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First day to the Symphonic Brass 2008-09-14 10:17:44

4th September 2008


Today was the first day that I was going to the Symphonic Brass, a brass band organized by the City School of Music. I was really excited but I had to wait a while before going because the band started at 6pm and school only finished at 4pm. Since I live far away from the City, I can’t go home and come back in time for the band so I had to wait in the University Student Union beside my school.


There I met some of my friends who were also waiting there. After we finished our homework, we chatted for a while, then we went outside to play 1 second Donkey with a soft ball. 1 second Donkey is a ball game that can be played with 2+ players. The aim of the game is to stay in the game the longest. All of the players stand in a circle and throws the ball to each other in no particular order. But the plays are only allowed to hold the ball for one second so should make sure to throw it nice and fast. So why is the game called Donkey? Players need to stay awake for this game as every time they fumble a catch they gain a letter of the word being used e.g. \"D\" if \"Donkey\". Once they have collected all the letters of the word they are out and have to sit down. Last player left in is the winner.


At 5pm I said goodbye to my friends and headed towards the place where the band was being held. Half way there, it started raining very heavily. I opened my instrument case to see if the music had got wet. Only there was no music! I realised that I had left my whole music folder in my locker at school. So, I had to go all the way back to school, get my folder and set off again. Because of this, I was almost late for band.


But overall, I had a very good time! And next week, I shall have a better management.

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