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放弃科学程序屈服于帝国主义挑起的政治正确是完全愚蠢的 2022-12-02 11:30:55


--- Forwarded Message -----



Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 at 01:13:32 PM CST

Subject: you poor know nothing Re: Chinese cities ease COVID curbs as top virus official hails 'new situation

Ha-ha Yew, you poor know nothing but conspiracy theory and trapped in the Imperialist's cesspool, you are a victim!

Should China give up zero-covid policy, wait till her Covid death reaches over 10 million and a collapsed China economy due to lack of workers, record today's day of 12/02/2022; and those anti-China and Imperialist's elements will laugh upon these death bodies.

It is totally stupid to give up a scientific procedure and succumb to political correction stirred up by the Imperialists, but I don't think that China will go that far.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 02 Dec 2022 07:34:33 AM CST
From: yew>
Subject: Chinese cities ease COVID curbs as top virus official hails 'new situation'


Dear Leeliang / Dr.Joe ,

Below is another blow to your ego and pride for giving inappropriate flawed advice to China.        

Both of you should learn how to use common sense like Dr.Thomas and not stick to stupid thinking. Although both of you have high IQ, seem like there are many intelligent people like you in US who do stupid things and believe in stupid things about Japan is the savior of Asia and Mao saved China with Japan help.        

The covid will not end so fast may take another 3-5 years or 10 years likely.

Eventually herd immunity and 70-80 % of the global population will be infected. Survival of the fittest test.        

Does China plan to close all her borders until 2030 ?

China TCM is very effective in treating the covid. If Chinese leaders have not found the formula of TCM to treat the covid, then they are most stupid and not competent in their job.


Chinese cities ease COVID curbs as top virus official hails 'new situation'          

After protests, Guangzhou and Chongqing roll back dining and travel restrictions

TAKASHI KAWAKAMI, Nikkei staff writer

December 2, 2022 

GUANGZHOU -- Two major Chinese cities moved Thursday to relax coronavirus control measures as frustration with the country's strict zero-COVID policy boils over into widespread public dissent.

Central Guangzhou lifted its ban on indoor dining and scrapped PCR test requirements to enter many buildings. Chongqing loosened travel restrictions in some parts of the city.          

These moves add to signs that China's leadership is rethinking its approach to containing the coronavirus as protesters risk arrest to call for an end to the zero-COVID policy.

Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who heads the country's campaign against the virus, said Wednesday that "China is facing a new situation and new tasks" as vaccination rates rise and the omicron variant becomes "less pathogenic."          

She did not mention a "dynamic zero-COVID strategy," the government's policy of trying to stop the spread of the virus with mass testing, quarantine and lockdowns.

Guangzhou's government announced the changes to its restrictions on Wednesday, and lifted lockdowns across much of the city on the same day. Travel is now allowed in and out of most of the Haizhu District, which had been locked down tightly since early November and seen clashes between residents and police.

China's central government had on Nov. 11 announced a 20-point plan to relax COVID curbs, including a ban on excessive long-term lockdowns, while indicating it would maintain its zero-COVID policy.

The loosening of curbs in areas such as Guangzhou suggests thatthe Chinese government really is moving to make major changes to its zero-COVID policy, said Nomura International (Hong Kong).          

Both cities have had notably high COVID-19 case counts, but the rise appears to be leveling off. Both also saw protests in late November.

Restrictions remain in place in some areas of Guangzhou, however, and many factories in Chongqing remain closed.

"A lot of people wanted to eat something hot, so I'm glad we were able to reopen," said an employee at a long-established Guangzhou teahouse that welcomed customers for the first time in 11 days.

Chinese cities ease COVID curbs as top virus official hails 'new situation'        


Chinese cities ease COVID curbs as top virus official hails 'new situation'

After protests, Guangzhou and Chongqing roll back dining and travel restrictions

Biden and this administration are taking sides and they don't want to reveal to American's that they agree with Klaus Schwab that China is their role model!

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