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Now is wartime by military forcing people home and 2020-03-21 04:06:40

Now is wartime by military forcing people home and mask when outdoors

   It is not the virus in robbing your life, but, it is the careless behavior of yourself, it is the ignorant conduction of medical experts and it is the negligent governance of government in sacrificing you to the virus.

      Frank   Mar. 15, 2020 in Waterloo, On. Ca. Updated in Mar. 16, 17, 2020.



   Mar. 5, 2020, on the website of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. suggests that “immediately putting a surgical mask on patients being evaluated for respiratory symptoms.” “A mask should be worn by infectious patients any time they leave the isolation room.” “Masks are not usually recommended in non-healthcare settings.”

   March 18, 2020, article Coronavirus: Why masks don't work reports that, in his ongoing defensive war against COVID-19, Quebec's public health director and medical expert Horacio Arruda says that wearing mask can do more harm than good. He was inciting the general population to stop using mask, unless they are confirmed in sick. 

   In Canada, the LifeLabs is a provider for screening infections of COVID-10. As Canadian government certified professional Lab, on their website, it suggested that “any customers who screen positive for suspected COVID-19 will be asked to wear a mask according to pre-screening questions provided by Public Health Agency of Canada.

   As medical professional and institutions, they should not ignore that some COVID-19 infected long stay in normal without showing symptoms, and mostly develop symptoms of fever or respiratory on an average of 3 - 6 days, but they are all contagious. Therefore, all people are suspects; the mask must wear for any people in all time when outdoors.

   People must understand that only a safe public environment can ensure everyone in safe, and only that everyone wearing mask can create a safe public environment by essentially reducing the spreading of the virus from the root level. An easy rational measure of government and a simple protection of oneself can help to stop the pandemic.

   In viewing the wrongful conduction of some officials, some medical experts and medical institutions, and the wrongful practice of some people, I search-edited this article, the purpose is not for humiliating anyone, but for reminding people that the virus is not terrible, the most terrible thing is that people have no sense for proper protection.

   I hope that this article is able to help all families be healthy and happy in this hard time by proper self-protection with enjoying a handy and simple remedy as below. 

    Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for COVID-19.   

                                                        --- Frank Mar. 19, 2020, 03:38 am in Waterloo, Canada

   I write this article is not from the fear of death, but from the fear of psychological harm caused by kinship death to family members globally. I live in Canada and my parents were in China. In their later years, my father spoke clearly, but heard unclear, and my mother heard well, but, spoke unclear, and every time made phone call was psychological torment to me. Later, my father died of liver cancer, my mother died suddenly of a large myocardial infarction.

   I left home at my 17, working and studying outside, each year only have a few days in Chinese New Year to reunite with my parents. After my parents died, I thought about things that I should have done but without the opportunity to be done for my parents, which caused me sustained in the state of self-blame and formed habitual tears. Now, under the dead virus, many people in many countries are in suffering what I have suffered in the past.

   My parents died mainly because they were older, and now, some of the deceased under virus are younger. All of this could have been avoided, as long as active prevention for avoiding the infection. Such as,  in Iran, the Chinese factories there no employee was infected due to the active prevention by the methods of domestic China, regularly environmental disinfection, and everyone wears mask.

                                  --- Frank Mar. 20, 2020, 06:39 pm in Waterloo, Canada

 Why Italian epidemic control is ineffective in increasingly infected and death

   On March 12, 2020, the Gov-China dispatched 9 medical experts to Rome from Shanghai with 31 tons of medical and protective equipment; the second batch of supplies will arrive soon. However, as current state of epidemic control in Italy, as medical supports will helpless.

   Mar 19, 2020, a YouTube video 中国抗疫专家:为意大利疫情管控的松散程度感到震惊 Anti-epidemic experts of China to Italy shocked by the looseness of the Italian epidemic control indicated problems in Italian epidemic control.




   One week after works in Italy, Sun Shuopeng, the team leader of the Anti-epidemic Medical Expert Group and vice president of the Chinese Red Cross, said that Milan is the most severely infected city in Italy, but the epidemic control here is very loose, I saw that the bus is still running, the local people were still traveling, the people were still gathering in the hotel, I saw a lot of people without masks, I don't know what people were in thinking?

   We must stop life time, stop the normal economy, and stop the activities of interpersonal relationships we liked usually. It can be said that the life of us must be confined in the home. Life is most worth paying for and all efforts must be paid to protect our life.

   Sun Shuopeng indicates that, in China, after the Wuhan city was fully closed, it took more than a month to achieve the level that all people who need the treatment were able to get treatment, then reached full control of the epidemic.

   Italy has had more deaths from novel coronavirus pneumonia than China. The reason is that it is too loose of the governance on epidemic control and there too many people are lacking of sense in self-protection.

                                                         --- Frank Mar. 20, 2020, 05:38 am in Waterloo, Canada

   Other dead problem is the wrong in the control of mild ill patients.

   Yang Huichuan, a member of the Chinese medical expert group, said in an interview, currently, Italy sends critically ill patients to the hospital for treatment, while the mild ill patients and close contacts of patients mainly rely on the primary health care system. In this way, it is difficult to control the spread of the epidemic, and centralized isolation facilities should be established.


   Below is translated from Mandarin.

   Mar 18, 2020, there was a video on China’s media意大利市长“咆哮体”呼吁:待在家别出门 Italian Mayor Calls in "Snarling Manner": Stay at Home and Don't Go Out. It said that On March 16, 2020, the Mayor of Delia, Italy, Filipo Bancheri who posted a video on social media, to urge the public staying home. 



   “Please do not stay together of your neighbors in whole building to show your friendship and trust of each other. If we go to the supermarket every day, how can everything be all right? It is enough to go to the supermarket once every 10 days. If, every day, someone calls the barber to make hair at home, how can everything be all right? If you don’t have to go out, why do you make hair? On Sunday, there are still people to barbecue in the fields; are you kidding? This is a joke that needs to pay by the lives of the people in the city.”

   “Still there are others, just want to make a sign that "everything will be okay", in order to make it look better, to call uncles, cousins and others of 20 relatives to come to discuss. That will be contagious to each other. You do not know that.”

                                             --- Frank Mar. 20, 2020, 03:35 pm in Waterloo, Canada

   In Europe, the most smart people and government is Serbian


   Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic proclaimed a nationwide state of emergency on March 15, 2020 with tearing, then troops deployed to force the practice of the order.

   Human society establish government is for enforcing a livable social environment by suppressing the ignorant behavior of brainless people, rather than simply for being democratic played or being various ignorant ideologies kidnapped.   On current world, only President Aleksandar Vucic was tearing for the pandemic of dead virus and are beggaring everywhere for helping their people.         From the YouTube videos, I believed that, besides the people of China, the people of Serbia is the best in self-protection by taking masks.


                                                           --- Frank  Mar. 19, 2020, 08:26 am in Waterloo, Canada

The epidemic has been a wartime in massively killing, it is time for deploying military to force people home and mask outdoors.

                                                             --- Frank  Mar. 20, 2020, 02:26 am in Waterloo, Canada

   I happily notice that, it is not all politicians ignorant.

   1.. March 16, 2020, Breaking: Prague public transport bans travel without face mask due to coronavirus

   From March 17, all riders on Prague’s metro, buses, and trams must wear a protective face mask to travel.

   2.. Mar. 18, 2020, Face Masks Now Mandatory in all Prague Shops and Offices   

   The Czech government has approved a ban on going out anywhere in public while not wearing a surgical mask or covering one’s nose and mouth with a scarf

   3.. March 17, 2020, Czechs resort to making DIY facemasks in face of their shortage   

   Thousands of Czechs have started making DIY facemasks as the Czech Republic continues to face a serious shortage in the current coronavirus outbreak.



     Why China has successfully contained COVID-19 but the other countries did not, reason is simple, because of, in China, both of the top leaders, and ordinary people are all properly in self-protection. But,  in other countries, even had the lesson of China, the top leaders are still not care about self-protection in making wrongful demonstration.     

     The important weapon of China defeating the spread of viruses is the masks. Everyone wears mask when outdoors.

      March 16, 2020, CNN reports that Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized. The clinical cases also show that some people have no symptoms of being infected, but they are in carrying novel coronavirus and are contagious for others, so that for those people, wearing mask is not only for self-protection but also for avoiding their carried virus freely into public environment.

     Besides recessive carriers of COVID-19 virus, Mar. 3, 2020, article Transmission interval estimates suggest pre-symptomatic spread of COVID-19 indicates that the infection of COVID-19 was transmitted on average 2.55 and 2.89 days before symptom onset. So that it is the best way that every one must wear mask for avoiding the virus spreading. 

     In any ethnicity and in any country, it is inevitable there are some people who do not observe social morality and regulations. Therefore, it is not feasible to  solely rely on consciousness of people by verbal exhortation, the government must legally force every people wearing masks.

     It said that the mask for protecting the virus of COVID-19 needs to be replaced in several hours, which will cause the shortage of the supply of masks. For the medical staff in the working environment of fighting against virus, regularly replacing mask is essential, but for the people in daily life, it is not necessary at all.

     As my view, in faced with shortage in masks, for the ordinary people, the industrial one is enough, because of that wearing mask is not only for self-protection but more importantly for the protection of public environment, if it is every one wears mask, then the public environment is safe, so that any kind of common mask is enough in safe.

     March 9, 2020, a report that Roughly 55 million N95 masks in Ontario expired before coronavirus hit.  As my view, the expired masks should not be used for medical staff, but it is enough for the ordinary people as common use in the daily life to protect public environment.

     In case of that has no enough mask for use, I guess that disinfecting own used mask by microwave for repeated use may be a feasible way.  

     It said that there were some top leaders of countries have been infected by COVID-19, I firmly believed that was because of they did not self-protect with mask.

     I collected follow photos want to warn people that, even had the clear lesson of China, many people are still without sense of self-protection and being willingly infected.   


     The firms of China in Iran are zero infection among employees

                 Mar. 16, 2020 


     There medical experts of China were sent to Iran for aiding Iranian fighting against virus. The experts found that the companies of China in Iran copied the prevention methods from demotic China, for example, strict implementation of the management with closed environment of forbidding stranger in, regularly disinfection and forced everyone wearing masks; so that has been achieved ‘zero infection’ among their employees. 

     The most of employees are Iranian, Chinese are few; which means that the companies of China have well educated their employees and Iranian employees also well educated and saved the life of their families, and the healthy families ensured the health of employees.

     From the introduction below you will understand that the daily life of Iranian is easily causing massive infection, but even if in such a social environment, under the management of the people of China is still to have achieved zero infection. The fact shows that if we can take proper protective measures, the dead virus is preventable.


     Iran is the one of countries that has more people infected and died in COVID-19.  Mar. 3, 2020, I once wrote an article In Iran, bee stings cured patients in new coronavirus pneumonia.


     The article was inspired by the post of an Iranian followed article of Bill Gates  <How to respond to COVID-19> that posted on Gates; Blog in Feb. 28, 2020.  


     The name and post of Iranian was as bellow.

     Ehsan Ashkani 13 days: Hello, I live in a remote village in Iran Corona virus is spreading all over the cities Small and big cities are involved Our government figures are all lies, we have no facilities, especially in remote villages and villages And they don't go to the hospital because they make us worse, and then they don't even say it's because of a coronary virus. In our village, people treat my grandmother's advice, which collects traditional medicine from the mountains and the desert. Six sick people from our village treated with bee stings and now they are well Well, I wanted to send this message and maybe find someone or somewhere I don't know. Maybe there are many places on this planet that are deprived of basic facilities because of people with coronavirus and lack of facilities and equipment. Use Bee Bite Now Only Be Careful Those who have allergies and allergies to bee stings are doing so dangerous, goodbye to everyone.

     I replied the post as below: 

     Frank 13 daysI think that you should organize those who are cured in your village, take bees, to go to big cities, such as, Tehran to treat people with new coronavirus infected. It is reasonable to charge a certain amount of money. It is not mandatory, but voluntarily, the Rich people may give more, since that you provided is reliable cure. Now, the environment in Tehran is scary. For villagers who are willing to go to Tehran to treat others, by collecting some money as psychological comfort, otherwise there is no one would like to withstand such a psychological panic.    

     Yesterday,  Mar. 15, 2020, on YouTube, I found videos that introduce the daily life of people in remote villages of Iran, and found Iranian in there are still without self-protection and are still many people grouping closely in the way of easily infecting of each others.  

     From the daily life of Iranian in remote villages, I assert that in Iran, the spreading of COVID-19 will be difficult to be contained by the organizing of the government. I don't like to make such an assertion and don't like to see such an assertion becomes true, but it is the uncontrollable reality.

     Below are the links of YouTube videos from the remote village of Iran.

     1.. I ate 48 YEARS-OLD GARLIC!! Unbelievable Iranian Village Food in Masuleh, Iran!


       By Mark Wiens, 418,601 views•Mar 15, 2020

     2.. Iran’s Breathtaking Mountain Village + Big Iranian Breakfast!! | Masuleh, Iran


      By Mark Wiens, 66,673 views•Mar 16, 2020

     Below is the video screenshot from video 2.



     I made a comment followed video 2.

     Sir, video maker, when was you making this video, is it Mar. 16, 2020 or so? If so, thank you very much for helping people to understand that why has too many Iranian infected. They should wear masks or stay home, any way they should not be grouping so closely without care about the infection of the dead virus when viewing too many people have died.


     Now, in China, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been essentially controlled and the urgent task is to contain inbound infectious source from the incoming overseas passengers.  Please see YouTube video: Mar 17, 2020, China tightens measures to contain imported coronavirus cases.


     Below are some photos that show how the people of China properly protect the infection personally and publicly.             












              Above is a screenshot from YouTube video【中国】14億人のコロナ戦記―非日常の中の日常― A  record of 1.4 billion people fight against coronavirus, daily life in a extraordinary time, filmed by Japanese people in China     Mar 20, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9tVvB4KPVA     The video introduced that before people entering a shop, personal localized code must be scanned and body's temperature must be checked.             Above is a screenshot from YouTube video【中国】14億人のコロナ戦記―非日常の中の日常― A  record of 1.4 billion people fight against coronavirus, daily life in a extraordinary time, filmed by Japanese people in China     Mar 20, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9tVvB4KPVA     The video introduced that before driving on highway, the body temperature of driver is checked at the entrance area.
                      The film maker of 【中国】14億人のコロナ戦記―非日常の中の日常
      The reason that this Japanese director started to make documentaries about China      Mar 19, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zMXerzMc7o
      They all wear masks to work as usual during the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus and were not infected.                     Mar 19, 2020, A Canadian in China buys masks to send to Canada             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB0eoJmCJJM




     From photos above, we have clear that, in China, every one wears mask. But in the western countries, the people are just in the opposite.

     Mar 17, 2020, Bayer fires employee for breaking coronavirus quarantine rule in China


     Bayer has fired an employee in China for breaking local coronavirus quarantine rules. 

     Video of a woman refusing to follow China’s coronavirus quarantine rule recently went viral, and it drew wide criticism as the country works to contain a new wave of infections coming from abroad.

     On Tuesday, Bayer’s China operations confirmed the woman as its employee—and said a drastic measure was called for. 

     “The company has decided to fire that employee according to relative corporate rules, effective immediately,” the German pharma and crop science conglomerate said.


     Below are the video screenshots from the videos on YouTube. You may find that besides medical staff, the top leaders of many countries are all not properly self-protected without masks wearing.


     Obviously, the death of patients puts the health care workers who care for her or him in fear in Vancouver, Canada.


     It said that as of March 15, a total of 63 politicians have been diagnosed with 2019 novel coronavirus in 17 countries including the United States, Britain, France, Italy, etc., the number of deaths has reached 14 and the mortality rate has reached 22%.


     Below photos have provided reason, it is because of many top leaders and ordinary people of west countries are careless in self-protection for COVID-19.  They are all in effectively infecting of each others; because of that they are no one knew who has been infected.    

     March 19, 2020, there is a report that Prince Albert II of Monaco tests positive for coronavirus, palace announces.


     Below photo may provide the cause, so many people meeting has no masks wearing.


         Coronavirus : les mesures qui accompagnent les annonces

         Mar 16, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLsJkcW1YVI


            Coronavirus outbreak: Canadian ministers lay out further details on U.S. border closure | FULL

            16 hours ago, March 19, 2020, 5:07, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTxwDaYFO6k


           Coronavirus outbreak: Canadian ministers lay out further details on U.S. border closure | FULL

          16 hours ago, March 19, 2020, 5:07, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTxwDaYFO6k





    The non-protective working way in WHO has produced fruits that powerful enough to fear them selves.

      March 17, 2020, article WHO confirms 2 coronavirus cases among its staff reports that the two cases are the first at the Geneva-based organisation and follow a confirmed case at the UN office in Geneva as well one at the World Trade Organization last week.








     I particularly shocked by above photo, because that the speaker is Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States.

     As the top leader in charge of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases,  not only he did not persuade the top leaders of the United States to wear masks, even himself did not wear mask.





                            Mar. 13, 2020, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said a special cabinet meeting would on Saturday formally declare a state of emergency to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
     However, the emergency call seems not properly carried out. Mar 16, 2020, YouTube video: Tourists in Spain ignore emergency measures despite rise in coronavirus cases.        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvPyF733sFw
     Spain has become the fourth most virus-infected nation in the world, as the coronavirus outbreak worsens in the country, despite strict new measures to try and limit the spread. At least 297 people have died in Spain as a result of Covid-19, with more than 7,700 confirmed cases of the virus.
     Under the life threat of being infected or being killed, in Benidorm, the tourists are continuing to meet and socialise - ignoring strict new measures to try and contain the virus.
     Below is the video screenshot, the tourists are boldly enjoying their joy without sense of protection for dead virus. In such a great brave way makes big medical burden to Spanish government and the pandemic threats to the people of the world.


                  Please look at the rational practice of the Government of Serbia.
     Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic proclaimed a nationwide state of emergency on March 15, 2020 with tearing, then troops deployed to force the practice of the order.
     Human society establish government is for enforcing a livable social environment by suppressing the ignorant behavior of brainless people, rather than simply for being democratic played or being various ignorant ideologies kidnapped.
     On current world, only President Aleksandar Vucic was tearing for the pandemic of dead virus and are beggaring everywhere for helping their people.            From the YouTube videos, I believed that, besides the people of China, the people of Serbia is the best in self-protection by taking masks.






    For the politicians not wearing mask in Serbia, it is because of have no mask available, but it is incoming quickly from China.

    I made some comments followed YouTube video of Serbia's state of emergency: ‘China is the only country that can help’


    Frank 15 hours ago: Why those lawmakers did not wear masks, wearing mask is not only for self-protection but also for a safe public environment. Maybe this is the best way for the prevention of the virus spread, so that government must legally force people wearing masks.

    Косово је Србија! 13 hours ago: Main problem, we don't have enough masks... We ordered from China 5 000 000 masks, they will arrive in a day I think. We're in big trouble.

     Frank 12 hours ago: @Косово је Србија! Indeed, it needs not medical one, but the general one is enough, because that is not only for self-protecting but also more importantly, for protecting public environment, if it is every one wears mask, then the public environment is safe, so that the general mask is enough.

     Косово је Србија! 12 hours ago: @Hongde Li Yes, I'm aware of that, but you have "culture" of wearing masks, here and in Europe in general people are not used to wear it. Think this will change the situation regarding it.

     Frank 12 hours ago: @Косово је Србија!  The sound shows that you are from Serbia, then please forward my article to you friends and more people. Indeed, this disease is easy treatable by a simple way.

     Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases  



YouTube videos tell the ignorance of some people:


Coronavirus outbreak: Canadian ministers lay out further details on U.S. border closure | FULL

16 hours ago, March 19, 2020, 5:07, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTxwDaYFO6k


1.. British tourists in Spain singing 'we've all got the virus'

Mar 18, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DKdjM-WCuU

2.. Tourists in Spain ignore emergency measures despite rise in coronavirus cases 

Mar 16, 2020,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvPyF733sFw&t=60s

3.. British tourists in limbo as Spain enters lockdown amid coronavirus outbreak | ITV News

Mar 15, 2020,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQRGl_Cmps0

4.. Spanish Police Jump Into pool After Tourist Ignores Corona Virus Lock down

From the Telegraph: A British woman has been arrested in Tenerife after ignoring coronavirus quarantine restrictions. The tourist was seen swimming in a hotel pool before a Spanish police officer removed her.

Mar 17, 2020;    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrLMBu0jrSI

5.. British tourists in Spain singing 'we've all got the virus'

Mar 18, 2020;   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DKdjM-WCuU&t=11s

6.. Spain: 'Go home, drunk tourists!' demand thousands of Barcelona locals

Aug 23, 2014,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdfaGDnYTDo


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