i cramped my leg again.
again, it the right leg.
once again, it's the muscle inner side the shank! the exact muscle cramped last time.
i did not even swim very hard at all, and it's just about 1.5 hrs. i knew my body is still energetic. i knew i'd be careful to swim b4 meal  (last time it's b4 meal too) but i was so surprised that it cramped again, even though the water temperature is sort of cool.
that piece of muscle, the weakest link, no matter how strong i feel about other parts of my body
what's the root cause? that muscle is born to be weaker? no, it is used to kick the soccer. i guess the running training doesn't overlook that piece specially either. potentially phlebeurysma (damn! took me a while to find out this creepy word for 静脉曲张!) L that's very possible! even though i can't see, feel anything yet. how many changes/hurt that is visible or feelable b4 it happens?
too many idioms telling the same truth: things always break at the exact point it is needed. so never gamble on ur lucky, it won't work.
if there is some weakest link in our life, it will always be picked out. too often we see our "old chinese" here is not good at oral communication, very often u'll hear ur boss telling u that the reason u r not promoted is just cuz of ur poor communication skill even though u r expert at what u do and ur job may not need much communication at all such as research scientist, programmer, etc. u feel unfair, so do i. :< unfortunately, u have the weakest link. others may not be as good as u in research, in programming, but overall he/she is just fine, no weakest link in his/her pr matrix. blaming the unfairness doesn't help us to struggling in this world. agree?
actually, that is just a simple case. many times u don't even know exactly what's ur weakest link b4 it strikes u. this undercover weakest link is the most dangerous one. when it happens, it happens. take it and initiate ur own emergency mechanism and pray god bless u.
weakest link, always cramp u much earlier than u have thought.