topic 2: The end point of epistemology—causality

Section 3 of Chapter 3 of Lenin's book discusses “causality and inevitability in nature” and lays out the materialist stance:

     "Engels did not allow the slightest doubt about the existence of objective regularity, causality and necessity in nature." (Lenin p. 148)

Causality is regarded by materialism as an attribute of nature, while idealistic empiricism regards it as the nature of human cognition. (Note: A common word is "the law of cause and effect" - everything has a reason for its occurrence, if there is a cause, there must be an effect, if there is an effect, there must be a cause, etc.) Hume's "Treatise of Human Nature" has this to say about the nature of human understanding and intelligence. One said: "Necessary connections rely on inferences, rather than inferences relying on necessary connections." According to him, the objective regularity, causality, and inevitability of nature do not exist at all. The so-called causality is "subjective necessity, that is, habituality, which is regarded as an objective necessity derived from observation." Hume believes that sensory experience does not tell us any (causal) necessary connection between things. "Except for logical necessity, any other necessity, such as physical necessity, does not exist." Lenin reminded everyone: This is exactly a view that Feuerbach firmly opposed. (Book of Lenin p.151)

Ludwig Feuerbach argued:

     "Nature can be understood only through nature itself. The necessities of nature are not human or logical necessities, nor metaphysical or mathematical necessities. Nature is the only existence to which no human measure can be applied. ..

     "What does this mean? Do I mean that there is no order in nature, for example, autumn comes and summer comes...? Do I mean that there is no purpose in nature, for example, between the lungs and the air? ...without any adaptation? Am I trying to say that there are no patterns in nature, for example, the earth sometimes moves in an ellipse...? Nothing in this passage says that anything real in nature has anything to do with order, purpose, The words "law" are inconsistent with concepts. This passage only denies that thought and existence are identical, and denies that order, etc. exist in nature just as it exists in the human mind or sense. Order, purpose, laws...these Words are not without meaning or without objective content..." (Lenin pp.146-147)

Ernst Mach actually agreed with Hume's answer: In nature, there are neither causes nor effects.

     "I have said more than once that all forms of the law of cause and effect arise from subjective intentions. It is not necessary for nature to adapt to these forms." (Lenin pp. 151-152)

Karl Pearson echoed: Man is the creator of the laws of nature.

     "The statement that man gives laws to nature is much more meaningful than the opposite statement that nature gives laws to man.

     "Necessity belongs to the world of concepts, not to the world of perceptions. ... In the uniformity of the repetition of a certain series of perceptions, that is, in the routines of perceptions, there is no inner necessity. But the existence of routines of perception is the existence of the thinker necessary condition. Therefore, necessity is contained in the nature of the thinker and not in the perception itself. Necessity is the product of the cognitive faculty." (Lenin pp. 153-154)

Lenin's General Comment: Feuerbach recognized the objective regularity of nature and recognized the objective causality that is only approximately correctly reflected by human concepts of order, laws, etc. ...Feuerbach's point of view is a thoroughly materialist point of view. (Book of Lenin p.148)

The two conceptual terms "thing-in-itself" and "causality" follow Lenin's ideas and are roughly introduced as above from the two directions of materialism and idealism. There is a reason why this article marks them as the beginning and end of epistemology. To put it simply, epistemology is about human cognition, examining the ins and outs of human cognition, how the primitive state without concepts transitioned to the current situation with language, exploring the starting point of cognition, and finding the thing in itself. As for causality, the inevitable or inevitable connection between cause and effect, the judgment of cause and effect, the output of induction, the finished product of knowledge, and the ultimate expression form of scientific theory are exactly the destination of knowledge.

How do conflicts in understanding arise?

After the introduction to materialism, we return to the theory of contradiction. As mentioned above, the contradiction of things and the law of contradiction of knowledge are very different. The former allows contradictions and the latter does not allow contradictions. The former is knowledge with specific content, while the latter is an epistemology without specific content. Epistemology only discusses the general characteristics of knowledge, regardless of the correctness or error of individual arguments, and only discusses the general process and state of cognitive behavior, regardless of the usefulness of the results obtained from cognitive behavior. With the development of science to this day, our understanding of nature is endless, and our understanding of human society is everywhere, filling the streets. However, we know very little about human understanding and behavior itself. What we know is Logic is one. Logic does not tolerate contradictions. This rule is generally called the law of contradiction (the correct name is "the law of non-contradiction"): if we have knowledge of any thing, our understanding of it may be (be) today and not (not be) tomorrow. But never in the moment of recognizing that it is, and at the same time recognizing that it is not, not today and not tomorrow. Having said that, our cognitive behavior that obeys the law of contradiction will actually produce contradictions. A single cognition is not contradictory, but multiple cognitions cannot be inconsistent with each other. Rational understanding is not influenced by emotion, nor is it a momentary negligence. How did the contradiction arise? The answer is: caused by induction! What is induction? How did the conflict arise?

The word "summary" can be used freely. Some people like to say "let us summarize" when "summary" should be used, but this will not cause much misunderstanding. Summary can be replaced by induction, but induction cannot be replaced by summary. Induction has a specific and precise meaning that cannot be expressed in other words: once, twice and many times, it is true every time, it is never not true, so it must (please note: not probability) always be true. The meaning of the word "induction" is nothing more than this, nothing else! What is the importance of induction? Without induction, there is no understanding! One of the key points in Lenin's book, "causality" - what idealism calls habituality - is the external manifestation of induction. All human understanding of the objective world comes from induction. All causal connections known to people have been summarized. This natural, simple, reliable and practical method is an essential means for human survival. From ancient times to the present, from childhood to old, at any time, it has been relied on to embody the wisdom of life.

Reader, if you have any doubts in your heart: can you deduce the inevitable based on many experiences? I’m afraid I can’t push it out! By the way, past experience cannot predict the future! However, human knowledge, especially scientific knowledge, without exception, is all based on the past and the future. What cannot be deduced is forced to be deduced. This is the reason for the contradiction in understanding. Two possibilities (possibly so or such as that) do not conflict, but two necessity (necessarily so, necessarily such as that) do conflict. Induction not only deduces a law that should not be deduced, but also deduces another law that should not be deduced. This is how Kant's so-called antinomy comes from. Interestingly, induction (or inductive method) often wants to enter the category of logic and calls itself "inductive logic", but logic in a strict sense only includes deduction (Deduction) and does not include induction. There is no induction method at all in the deductive world of mathematics. There is only "Mathematical Induction" which is deductive rather than inductive. Mathematics is a pure application of logic. Some people would rather say that it is a language (or reasoning tool) rather than a kind of knowledge. This is beside the point.

Lenin did not fully explain epistemology

Philosophy has never been conclusive, and epistemology cannot be explained clearly. Kant thought he had made it clear, but Lenin disagreed. Lenin thought he had made it clear, but Chairman Mao disagreed. Materialism talks about it, but idealism disagrees. The more idealism talks about it, the more materialism disagrees. This article retells the various explanations piecemeal, both profound and superficial, but in the end it is Chairman Mao's words: None of them were explained clearly! incomplete. What must be filled in is at least the following. Lenin wrote "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism". Before entering the main text, as an introduction to the book, he first introduces to readers: how some "Marxists" refuted materialism in 1908 and some idealists in 1710. ism. One of the paragraphs contains a vivid sketch of people's understanding:

     “Everyone who observes the objects of human cognition sees clearly that these objects are either ideas truly perceived by the senses, or ideas obtained by observing the emotions and operations of the human heart, or formed with the help of memory and imagination. The idea of... With sight, I get the idea of light and color, their intensity. With touch, I feel softness and hardness, hot and cold, movement and resistance... Smell allows me to smell smells , taste makes me taste, hearing makes me hear sounds... People observe that various concepts are combined with each other, so they use a name to label them and think that they are a certain thing. For example, people observe To get together a certain color, taste, smell, shape, and hardness, it is recognized as a single object and marked with the word apple; other collections of ideas constitute a stone. , trees, books and other perceptual objects...". (Book of Lenin p.10)

This description is not Lenin's own materialist epistemology, which he did not fully explain clearly, but the epistemology described in the 1710 “Principles of Human Knowledge” by the idealist George Berkeley whom he opposed.


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