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Ancient & Modern Cancer Treatments 2024-05-07 16:32:27

(Medical Science)


An Egyptian papyrus dating back over five thousand years was discovered in the 19th century by American collector Edwin Smith. The Edwin Smith Papyrus provides a window into ancient medical practice.

Knowing little about the underlying biology of cancer though, ancient Egyptian healers recognized tumor presence. Through methods such as cauterization and herbal remedies, they sought to halt the growth of tumors and alleviate pain and suffering, as attested by the Papyrus.

So, how does the Papyrus inspire us? In one word: Forward-looking. Since time immemorial, healers had already looked for novel ways to treat tumors. Likewise, today's researchers are exploring innovative approaches to cancer therapy.

Currently, immunotherapy offers new hope to cancer patients who once had few options for survival. By harnessing the body's immune system to identify and attack cancer cells, immunotherapy has shown remarkable success in treating melanoma, lung cancer, and certain types of leukemia and lymphoma.

Also, echoing the Papyrus, modern practices embrace a holistic approach to medicine —one that takes into account the emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of healing. Indeed, the success of immunotherapy ultimately depends on compassionate, steadfast care from those dedicated to the patient. At its core, medical science is human science.

Author: renqiulan



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