NBA全明星大卫·韦斯特 赞扬共产主义中国和中国文化 前NBA全明星大卫·韦斯特发表反美言论,赞扬共产主义中国和中国文化 Former NBA All-Star David West Goes on Anti-American Rant, Praises Communist China & Chinese Culture 2020年6月26日 55 条评论 @xiaoliangtang9592 4 年前 这是我多年来看到的最好的自我意识演讲之一。不幸的是,在美国似乎没人关心。 @vestibulate 4 年前 我不明白这个视频被描述为“反美言论”。这个人从人性的角度说话,对美国目前无法容忍的状况和美国政府在国际上实施的虐待行为进行了批判性思考。而西方和日本对中国的深刻、创伤性的羞辱是该国当前立场的一个深刻因素。这不应该是一个有争议的立场。这些都是既定事实。 @vestibulate 4年前 @DanielAyepahMensah 不。他说的是真实的国家,而不是西方宣传机构和美国国家民主基金会虚构的那个国家。 @vestibulate 4年前 @mhaynes4759 你指的是美国政府制造并由西方新闻媒体传播的宣传攻势。有关新疆拘留营和其他形式虐待维吾尔族人口的报道主要基于 Adrian Zentz 的说法,他是一名在极右圈子有着深厚根基的基督教福音派活动家。这些说法被敌对情报机构重新包装并广泛传播,其目的与促进中国的政治自由事业无关。事实是:有一个由美国政府资助的维吾尔分裂主义运动,旨在破坏中国政府。这一战略与美国对抗敌对国家的政策总体上是一致的。削弱中国是美国的政策目标,让中国回到半殖民地状态,像 19 世纪和 20 世纪那样,被外国公司和国家充分剥削。中国政府已经采取措施防止国家因种族和宗教而分裂,但没有确凿证据表明存在西方媒体所描述的大规模拘留设施,更不用说对维吾尔族的种族灭绝了。 这里有一些相关的阅读材料。我担心它会不受欢迎,但那只是因为它代表了如今在这个问题上很少遇到的事实报道标准。 @Raybso247 4年前 Tom Hall 和中国对香港做了什么? @Raybso247 4年前 Tom Hall 有这些集中营的视频和来自这些集中营的人的证词。真不敢相信你居然在为中国辩护。 @vestibulate 4年前 @Raybso247 “中国对香港做了什么?” 主张国家主权。香港是中国领土,19 世纪被英国窃取和殖民,用作西方鸦片贸易的转口港,强加外国统治,并对该国进行全面掠夺。香港直辖殖民地是通过最反民主的手段建立的——英国及其犯罪伙伴发动的侵略战争。如今,中国正在恢复香港并将其与全国其他地区整合在一起。中国正在通过循序渐进、耐心地进行这项工作,而没有动用其掌握的庞大武力。至于华盛顿和西方媒体如此赞扬的“民主”运动,我们再次看到了新保守派控制的干涉中国内政的努力,目的是分裂中国,使中国屈服于美国利益。目前,关于这个问题最好的英文报道是在 Grayzone 上。以下是一些例子- @charisnanji247 4年前 令人难以置信的自我意识。我看过他的其他采访。非常了解情况。对世界其他地区有深刻的理解。平衡的观点。 @simonyu3121 2年前 我很震惊,一个在美国长大的人居然对中国问题有如此深刻的理解,这在西方世界非常罕见。这确实很了不起。说得非常好,很有智慧。 @VaioletteWestover 4年前 批评美国的实际问题怎么就成了“反美”了?这难道不更像是“我的感情被赤裸裸的真相伤害了”之类的情况吗? @gaotyan 3年前 好吧,我是中国人,他说的话对我来说很爱国,我不认为那是反美。如果大多数人认为那是反美言论,那美国就有大问题了。 @flyingkitesatnight 4年前 非常尊重。我希望他继续发出自己的声音。 @netgiant2592 4年前 终于有一个受过教育的西方人(没有双关语的意思)能看透这些废话了 宣传我们一直被中国灌输思想,所以要客观思考。 @wilsw4369 2年前 这种视野和心态值得尊重,值得领导他们的人民! @clearheaded5696 2年前(修改过) 我点赞这个视频是为了韦斯特先生,而不是因为标题声称这是反美言论。 @TIENxSHINHAN 3年前 能这样批评自己的国家,比什么都更亲美。 @andrewchen9221 2年前 我看了大卫韦斯特在NBA打球好几年……伟大的球员。说得好!👍 @shenzhong2942 1年前 非常有根据 @leodelonix155 3周前(修改过) 一些关于中国文化的背景信息:历史基本上是中国过去3000年来的宗教。中国人保存着一份详尽的记录,记录他们曾经遭受的屈辱的历史,这不是第一次了。每当一个民族被别的民族侵略时,都会有记录并代代相传,以备后世报仇。中国历史上发生过几次大规模的入侵,有的侵略者甚至统治了几百年,但是没有一次彻底征服过中国。公元前1200年左右,雅利安人入侵商朝,被中国人消灭,他们的遗骸被当作活人祭祀放在一位中国将军的墓中。公元前121年,中国人为报复公元前200年匈奴遭受的屈辱,赶走了匈奴人。公元1279年,中国第一次被蒙古征服,89年后为报仇而结束统治。1644年,中国再次遭到满族入侵,一直统治到1911年。这些侵略者的结局是:雅利安人被屠杀当作活人祭祀;匈奴人被赶出家园;蒙古族和满族都是现代中国少数民族的一部分。是的,过去200年,中国再次遭受侵略和屈辱,理所当然地,这被记录下来,以供后人报仇。 <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 和平,和平,和平,嗯,我真的不知道该怎么说,但要把这个信息传达出去,所以我只是想说,不知道要说多久,我只是想把这个信息说出来,但我真的想了解我们社会的本质,你知道,两周前,每个人都在谈论我们需要恢复正常,在我看来,我们一直想恢复的正常状态,最舒服的状态,这个国家在隔离后恢复的最舒服的状态,就是对黑人的虐待,我们看到这种荒谬的警察重新进入黑人社区,最终导致黑人男女死亡和处决,被捕的警察杀死了布丽安娜·泰勒,这些[__]仍然没有被关起来,我真的想了解那些试图维持这种状态的人,你们试图维持一个警察可以在街上处决人的系统,即使是在人群的要求下,人们尖叫着不要这样做请停止,你还在镜头前杀人,我试图了解你的心态,因为我让我把图景画得更大,因为在美国社会,很多时候发生的事情是,我们不画大图景,所以我们看不到更大的图景,所以让我给你一个更大的图景,有一个国家在世界各地做的事情,这些事情确实为这个星球上人类生活的整体利益做出了贡献,长濑国家,有些国家,有些国家派出了医疗专业人员,他们派出了科学和技术,这些技术确实改变了世界各地人民的生活结果,美利坚合众国不是这些国家之一,这些国家包括中国,包括俄罗斯,包括古巴,包括伊朗,所有这个国家主流媒体马戏团所诋毁的国家,所以我试图了解你的最终目的是什么,那些在街上残暴对待人们的人,那些过度使用权力特权当警察的人,那些骚扰黑人的行业人士,你知道这些卡兰和凯文,现在你们所有资本家不惜一切代价资本家 利润高于人民类型的人,你的最终目的是什么,因为你正在做的是进一步加深美国社会对世界没有任何积极贡献的想法,所以事实上,当你生气并且对黑人更加愤怒,对移民更加愤怒,对同性恋更加愤怒,对年轻一代、千禧一代和所有其他拒绝你的世代感到愤怒时,你说你是美国不伟大的所有原因,不,你就是原因,让我解释一下,中国人教他们的人民一些东西非常年轻,这叫做百年耻辱,现在你永远不会听到你所谓的学者谈论这个,明白吗,DS 叔叔,第一个玩你自己的游戏,中国人教他们的孩子他们的年轻人 这叫做百年耻辱,百年耻辱正是在那个时期,他们说,他们教导,他们从内心深处相信,中国应该为自己感到羞耻,因为在这 100 年里,中国为其他群体谋福利,却损害了中国人的利益,他们教育自己的孩子,这种事情永远不应该再发生,这是没有意义的,永远不应该试图接受别人的方式,而不是自己的方式,中国人绝不应该让自己的国家为别人服务,同时伤害自己的公民,这就是为什么中国在过去 70 年里崛起,它以和平的方式崛起,文化上完整,作为一个国家,它在世界历史上一直是坚实的,所以在街上殴打黑人,在镜头前处决,而不是判刑,继续宣扬和制造种族主义意识形态,继续有一个把企业利润置于人民之上的制度,继续这个整个想法,即白人是对,而白人是默认的,然后白人至上主义和西方意识形态将成为地球上每个人的主菜,继续推动这一点只会加速这个国家的衰落,所以我想弄清楚你的动机是什么,你到底在做什么,因为你没有帮助自己,在世界眼中,只有 3 亿美国人,地球上还有 70 亿其他人,所以,我不明白你是怎么想的,你知道最终目标会在这里,问题不是黑人,问题不是人们不愿意接受这些古老的寡头政治,在我看来,只是古老过时的思维方式和生活方式,其他国家完全拒绝现在他们不[__]和我们在一起,在大多数人眼中,美国被视为一个流氓国家,所以向我解释一下最终目标是什么,我只是想让某人澄清一下我一直在研究和研究,我了解我们在经济上面临的动态,但当你满足于你对世界是什么样子没有清晰的看法或愿景时,我们将如何改变它们,你面对的是这些意识形态团伙在玩弄这种混乱,就像我们在香港和 MBA 和 [ __ ] 所做的那样,这不会有任何进展,你疯了吗,中国人实际上是最有组织的进化民族,我的意思是,我不知道我们是否曾在世界历史上见过这样的事情,甚至在埃及人的尼罗河之外,因为他们从来没有能够以一种让 14 亿人在精神上情感上和精神上相互一致的方式使整个大陆文明化,我不明白你的观点是什么,我不明白你认为你会通过我们必须坚持美国曾经的样子来实现什么,而美国从来都不是大多数国家希望它成为的样子这只是一个你告诉自己的故事,你说服自己相信这是真的。 Former NBA All-Star David West Goes on Anti-American Rant, Praises Communist China & Chinese Culture 2020年6月26日 55 Comments @xiaoliangtang9592 4年前 One of the best self awareness speech I have been seen for years. Unfortunately, nobody seems to care in the States. @vestibulate 4年前 I don't understand the description of this video as an "anti-American rant". The man is speaking from a perspective of humanity and applying critical thinking to the current intolerable conditions in the US and the abuses carried out internationally by the US government. And the deep, traumatic humiliation of China by the west and by Japan is a profound factor in the country's current stance. This shouldn't be a controversial position. These are matters of established fact. @vestibulate 4年前 @DanielAyepahMensah No. He's talking about the real country, not the imaginary one conjured by western propaganda outlets and the National Endowment for Democracy. @vestibulate 4年前 @mhaynes4759 You're referring to a propaganda offensive manufactured by the US government and disseminated by western news media. The reports of detention camps and other forms of mistreatment of the Uyghur population in Xinjiang are based on claims emanating principally from Adrian Zentz, a Christian evangelical activist with deep roots in far right circles. These claims have been repackaged and widely circulated by hostile intelligence agencies for purposes which have nothing to do with furthering the cause of political freedom in China. The facts are these: there is a Uyghur separatist movement financed by the US government and aimed at undermining the Chinese state. This strategy is in accord with American policy more generally in confronting rival nations. The weakening of China is a policy goal of the US, returning that country to a semi-colonial status open to full exploitation by foreign companies and states, as in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Chinese government has implemented measures to prevent a division of the nation along ethnic and religious lines, but there is no compelling evidence of large-scale detention facilities as described by western media, much less of a genocide of Uyghurs. Here's some relevant reading material. I fear it will be unwelcome, but that's only because it represents a standard of factual reporting seldom encountered on the subject these days. @Raybso247 4年前 Tom Hall and what is China doing to Hong Kong ? @Raybso247 4年前 Tom Hall there’s literally videos of these concentration camps and testimonies from people from these camps. Can’t believe you’re actually defending China. @vestibulate 4年前 @Raybso247 "what is China doing to Hong Kong ?" Asserting national sovereignty. Hong Kong is Chinese territory, stolen and colonised by Britain in the 19th century, used as an entrepot for the western opium trade, imposition of foreign rule, and wholesale looting of the country. The Crown Colony of Hong Kong was created through the most anti-democratic means imaginable- a war of aggression by Britain and its partners in crime. China today is in the process of recovering and integrating Hong Kong with the rest of the country. It is doing so through gradual steps, patiently, without employing the massive force at its disposal. As for the "pro-democracy" movement so lauded in Washington and the western media, once again we're looking at a neo-con controlled effort to interfere in China's internal affairs, with the aim of fragmenting and subjugating the country to US interests. At the moment, the best English language reporting on this issue is to be found at the Grayzone. Here are some examples- @charisnanji247 4年前 incredible self awareness. i’ve seen his other interviews. so incredibly well informed. deep understanding of other parts of the world. well balanced view. @simonyu3121 2年前 I am very shocked that a man grown in US world could have such a deep understanding on matters related to China, which is very rare in western world. Indeed this is Amazing. Very well said and wise words. @VaioletteWestover 4年前 How is criticizing America for its real problems "anti america"? Is this not more of a case of "my feelings are hurt by the raw truth" type of situation? @gaotyan 3年前 well I'm Chinese,what he said is pretty Patriotic to me,i dont think that is anti America. America has got big problem if most people consider that as anti America speech. @flyingkitesatnight 4年前 Much respect. I hope he keeps using his voice. @netgiant2592 4年前 Finally an educated westerner (no pun intended) who can see past the bs propaganda we are constantly fed on China and think objectively. @wilsw4369 2年前 This is the vision and mentality that deserves respect, deserves leadership for their people! @clearheaded5696 2年前(修改过) I gave a like click to this video for Mr. West and not for what the title claimed it as an anti America rant. @TIENxSHINHAN 3年前 Being able to criticize your country like this is pro American more than anything. @andrewchen9221 2年前 I watched David West played in the NBA for years…great player. Well said truth!👍 @shenzhong2942 1年前 incredibly based @leodelonix155 3周前(修改过) Some background information about Chinese culture: history is basically the religion of China throughout the past 3000 years. It is not the first time that Chinese people kept a well documented history of the humiliation it has ever suffered. Whenever the nation was invaded by other nations, it would be well documented and passed down for generations for the sake of future avenge. There were several mass invasion in the history of China, some invaders even reigned for several hundred years, but none of them had completely conquered China. In around 1200BC, Aryan people invaded Shang dynasty, and was wiped out by Chinese. Their remains found in the tomb of a Chinese general as human sacrifices. In 121 BC, Chinese avenged Hun’s humiliation in 200 BC and drove the Hun people away. In 1279AD, China was conquered by Mongolia for the first time, and avenged by ending the reign 89 years later. In 1644, China was again invaded by Manchuria and was reigned until 1911. The outcome of these invaders: Aryan people were massacred as human sacrifice; Hun were driven away from their homeland; Mongolian and Manchurian people all survived as part of minority ethnic groups in modern China. Yes, the past 200 years, China has suffered again invasion and humiliation, and by default, this is documented for future generations to avenge. <<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> peace peace peace um I don't really know how to say this but get this message out so I'm just going to talk don't know how long it's gonna be I just want to get this out but uh I'm really trying to understand the nature of our society you know two weeks ago everybody was talked about we need to get back to normal and to me it seemed that the normal that we have wanted to get back to the most comfortable thing the most comforting thing that this nation is sort of reverted back to after this quarantine has been the abuse of black people we saw this sort of ridiculous reintroduction of policing into black communities ultimately leading to the death and execution of black men and women arrested cops that killed Brianna Taylor these [ __ ] still aren't locked up and I'm really trying to understand what the people who are trying to maintain things like this you're trying to maintain a system where police officers can execute people in the street even at the request of the crowd and people screaming don't do it please stop it and you still kill somebody on camera I'm trying to understand what your mindset is because I let me paint the picture bigger because what happens a lot of times in American society is we don't paint big pictures so we don't see the larger picture so let me give you the larger picture there's a nation that is doing things around the world that are literally contributing to the overall benefit of human life on this planet there Nagase Nations there are nations there are nations that are sending out medical professionals that are sending out sciences and technologies that literally changing the life outcomes of people around the world the United States of America is not one of those countries these countries include China it includes Russia it includes Cuba it includes Iran all nations that the mainstream media circus in this country vilifies so I'm trying to understand what your end game is here the people who are brutalizing people in the streets the people who are over using their power privileges by being police officers the people that are industries harassing black people you know these Karan's and Kevin's now all of you capitalists at all costs capitalists profit over people type folks what is your endgame here because what you're doing is you're furthering the idea that American society has nothing positive to contribute to the world so in fact as you get mad and more angry at black people more angry at immigrants more angry at gay people more angry at the young generations the Millennials and all these other generations that are rejecting your [ __ ] and you say you all the reason that America is not great no you are the reason let me explain something the Chinese teach their people something very young it's called the hundred years of shame now you'll never hear your so-called scholars talk about this understand uncle DS the first one putting your own game the Chinese people teach their children their young people something called a hundred years of shame the hundred years of shame is the period in which they say and they teach and they believe this to their core that China should be ashamed of itself because in this 100 years China worked to the benefit of other groups and against the benefit of the Chinese and they teach their children that this should never ever ever ever happen again that had no point ever should try to accept the ways of other people over their own that no way should the Chinese people ever allow their nation to work better for other people all while doing harm to their own citizens this is why China has risen in the last 70 years the way it's risen peacefully intact culturally and solid as a nation has ever been in the history of the world so the idea that somehow beating up black people in the street executing people on camera over sentencing people continuing to purport and produce racist ideology continuing to have a system that puts profits for businesses over people continuing this whole idea that white people are right and white people at the default and then white supremacy and Western ideology is to be the main course meal for everybody on the planet continuing to promote this is only speeding up the decline of this nation so I'm trying to figure out what your motive is that what is it that you are doing because you are not helping yourself in the eyes of the world there are only 300 million Americans there are 7 billion other people on this planet so I don't understand what you think you know the end goal is gonna be here the problem is not black people the problem is not folks haven't been willing to accept these old oligarchical preed in my and mine and my opinion just old ancient outdated ways of thinking and living that other nations wholly reject now they're not [ __ ] with us right in most in the eyes of most people around this world America is seen as a rogue state so explain to me what the end goal is here I'm just trying to get clear someone who's I'm constantly in study constantly and research I understand the dynamics that we're facing economically but how are we gonna change them when you content when you you don't have a clear view or vision of what the world looks like in the world that you're facing these ideological gangs playing this mess like we did with Hong Kong and MBA and [ __ ] ain't gonna go nowhere are you crazy the Chinese are literally the most organized evolved people I mean I don't know if we've ever seen anything like this in world history even beyond the damn Nile River in the Egyptians because they were never able to to civilize the entire continent in a way that one point four billion people are in mental emotional and spiritual agreement with one another I don't understand what what your point is I don't understand what you think you're gonna accomplish by we gotta hold on to what America was and that America never was anything that most nations want it to be it's just a story that you've told yourself and you convinced yourself as real