Once China's 'Worst Nightmare,' Labor Activist Refuses to Back Down (bilingual 双语)曾经是中国“最可怕的噩梦”的劳工活动家 - 韩东方拒绝退缩 NYTimes The Global Profile Once China's 'Worst Nightmare,' Labor Activist Refuses to Back Down https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/10/world/asia/china-labor-rights-han-dongfang.html https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NTAxMDE1 Neither jail nor exile to Hong Kong has stopped Han Dongfang, a former Tiananmen Square protest leader, from championing workers' rights. “If you're born stubborn, you go everywhere stubborn.” By Alexandra Stevenson Reporting from Hong Kong Nov. 10, 2024 Comment by @Humping the Trump NY 1h ago According to the CCP "logic" the workers are now owners of whatever so when they protest they are doing themselves harm and therefore must be forbidden - what ever the law may or may not say. It makes sense right? My comment The so-called CCP is a fake one, i.e., a capitalist and/or revisionist party. The Chinese working class has to go through torturous revolutionary paths to gain power, starting from Chairman Mao's new democratic revolution, then continuing to re-ignite the second proletarian cultural revolution. [Mark Wain 11/10/2024] Translation 汉语译文 https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NTAxMDE1 《纽约时报》全球概况 曾经是中国“最可怕的噩梦”的劳工活动家拒绝退缩 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/10/world/asia/china-labor-rights-han-dongfang.html 无论是监禁还是流放香港,都没有阻止前天安门广场抗议领袖韩东方捍卫工人权利。“如果你生来固执,你到处都会固执。” 作者:Alexandra Stevenson 来自香港的报道 2024 年 11 月 10 日 评论者:@Humping the Trump NY 1 小时前 根据中共的“逻辑”,工人现在是任何东西的所有者,所以当他们抗议时,他们正在伤害自己,因此必须被禁止——无论法律怎么说。 这很有道理吧? 我的评论 所谓的中共是假的,即资本主义和/或修正主义政党。中国工人阶级必须经过曲折的革命道路才能获得权力,也就是从毛主席的新民主主义革命开始,然后继续重新点燃第二次无产阶级文化大革命。[Mark Wain 11/10/2024]
