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遍地“张献忠”?(bilingual)Why so many 2024-11-19 21:56:12

矢板明夫说三道四,现在的中国为何遍地“张献忠”?(bilingual 双语) Yaita Akio talks about this and that. Why is there so many "Zhang Xianzhong" in China now?



Nov 18, 2024



@长征组歌 11 hours ago


中国红旗网 百家争鸣 贺春生 2016-9-4
















Yaita Akio talks about this and that. Why is there so many "Zhang Xianzhong" in China now?


Voice of America Chinese Network

Nov 18, 2024

Recently, Zhuhai, Wuxi and other places have successively experienced vicious social revenge incidents of indiscriminate killings, which are called the "Zhang Xianzhong phenomenon". The reasons include that there is no channel for the voices of social dissatisfaction to vent, the Communist Party has been instilling hatred education for many years, and the government has lost the means to deal with problems. Yaita Akio talks about this and that, and gives you an in-depth interpretation.

@长征组歌 11 hours ago

How do you evaluate 89.64?

China Red Flag Network Hundred Schools of Thought He Chunsheng 2016-9-4

The positive aspects of the 64 movement are anti-Deng, anti-corruption, and anti-official corruption. It is a petty-bourgeois revolutionary political movement initiated by college students after the Cultural Revolution, which has both the form of the Cultural Revolution and the content of bourgeois democratic constitutionalism.

Especially in its later period, it was obviously controlled by the Westernization faction, liberals, and color revolutions in the United States.

This was also a reason for Deng Xiaoping to use the so-called four basic principles to brutally and bloodily suppress the student movement in the later period. The student movement was very fierce, and the spearhead was directly aimed at the Deng group. Deng Xiaoping would never allow the Cultural Revolution to happen again, and this movement must be suppressed. After a long period of premeditation, with a large number of Westernization factions participating and leading the student movement organization, its nature in the later period was obviously characterized by color revolution. This was also Deng Xiaoping's preparation to suppress the student movement, and he arranged it in advance or colluded with the United States, using the dispatch of Westernization faction democratic forces and the obvious infiltration to find an excuse to suppress this student movement.

When the United States uses color revolutions to bring down other countries, it does not overthrow the current regime of the country in general (this is how it handles China with special characteristics). Instead, it implements comprehensive high pressure in the political, military, economic, and cultural fields, and uses the technique of peaceful evolution to make it completely submissive. In very covert and frequent contacts with the current regime, it weighs at any time whether it is easier to build and maintain a slave relationship of rape and copulation with the country, or to overthrow the current regime and rebuild a new puppet regime to deliver economic benefits to the United States. Therefore, in the late stage of the June 4th Movement, the United States acquiesced to Deng Xiaoping's brutal plan of fascist bloody suppression of the student movement, and finally withdrew from the fight with a bluff while shouting and retreating.

The June 4th student movement in 1989 was such a half-cooked meal. Under the premise that Deng Xiaoping completely surrendered to the United States, the United States decided to retain the special pseudo-communism, so that it could achieve the goal of subverting the country originally led by the Communist Party, and minimize the cost of subversion, while maximizing the benefits. In other words, it can control the country without using force for the time being. To explain it in the Chinese classical tactics (Sun Tzu's Art of War), this is called "the best strategy is to attack the enemy's mind (attacking the enemy's heart is the best), the next best is to attack the enemy's alliances, the next best is to attack the enemy's troops, and the worst is to attack the enemy's city".

Today, apart from the external factors directed by the United States, the core issue of this struggle is nothing more than a struggle between one faction of the bourgeoisie within the party with characteristics, that is, a struggle between the conservative faction of Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up and the liberal faction of restoration and regression such as Zhao Ziyang. In essence, it is a struggle between the well-fed dogs and the hungry dogs within the ruling class, and between the dogs on the stage and the dogs off the stage who are preparing to take the stage. No matter which side they win, it has no positive relationship with the fundamental interests of the proletariat and the broad masses of the people across the country.

Today's restoration reality, the path that the characteristics are taking now, is exactly the same path that the conservative faction of Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up and restoration and the liberal faction of restoration and regression such as Zhao Ziyang wanted to take in the June 4th Movement. The difference between them is that they would rather restore capitalism one day earlier and follow the path of the Soviet Union's disintegration, or not rush for success and use the method of boiling frogs in warm water, and would rather restore capitalism with Chinese characteristics one day later but steadily.

Because Deng Xiaoping's restoration of capitalism requires stability, "crossing the river by feeling the stones", and "boiling frogs in warm water". He does not allow radical changes for fear of capsizing! The liberals, that is, the radicals, think that the restoration process is too slow, and they are eager for quick success and instant benefits. They attempt to change the world overnight and directly follow the capitalist path of Western democratic constitutionalism. In order to restore successfully and win the power struggle, Deng Xiaoping dared to risk the world's disapproval and did not hesitate to use tank troops and borrow the direct forces of the army to carry out a brutal and bloody suppression of the 1989 student movement, and carried out a massacre and bloodbath in Tiananmen Square that even capitalist countries dare not do easily. It created a bloodbath that shocked China and the world. Deng Xiaoping was very shrewd and shrewd. He put down the turmoil in one fell swoop and paved the way for his legitimate accession to the throne. Of course, this was achieved with the overt or covert support of the United States.

Today's social reality, the path that the characteristics of China are taking now is exactly the path that the liberals who wanted to restore and regress in the June 4th Movement wanted to take. It's just that it is carried out according to the prudent plan designed by Deng Xiaoping, rather than the radical plan of the liberals or the Soviet Union Gorbachev. For 40 years, his conspiracy has temporarily succeeded. All current policies and trends are the continuation of the plan designed by Deng Xiaoping. The relationship between Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping is just a baton relationship, a relationship of inheritance, and a relationship of continuation. On this road to the restoration of capitalism, they are only 20 steps and 30 steps, 50 steps and 100 steps. It is a few processes of transition from socialism with Chinese characteristics to capitalism with Chinese characteristics, and then from free capitalism with Chinese characteristics to monopoly capitalism with Chinese characteristics until today's bureaucratic and powerful bourgeois fascism with Chinese characteristics.

This just proves Chairman Mao's prediction: "When revisionism comes to power, capitalism comes to power, and the worst kind of capitalism is fascism."

Therefore, the June 4th Movement did not actually have much positive revolutionary significance, nor was it a continuation of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as some people say. It is understandable that many people did not see this issue clearly at that time. But today, we, the proletariat and the people of the whole country, especially revolutionaries who have a certain level of class struggle and political struggle awareness and a certain level of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist theoretical cognition, must see this issue clearly and must not be used by erroneous public opinion to make naïve and low-level political mistakes again.

However, "Communists support all revolutionary movements against the existing social and political systems everywhere." (The Communist Manifesto, page 285) Moreover, the Communists insist that the proletariat must have its own revolutionary movement. This movement is to eliminate private ownership, overthrow the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, and re-realize socialism. And we must also insist on the only correct and fundamental path: "Their goal can only be achieved by violently overthrowing all existing social systems." (The Communist Manifesto, page 285)

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作者:无套裤汉 回复 Siubuding 留言时间:2024-11-24 19:11:37



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作者:Siubuding 留言时间:2024-11-20 00:26:43







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