【七绝-腊日为异国他乡的儿子庆生】 岁逢腊日两遥遥,望断天涯恨难消。 华诞各伤离别梦,还家无计待何宵。 中文解析: 这首七绝诗表达了作者在为身处异国他乡的儿子庆生,却无法与儿子共度生日的无奈和思念之情。 “岁逢腊日两遥遥”,意味着岁月已经过去,而此刻作者和儿子相隔遥远。 “望断天涯恨难消”,作者望着遥远的天涯,心中充满了无法消散的思念之情。 “华诞各伤离别梦”,指的是儿子的生日,但由于他身处异国他乡,作者无法陪伴在他身边,更让他感到痛心的是那些离别之梦。 “还家无计待何宵”,表示作者渴望儿子能回家团聚,但却无法左右命运的安排,更不知道儿子何时才能回家团聚。 英文解析: In this seven-character quatrain, the poet expresses the helplessness and longing of celebrating his son's birthday while being in a foreign land. 岁逢腊日两遥遥, As the years go by, the distance between the poet and his son grows further and further. 望断天涯恨难消。 Gazing into the distant horizon, the poet's longing is so strong that it cannot be dispelled. 华诞各伤离别梦, The celebration of his son's birthday brings both joy and sorrow, as the poet is unable to be with him due to their separation. 还家无计待何宵。 With no way to return home, the poet wonders how he can wait for that night and the reunion with his son.