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谁帮助修建了哈马斯隧道? 2023-11-11 11:38:05


----- Forwarded Message -----                   From:To: y Cc: "  Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 01:00:47 PM CST  Subject: Who help built the Hamas tunnels? Re: Unverified breaking news!!! What is China doing in Gaza helpin

Who help built the Hamas tunnels?    

leeliang letters11-11-2023  
  More or less a smear tactics from anti-China sectors (including those Imperialist gang and Taiwan) , or a typical CIA disinformation process, just see how they cooked up stories after China's ex-Premier Li Ke-Qiang died in heart attack, you know!
  Hamas's tunnel could have been built with helps from many sources, for  example, Iran, North Korea, or even China, or simply built by Hamas  themselves since they started the tunnel works as early as in the late  90's, a 30+year project.     
  Should it be China, by judging China's timid character of the ruling  party in handling foreign affairs, I doubt it was an official act; more  likely it was from private construction workers who are attracted to  business benefits.    
  The Chinese government has been courting Israel throughout the past 60  years , even till today by condemning Hamas's "atrocities" not long ago.    
  Open your eyes folks!  


李良书简 11-11-2023





------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 02:31:28 AM CST
From: y
Subject: Unverified breaking news!!! What is China doing in Gaza helping Hamas ? Crazy ?

               Unverified breaking news!!! The Sino-Israel relations could be dramatically harmed! Insiders' confirmation is urgently needed.        
A Chinese language website in Canada and a Taiwanese TV program claimed  that Chinese military engineers helped Hamas build the tunnels. When  Hamas attacked Israel, they were trapped in the tunnels. Now they are  unwillingly being held by Hamas because they are urgently needed for the  repairment work.          

It is said they went to Gaza secretly via Egypt.          

According to the above sources, the Chinese leadership is very much  concerned about they lives. It is worrying that such a scandal could be  revealed. Alledgedly the Chinese military top man Zhang Youxia, who was  the day before yesterday in Moscow, was meeting with Putin. It is said  he was asking Russia to convince Hamas to free them. Hamas has already  released Russian hostages thanks to the good relationship with Putin.                            
I tried to get confirmation of the above story or supportive hints via  Russian, Chinese media including social media, but in vain. If Anybody  knows that China is really involved in Hamas tunnel building, please  inform the public.          

I guess Israel would react fiercely if it has some evidences from the  the tunnels. But up to date there was nothing like that. Very likely it  might be fake news.                            
If the story were really true, then the China-Israel relations would  have fundamental change. Also China's status in the UN could change  greatly.               

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