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无奈的选择,是无法选择的选择吗?虎妈与俄亥俄妈的冰火两重天 2011-01-29 19:41:56


Ohio Mom Jailed For Sending Girls to Better School District

An Akron, Ohio mother, Kelly Williams-Bolar, 40, has been convicted of falsifying school residence records so her two children could attend a safer school away from the crime at the school near the housing project where they live.

williams-bolar jailed after conviction for falsifying documents for school district

Kelly Williams-Bolar waits during her trial to hear her fate.

For the last two years, the two girls, aged 12 and 16, attended the Copley-Fairlawn district, where her father lives.  The school district hired a private investigator who discovered the actual residencies of the students.  The investigators found that the Williams-Bolar’s children did not live in the Copley-Fairlawn district with their father, but actually lived with her in Akron.

School districting laws are enforced to prevent schools from being swamped with students from other districts.  Budgets are tight, and there is not much leeway for extra students.

Falsifying records is a felony, so Williams-Bolar was arrested.   Her case went to trial, and she received two concurrent five-year prison sentences.   The sentencing judge, Patricia Cosgrove, suspended the sentences and instead allowed Williams-Bolar to serve 10 days in jail and required her to do 80 hours of community service.

Williams-Bolar asked Judge Cosgrove to waive any jail time, she said, ”My girls need me. I’ve never, ever gone a day without seeing them off. Never. My oldest daughter is 16. I need to be there to support them.”

The Summit County Courthouse was packed during sentencing, and the proceedings were covered by Cleveland’s major television networks.  Williams-Bolar stood by the bench to receive the sentence.  When it was handed down she collapsed into the arms of sheriff’s deputies, began sobbing loudly, and was led away to begin serving her jail sentence.

Williams-Bolar works as a teaching assistant for special needs children while she earns a teaching degree.   The conviction ends the plan to teach, though, because Ohio prohibits convicted felons from teaching in the state.

Prosecutors said the major issue in the three day trial was the number of signed or sworn registration forms, credit union statements, applications for free lunches, and other documents authorized by Williams-Bolar.

Her plight has created a storm of controversy.  Her pastor at the Macedonia Baptist Church, Lorenzo Glenn said it  ”is just sad. When I see all the media here today, you’d think it was a serial killing.”

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作者:蓝色玫瑰 留言时间:2011-01-30 17:29:07

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作者:峨嵋峰 留言时间:2011-01-30 04:36:18
这就是美国社会的残酷现实 - 金钱本位,精英政治和法制第一。有钱人的孩子可以住在高尚小区(mansion),受到很好的教育(出生到大学),穷人的孩子想上好的学区,门都没有。

农民的儿子大部分是农民,地主的儿子大部分是地主 -- 这是社会阶层的统计规律。只有少数鲤鱼可以越过龙门,这符合量子学的现象。
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作者:椰子 留言时间:2011-01-29 23:18:03


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