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The Universe Began With A Big "?" 2024-04-25 16:23:39


All the mysteries of existence have to confront this truth: everything, known and unknown, traces its origin to a single symbol - "?" - the question mark. This simple punctuation embodies the essence of curiosity, prompting the human mind to question more, to quest further.

As infants, we gaze upon the world with wide eyes, wondering about light and shadow, warming to a caregiver''s embrace, and relishing the taste of unfamiliar foods. With each "excursion," we inch closer to comprehension.

Yet, with each answer found, new questions inevitably arise, revealing the boundless complexity of the universe and the inexhaustible nature of inquiry.

Each inquiry begets a myriad of perspectives, inviting discourse and debate as we strive to make sense of our place in the universe.

Across cultures and civilizations, seekers of truth turn to religion in search of answers to life''s most profound questions. However, even here, the mysteries remain, shrouded in the ineffable presence of the divine, beckoning to be defined and defended.

In the end, perhaps the true beauty of the question mark is not in the answers it elicits, but in the journey it inspires.

Author: renqiulan

Question and Quest



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