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风萧萧:东郭先生子孙遍全球 2017-11-06 18:54:22


  -- 蠢极!善意待恶人,恶人惩善良。以假善惩真善


   风萧萧  2012年12月22日 07:05 于加拿大













  Record 111 countries vote against death penalty at UN

By Agence France-Presse December 20, 2012 15:36 EST


A record 111 countries voted Thursday for a moratorium on capital punishment at a keynote UN General Assembly human rights meeting.

Although not legally binding, campaigners say the vote held every two years sends a strong signal to the slowly shrinking number of nations — including China, Iran and the United States — that still execute prisoners.

There were 111 votes in favor of a moratorium, four more than in 2010.

Among the 41 countries that voted against the moratium were the United States, China, Japan, India, Iran, North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Thirty-four countries abstained.

European nations have pressed hard for votes backing a moratorium. But Norway’s ambassador Geir Pedersen said the growing numbers backing an end to capital punishment show “this is no longer dominated by western countries. This is a global campaign.”

“The importance of the vote is that it sends a very strong message to the international community across the board,” Pedersen told AFP. “The General Assembly is the one place where all nations are represented and you have a strong majority in favor of a moratorium.”

“There is a global trend toward fewer countries executing people and for us, it is an important issue of principle,” the ambassador added.

Pedersen said that when he raises objections to the death penalty in bilateral talks with countries that impose capital punishment, “we have the feeling that they are on the defensive.”

About 150 countries now have a moratorium or an outright ban on capital punishment. Just 21 nations were reported to have carried out executions in 2011, according to rights groups.

But the rights groups said the countries that still carry out executions remain hardcore.

China executes thousands of prisoners a year, rights groups say, and Iran put to death more than 650 people in 2011, making it the highest per capita executioner.

Some countries defended maintaining their capital punishment at a UN committee meeting last month where 110 countries voted for a moratorium. Japan said it had to keep the possibility of hanging prisoners because “heinous” crimes are still being committed.

Thursday’s vote was held a day after UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay called on Iraq to move toward abolishing the death penalty.

Iraq executed 70 people in the first six months of this year, compared to 67 for the whole of 2011, and 18 in 2010, according to the UN mission in the country.

“The number of executions so far in 2012, and the manner in which they have been carried out in large batches, is extremely dangerous, cannot be justified, and risks seriously undermining the partial and tentative progress on rule of law in Iraq,” Pillay said.

A world congress against the death penalty is to be held in Madrid in June.


    TheGuru ? 2 days ago

    After a while, you know something is wrong when you look around the room and see that you're only standing with North Korea, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia on a civil rights issue.

    shoes4industry ? 2 days ago

    The US deserves all the bad things, including mass killings, that befall us for being on the wrong side of humanity.

    DriveBy ? 2 days ago

    I feel some lives need to be terminated for the greater good of society - but then you give the authority to kill to states like Texas who kill because they like killing, and then the death penalty becomes a force for the greater evil rather than a force for the greater good.   

    TheGuru DriveBy ? 2 days ago

    Funny that you had to single out Texas. Did you know in his five year tenure as Governor, George W. Bush had 152 prisoners executed.

    So I guess that your biggest problem with the Death Penalty is that it boils down to a single individual (the state governor) to order that the sentence be carried out.      

    DriveBy TheGuru ? 2 days ago

    Yeah, I singled out Texas precisely because Texas is a good example of what's wrong with the death penalty.

    Texas doesn't care if someone has been declared mentally unfit for execution, or if the guilt of the person is still in doubt despite sentencing - it just wants to kill, kill, kill - just like Jesus would have wanted it to (the Bible is allegorical - it says what you want it to say).          

    sociosam ? 2 days ago

    What I find disturbing is that in the U.S., those who most distrust our government are those most in favor of giving that government to legal authority to kill its citizens.   

    belphegor69 ? 2 days ago

    The death penalty is barbaric and backwards and it has been shown time and again that it is no detriment to criminal behavior.

    Plus if someone is a truly monstrous and heinous piece of human garbage, then making him live a life in near total solitary confinement (paid for by monies otherwise spent on pointless foreign wars) is a more apt and cruel punishment.   

    Dave ? 2 days ago

    More evidence that the U.N. is trying to take over 'Murika!

    DougI ? a day ago

    So, are we a member of the Axis of Evil yet?

    jihadjohnny ? 2 days ago

    All the countries that execute people voted no. And the list is about as strange as it gets.

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