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董狐:向读者推荐Amazon新出版的英文版新书《Black Hole Cosmology》。 2023-06-30 15:33:13

董狐:向读者推荐Amazon新出版的英文版新书《Black Hole Cosmology》。


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作者:董狐 留言时间:2023-06-30 18:21:50

Black Hole Cosmology Paperback – February 2, 2023
Tony Chang

4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars
2 ratings

See all formats and editions Paperback

1 New from $11.99 The
author’s Black Hole Cosmology is an unprecedented, original, and
authentic scientific theory that has a set of the simplest formulas for
everyone to do actual numerical calculations which describes the laws of
our universe. In this book, the concepts, theories, formulas, and
conclusions of every article are unprecedented innovations.In Part
I, the author finds and derives the six most basic Black Hole formulas
as the cornerstones to establish a perfect New Black Hole Theory (NBHT).
These formulas prove that all Black Holes are convertors that can
convert all its matter Mb into energy (Hawking radiation) mss one after
one. Moreover, these six formulas have no singularities since they are
coordinated and restricted.In Part II, according to the measured
data of the current universe, the author uses BH formulas to establish
the new and realistic Black Hole Cosmology. These formulas will prove
that our universe is a real cosmos black hole from birth to death, and
its changing laws conform to all BH formulas.Each article in Part III is a special topic research to solve some important issues of Black Holes and the universe.This
book is a professional scientific work and it is written as an
easy-to-understand science book, which can be studied by high school and
university science students and teachers alike. Also by those
interested in Black Holes and cosmology.This book exposes and proves
the profound theories in the simple ways. It is full of originality,
new knowledges, authenticity, scientificity, philosophical rationality
and no blind worship. Read morePrint length 258 pages Language English Publication date February 2, 2023

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