贺梅在贝克家,身心饱受折磨。她体重大大低于标准。尤其可怜的是,她从小被人灌输中国、中国人如地狱的概念,媒体报道,她见到中国人模样的人就怕,羡慕贝克女儿的蓝眼睛,找不到自己的位置,说自己是墨西哥人等 (ABC News:Girl denies her Chinese heritage)。毫无疑问,对一个儿童身心的摧残,莫过于否定她的血缘。这是一种何等的罪恶!
正 如田纳西司法部长在总结田纳西最高法院判决时指出的:一切对贺梅可能的伤害,不是来自贺家,而是来自那个非法让她滞留在贝克家的系统 (any threat of harm emanated not from the Hes but from the system that unlawfully maintained A.M.H. in the Bakers’ custody some six years after she should have been returned to her parents.)这也是我在贺梅案中一直强调的一点。
Even Hong Kong was returned to China eventually. The first several posters might argue that it's detrimental for Hong Kong's future to be part of China. Britain loved Hong Kong so much and would provide Hong Kong with good care and great future... History sometimes repeats itself, although in subtle ways.
I cannot type Chinese on this computer. When I heard that Hemei was going back to her biological parents, I felt a big relief. I am most happy for Hemei's mom. As a mother of two children, I felt her sorrow when Baker family stopped her from seeing her little girl. Mr. He might have character flaws, but not to be punished by losing their little girl. On the other hand, I don't think Baker family is treating Hemei like equal human being. I think they want to keep her as a sweet pet, because pets don't have to have connection with their biological parents anymore once adopted. They love her so much to want to keep her as their own, just like people could do everything possible to treat their pets like family member. They do love Hemei, but have they thought about her mother's sorrow? Did they have to call police to put Hemei's mom in jail because she tried to contact her own daughter? That's really CRUEL if you ask me. Hemei after all would not grow up wondering "WHY MY REAL PARENTS DID NOT WANT ME?", a question that most adopted children have. Put everything aside, including character flaws, Hemei's good future in American, etc, children should not be taken away from their biological parents unless there is child abuse. In that care, it up to the child protection agency to decide.