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Indeed the Angelo's tricks!-果然是盎格鲁的把戏! 2023-04-25 08:03:20

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Indeed the Angelo's tricks!

leeliang letters 04-25-2023      

  Indeed  it is the Angelo's trick! Not only they did it as a fashion during the  past 200 years, they are practicing it in earnest as of now.     

  After  the Korean war, through the branch of Rockefeller, they sent Kissinger  to fool Chou En-lai (and later Chou's henchman Deng Xiao-ping) into a  trap to kick off the process and, luring China to become a gigantic  factory to produce low-cost civil products. This factory helps them  balancing their account books in their home bases around the world; only  after this cheap-labor factory emerged itself to step into the  high-tech area, they decided to stop it and hence we are observing all  these sanctions against China nowadays.  
 In  the middle of 70's, Mao had discovered this Angelo's trick and warn  Chou but to no avail since Chou had already made up his mind and had  gotten every thing in China under his control, finally a coup (right  after Mao's death) against Mao's successors (1976), kicking off a  lengthy process of demonizing Mao.  
 The present playing up the Taiwan crisis is just another tricks of the Angelo's "Divide and Rule".    
 (from google translator:    

果然是盎格鲁的把戏!在过去的 200 年里,他们不仅把它作为一种时尚来做,
而且他们现在还在认真地实践它。 朝鲜战争结束后,他们通过洛克菲勒的分支,
诱使中国成为生产低价产品的巨型工厂。 这家工厂帮助他们在世界各地的总部平衡账簿;



------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 02:15:43 AM CDT
From: yecom>

                         …One  of the crucial details history has suppressed is that Japan was not  only being pushed into a war with Russia, but was given financing of $200  million by the European Rothschilds to purchase a wide array of arms  and weapons conveniently supplied by Rothschild’s arms factories in  Germany. Japan was literally armed to the teeth with the latest of  everything – and all on credit.                                         
                         Another detail history has omitted is that Russia was sold essentially the same weapons for about the same $200 million and also on credit, financed by another group of Jewish bankers but supplied by the same Rothschild factories.                                        
                         Fortunately  for the Japanese, their weapons arrived just in time for the attacks on  Russia, permitting Japan to destroy much of the Russian fleet.                           Unfortunately  for Russia, their weapons shipments were inexplicably delayed, not  arriving until all the damage had been done, thus leaving the government  weak, demoralized and in disarray, with much of its military destroyed.              
                                                         Stalin’s Jews                                  LARRY ROMANOFF • SEPTEMBER 18, 2022                                               
                         I  am obviously of Russian extraction. If you and your friends come to my  country, brutally exterminate nearly half of our population, kill my  King and his entire family and steal most of the Royal Treasures,  torture millions, create famines to kill millions more, destroy the  nation and the economy, then loot my country of most of its most  priceless art treasures while also emptying my government’s central bank  on your way out, I might be tempted to hunt you down and kill you too.              

Think of the attitudes of the Jews mentioned in this article, of their actions. What  kind of man boasts about having personal responsibility for killing “at  least” 20 million innocent people? What kind of man says “If you are  righteous and conscientious, kill a German”? What kind of man  confiscates all the farm crops and thus sentences tens of millions to  die? These are the Khazar Jews, as murderous and savage today as they were 700 years ago.                

Moreover, these are the same people who today populate the City of London which  is where the planning for all these atrocities has originated for  centuries and continues still. Today, they dress nicely, drink afternoon  tea with Royalty, and always brush their teeth after every meal. But  they are responsible for one million deaths in Iraq, and many more  recent tragedies. If COVID-19 was planned, this is where it was planned.                                   These are the people who want a Third World War with  Russia, China and Iran, and they will almost certainly have it because  the Americans so under their control are stupid enough to launch it.                                   The end.                                                                        
                         Stalin’s Jews              

Stalin’s Jews

This topic is important not only for its own sake but because it provides linkages that help us to put other his...



David R. Francis US ambassador to Russia sent a dispatch to Washington in Jan. 1918:

“The  Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90% of whom are  returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are  internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social  revolution.”

                                        The Crown is an entity owned by the government.                               It is not the monarchy.                               Most  Canadians, who are old enough to understand, are outraged that the  Government owned Bank of Canada, joined the City of London’s parasitic  Bank of International Settlements in 1974 and ruined our economy.                                              
                             Older  Canadians have always been cynical of government. There is an old  saying – we don’t elect governments, we throw out the crooks for the new  crooks. During the last 50 years, the population is close to double  what it was. The overwhelming majority of that is non-White 3rd world  immigrants. We have gone from 97%+ White to 70% White, with some areas,  like the Greater Toronto Area and BC’s Lower Mainland, now being a  majority non-white. The majority of the “old stock” Canadians the  Trudeau v2.0 despises have never been in favour of what has happened,  and understand who has caused it.                                              
As  I have posted elsewhere, for the last 50+ years, our pragmatic  politicians have been replaced by ideologues, most of whom wish to  emulate the US. We now have the worst elements of both political  systems.                              
                         “I’m not so sure about your assertion that the Jews killed 200 million in India and 100 million in China.”              
                                                         This is too large a topic to  discuss in a comment, but the BEIC (Rothschild) had an army in India of  more than 1 million men, the largest army in the world at the time. That  tells you how profitable it was to loot India. Half of that army was to  subdue the population who didn’t want their country looted and the  other half to force farmers to grow opium instead of food crops.                                                    
                                 The contrived famines alone had an enormous death  toll, and the slaughters were huge. In China, the Rothschild-financed  Taiping Rebellion had 70 million to 90 million deaths alone, and there  were many other wars and slaughters.                                                    
                                 ” it doesn’t help your case to mix fact with inflated assertions and numbers.”                                                    
                                 How dare you make such an offensive accusation? I don’t write fiction. If you can’t be civil, go someplace else.                                              
                                        We should keep in mind that Schiff and the Warburgs were German-American Jews.                
Max  Warburg stayed in Germany, head of the M. M. Warburg & Co. in  Hamburg, advisor and financier of the Kaiser and then of the Reichsbank  from 1924 to 1933. He emigrated to America only in 1938.                
His brothers Felix and Paul Warburg emigrated to USA.                
Felix married the daughter of Jacob Schiff.                
Interesting  that various historians who speak about the occult ‘Role of the  Venetian Oligarchy’ in modern times, haven’t noticed that the Warburgs were ‘of Venetian Jewish descent’ (the Venetian Jewish del Banco family), actually Sephardic Jews immigrated from Spain.                              


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