1903年排名第一的英文歌:Hiawatha(一首夏日牧歌) Hiawatha是Neil Moret在1901年寫的一首很流行的曲子,James O'Dea於1903年給該曲加了歌詞,並為此曲加了副標題Hiawatha(獻給Minnehaha的歌)。 “Hiawatha”一出爐就非常受歡迎,大賣了50萬份拷貝。它不僅被很多次錄製成唱片,而且開創了長達十多年的印第安歌曲風潮。“Hiawatha”這個名字是來自堪薩斯的Hiawatha城,而不是朗菲羅的詩。 歌詞: - Oh the moon is all agleam on the stream
- Where i dream here of you my pretty Indian maid.
- While the rustling leaves are singing hig above us overhead
- In the glory of the bright summer night
- In light of the shadows of the forest glade
- I am waiting here to kiss your lips so red.
- There's a flood of melodies on the breeze
- From the trees and of you they breathe so tenderly
- While the wodlands all around are resounding your name,
- Oh my all in life is you only you
- Fond and true and your own forevermore I'll be.
- Hear them the song I sing with lips aflame
- Refrain:
- I am your own your Hiawatha brave— my heart is yours you know
- Dear one I love you so
- Oh Minnehaha gentle maid decide— decide and you'll be,
- My Indian bride.
- In the tresses of your hair, lies a snare and its there
- Where my heart a willing captive is.
- Oh my woodland queen I pray you'll hold it ever in your care
- In my little birch canoe love with you
- Just we two down the stream of life in wedded bliss
- I would drift sweetheart with you my lot to share.
- When the birds upon the wing in the spring
- Gaily sing of the green and golden summer time
- When the snows of early winter robe the wodlands in white,
- Then your Hiawatha free I will be
- And to thee ev'ry though of mine will o'er incline.
- Heed then the vows I pledge to thee this night.
- (Refrain)
歌詞大意:哦,月亮在小溪里閃亮,在那兒有我夢中的印第安姑娘;當那樹葉在我們頭頂沙沙做響,在那夏日明月的夜晚,在那林間的陰影之中,我在等待親吻你的紅唇。微風在為我們吟唱,它們輕吹過樹林輕撫着你;當你的名字林間迴響,哦我的生命里只有你。我會永遠真心地愛你,請聽我燃燒的嘴唇為你歌唱:我是你Hiawatha的勇士--你知道我的心是屬於你的,親愛的我是這樣的愛着你;哦,Minnehaha溫柔的姑娘請下決心--你會的,做我的新娘。在你長長的秀髮里,有一個俘獲我心的環,哦我的林中的女王請你一定要珍惜的捧着它。在我那載滿愛的小木舟里,我們一起劃向幸福的彼岸,我會跟你分享我的所有我心愛的人。當鳥兒在春天飛翔,在綠色和金色的夏日歡快的歌唱;當冬天森林被白雪覆蓋,那時你的Hiawatha我會自由,雖然我內心的每一刻都在為你傾倒,到那時請記住今晚的誓言。 |