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美国人 中国生活与美国生活 令人震惊 2023-01-02 10:41:00

美国人 中国生活与美国生活 令人震惊


Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking!

Expat Adventuring in Asia 2024年10月21日



你准备好看一些古老的中国和新的中国了吗?让我们开始吧,我已经在中国生活了 13 年,中国已经存在了 5000 年,看完这段视频后,你会知道我对中国和美国的真实看法,以及谁在许多领域成为世界领导者,你会听到、看到和了解中国和美国到底发生了什么,看完这段视频后,你会知道我对西方和东方的真实看法,以及我真正想住在哪里,你想听听关于基础设施,你想听听关于安全,你想听听关于无家可归,你想听听关于商业,你想听听关于脱钩的流行语,看这段视频,你会有更好的理解,在这段视频中,我将告诉你一些我了解到的关于中国的事情,以及我对美国的了解,以及今天与过去和西方社会的不同之处,中华民族和人民继续前进,中国的高科技产品,如无人机、电动汽车、太阳能电池板和电子产品,只是其中的几个例子以其卓越的品质和价格席卷全球,西方制造商无法与之竞争,中国通过贸易举措将这些世界一流的产品扩大到世界各地,这就是一个国家在制定明确果断的行动计划时所做的事情,这是西方媒体不会告诉你的一个很好的例子,中国技术每年都达到历史新高,2023年,授予中国的专利数量约为80万件,比包括美国、日本、韩国、印度、德国、巴西、俄罗斯、加拿大和澳大利亚在内的其他十大国家的总和还要多,这是一个巨大的成就,中国几乎在所有方面都赶上了美国,在许多领域,他们已经超越了美国,甚至在军事领域,美国一直喜欢吹嘘,两国之间的差距每天都在缩小,中华民族热爱并促进与世界其他国家的和平与和谐,中国人民谦逊、和平、友好、好客,除非你是中国公民,否则你可能无法完全理解我要说的话,但直到你访问中国并了解国家和人民,不要再听西方媒体的,他们只会误导你,但一旦你更多地了解中国,你就会发现它与你从西方听到的任何东西都大不相同,我二十多年前就开始访问中国了,我通过这条小溪,就像我说的,我二十多年前就开始访问中国了,已经在中国生活了13年,我的经历非常好,当你访问中国时,你很快就会发现,西方媒体告诉你的和他们不想让你看到和听到的是有区别的,中国当地的现实和它的真实情况,中国的日常生活是什么样的,全世界的人们要明白的是,中国人和你我非常相似,他们喜欢玩乐,喜欢社交,旅行,购物,做运动,看体育比赛,花时间和家人朋友在一起,做许多其他活动,许多西方人只是把中国看作是一个共产主义国家,认为仅仅因为政府是共产主义的,中国就没有自由,但在过去40年里,自由一直在改善,在过去的40 年来,中国人已经能够周游世界,他们旅行很多,花了很多钱,这有助于旅游业,所有这些数以百万计的旅行者都回到了中国,你想知道为什么,因为中国是一个好地方,是一个适合居住的好地方,它有一个光明的未来,你需要来中国亲眼看看,你需要来参观我喜欢称中国为新的现代中国,古老的中国完好无损,这是一个神奇的国家,是更多人需要看到和体验的东西,我的意思是,你只要在我走动的地方走一走,就能看到很棒的人与很棒的人交谈,看到一些完整的历史,这真是太神奇了,说到中国的自由,除了资本主义,在世界各地旅行,在别人的国家花巨额资金,玩得开心,回到中国,中国人可以创业,有自己的企业,他们可以投资在股市中,他们可以自己创造收入,保留自己的收入,并像世界上大多数人一样纳税。中国几十年来一直在推行资本主义措施一路走来,这就是为什么中国能够实现经济转型,以及在过去 40 年中,7 亿人如何摆脱贫困,步入中产阶级。西方媒体总是想以最糟糕的方式描绘中国,他们想让你相信,中国是美国最大的威胁,而对美国来说,最大的威胁就是美国本身。当你来到中国,你会立刻意识到,这是一个和平的社会,一个充满热情和友好的人的社会,他们是多么友好,他们只是想走到你面前,和你谈谈为什么,因为他们是友好的,因为你是外国人,他们想欢迎你,感谢你来到中国,这是真诚的,一旦你来到中国,你就会明白这一点,你会发现,这与你在西方媒体上听到的任何东西都大不相同,当你访问中国时,你会看到中国的基础设施,这是最好的基础设施之一世界上最好的基础设施包括高铁、地铁和智能城市,这些都让中国变得更好,这是一个惊人的转变,二十多年前我第一次来到中国时,很多基础设施都不存在,当时没有高铁,这个国家没有一辆高铁,但令人难以置信的是,在过去的二十年里,中国政府已经投资了数十亿美元,克服了困难,修建了连接全国各个地区的高铁,这就是建设社会的方式,这就是建设经济的方式,修建连接全国各地的高铁的雄心遭到了很多批评,他们说这是不可能的,他们说高铁只适用于德国、欧洲等国家,因为这些国家小得多,批评人士说,如果你想在亚洲修建高铁,你只能在日本或韩国等较小的国家修建,中国太大了,中国政府听到这个消息后,他们开始行动,当他们听到一些基本不可能的事情时,他们会让它成为现实。中国的目标是修建高铁,然后他们听说如果你要在中国修建高铁,你会赔钱,但这不是中国赚钱的目标,他们的目标是照顾社会,简化生活,走在这些小路上。历史的脱钩小巷是惊人的,这只是为了向你展示世界各地的独立企业主,他们和家人一起进行投资,这是一件很棒的事情,最新的流行词是脱钩,西方说美国应该与中国脱钩,但这真的会发生吗?有很多美国大公司在中国做生意,赚了数十亿美元,比如美国大公司肯德基、苹果、特斯拉、耐克、星巴克、宝洁、沃尔玛、可口可乐,仅举几例,美国政客喜欢说脱钩,脱钩,他们想与中国脱钩,他们只是想听起来很强硬,他们想试图确保我们的经济在未来不会合作,每个人都必须要知道,美国和中国的经济现在和可预见的未来是紧密相连的,顺便说一下,我刚才提到的公司不仅在中国销售,而且在中国制造,然后出口回美国和世界其他地方的消费者。说到中国制造,你找不到比这里更好的地方来制造价格实惠、质量上乘的高端产品,这真是太棒了,这就是为什么中国成为世界工厂,但最重要的是,在过去的5到10年里,中国已经转变为高端工厂,中国电动汽车行业走向世界的行业之一就是中国的电动汽车行业,它们真的很迷人,10年前,中国的电动汽车在中国人中并不流行,甚至被很多人认为是个笑话,但今天它不再被认为是笑话,也不被认为是浪费钱,每个人都想体验中国电动汽车的兴奋,这些车太神奇了,看看那个屏幕的大小,好大,哇,中国的技术真的很神奇令人惊叹的中国科技,如果没有受过教育的中国人民,中国已经缩小了差距,在我看来,中国已经正式赶上了美国,但你必须记住的一件事是,这个拥有14亿人口的国家,中国人是你见过的最聪明、最勤奋的人,中国人多年来一直在中国,亲眼目睹中国人非常勤奋,他们比其他人更努力,中国人有着令人难以置信的职业道德,我认为这对我们政客来说真的很短视,如果你想把中国逼到墙角,你想在创新方面与他们打赌,你就押错了国家,他们正迅速成为创新的世界领导者,当如果你来到中国,四处走走,看看,你就会明白我在说什么。中国现在毕业的 STEM 毕业生数量是其他国家的 10 倍,这些毕业生都是科学、技术、工程和数学专业的。这个国家充满了聪明、受过良好教育的人,他们致力于努力工作,提高自己和国家的未来。你需要了解,中国政府在过去制定了发展这个国家的路线图,聪明、受过良好教育的中国人正在完美地执行,你会在基础设施清洁城市中看到这一点,你会看到这是一个向前发展的社会,而不是像美国那样向后退,一个现代社会,与西方媒体所描绘的不同,它会让你开始质疑你自己的政府,让你质疑美国的基础设施,以及为什么它在过去 10 年里崩溃了。你已经看到美国经济大幅衰退,你看到大城市里到处都是垃圾,基础设施不断恶化,无家可归现象随处可见,纽约、洛杉矶、圣地亚哥和旧金山等许多大城市的情况都很糟糕,美国为什么允许一些最具标志性的美丽城市充斥着无家可归的人、乱扔垃圾的人和像僵尸一样在街上游荡的吸毒者,看到这些真的很难过,当我在中国漫步时,我还没有看到任何犯罪行为,更不用说亲身经历过犯罪了,美国的犯罪行为令人难以置信,枪支暴力令人心碎,但突然间,你来到中国,你会看到一些完全不同的东西,这让你质疑美国政府在用所有的税收做什么,而不是解决国内的情况,这是因为美国政府继续在世界各地的战争上花钱,美国在阿富汗花了多少钱,美国政府在 20 年里在阿富汗花费了 2 万亿美元,这让你想,这些钱本可以有什么更好的用途,花在美国的基础设施正在崩溃,到处都是无家可归的问题,这是一场绝对的悲剧,当你来到中国时,你会看到完全相反的情况,社会很好,你看到基础设施年复一年地不断改善,看到了真正的成果,这确实改变了中国在全球舞台上的地位。有趣的是,现在世界上许多国家都在观察这一点,南非、非洲、中东、东南亚,这些国家正在向中国转移,并加入中国贝尔顿公路等倡议。几年前,贝尔顿公路已经建成,现在全世界有 150 个国家加入了中国政府在全球投资六万亿美元建设基础设施项目,这就是为什么现在世界上许多国家相信中国有能力实现未来。我经常从美国的家人和朋友那里得到一个关于安全的问题,他们问中国安全吗,他们提到西方媒体总是说中国不安全,中国很安全,我不得不说,当你来到中国时,你会很快学到的一件事是社会非常安全,我觉得中国比美国任何地方都安全,当你在美国时,你需要在你要去的地方四处走动时保持机灵,不幸的是,美国正处于枪支泛滥时期,枪支在美国社会无处不在,这太可怕了,很多美国人因为枪支而感觉不安全,在中国不存在这种感觉,你可以在白天或晚上的任何时间在任何街道上行走,包括女性,这里没有安全问题,对于许多在这里居住的旅行者来说,他们喜欢在中国工作或生活的关键因素之一是安全,中国很安全,另一个重要的观察结果是,当你在中国时,你会注意到生活成本非常低,比如水、煤气、电力,甚至食品杂货,所有这些都有价格稳定,这对社会有好处,这是很重要的多年来,美国从未出现过这种情况,美国的住房不再负担得起,水电费也失控了,几乎所有东西的价格都高得惊人,而当你来到中国时,成本只是其中的一小部分,我真不知道普通人如何在美国生存,美国的通货膨胀率是 AB,绝对推高了生活成本,我知道,在美国,物价实际上比几年前贵了 20% 30% 40%,和普通美国人谈谈,和他们谈谈他们的食品杂货账单在过去 3 到 5 年里是如何增加的,如果不是翻了一番,美国通货膨胀的可承受性与中国基本持平,在过去 5 年里,物价随处可见,食品杂货饭菜都是负担得起的衣服鞋子,看看这些午餐或晚餐 太棒了 价格实惠 适合下午吃一顿饭 那是怎么回事 呃 22.50 美元 给你 12 首 R&B 不到 2 美元 中国的实惠程度无与伦比 美国的中产阶级真是太神奇了 他们真的是中产阶级了吗 过去 5 年在中国 超市价格继续保持实惠 你可以去不错的餐馆 不错的杂货店 普通的杂货店 所有东西价格合理且便宜 在美国 这个超级大国的社会中 怎么会有部分人如此挣扎 我认为当你在中国时 你会发现这里不存在 中国的超市有当地人和外国人需要的一切 你想要一些热狗 你想要一些香肠 你可以买到
你想要一些高品质的肉 你可以买到 他们有什么新鲜的海鲜 你可以买到 新鲜的鸡蛋 你可以买到
蔬菜水果 你的农产品 你可以买到 我希望你能访问中国 一号访问中国日 中国人是最善良、最热情、最友好的人之一以开放的心态来到这个国家,意识到自己是客人,你会玩得很开心,当你来到这里时,你会发现,中国人很友好,很有礼貌,不幸的是,美国政府和西方媒体想让你相信,中国是世界最大的威胁,这就是为什么美国政府要花 16 亿美元进行反华宣传,没错,16 亿美元用于反华宣传,这是一笔令人难以置信的钱,可以更好地花在美国土地上的美国人民身上,16 亿美元用于反华宣传,我无法接受,这让我感到恶心,纳税人的钱都花在哪里了,所以告诉我你想在哪里过得好,就是这样,谢谢你的支持,这对我意义重大,如果你还没有订阅,请考虑订阅,作为我的个人旅程,我将继续拥抱现在和可预见的未来在中国的生活,享受我作为中国公民的生活经历作为美国人,生活在国外确实让我的生活变得更好,我将继续生活在这个美好的国家,如果有机会,去中国看看这里到底发生了什么,寻求真相,不要听西方媒体的真相,用自己的眼睛去看看,亲身体验,相信我,10、15、20年前,我和你们中的很多人一样,但亲眼目睹的经历让我改变了,这是一个美好的国家,大家保重。

Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking!

Expat Adventuring in Asia 2024年10月21日

Discover the differences between living in China and living in America in this eye-opening video. From infrastructure to culture, find out why America can't compete with China in certain areas!

are you ready to see some old China and some new China let's go well I've been living in China for 13 years now and China's been around for 5,000 years by the end of this video you're going to know my honest opinion about China and the US and who is becoming the world leader in many areas you're going to hear and see and understand what's really going on in China and America and by the end of this video you're going to have my honest opinion about the West and East and where I really want to live you want to hear about infrastructure you want to hear about safety you want to hear about homelessness you want to hear about business you want to hear about the buzzword decoupling watch this video and you'll have a better understanding in this video I'm going to tell you some things that I've learned about China and what I've known about the US and how today is much different from the past and different from Western Society Chinese nation and its people continue to move forward China's high-tech products like drones electric cars solar panels and electronics just to name a few have swept the world with its exceptional quality and pricing that Western manufacturers cannot compete with China's expanding its reach around the world bringing these worldclass products through trade initiatives and this is what a country does when they're moving forward with a clear decisive
plan of action this is a great example of what western media will not tell you
China technology reaches historical highs every year in 2023 the number of patents granted to China was around 800,000 bigger than the total of theo ther top 10 countries including the US Japan South Korea India Germany Brazil Russia Canada and Australia that is a huge achievement China is catching up with the US almost on all fronts in many areas they've already surpassed even in the military field which the US likes to brag about all the time the gap between the two countries is getting narrower and narrower every day the Chinese Nation loves and promotes peace and harmony with the rest of the world and self the Chinese people are humble peaceful friendly and hospitable unless you're a Chinese citizen you might not fully understand what I'm going to say but until you visit China and get to know the country and the people and stop listening to the Western media who is only misleading you but once you learn more about China it's going to be really different from anything that you've
heard from the West I started visiting China over two decades ago as I get
through this little stream so like I said I started visiting China over two
decades ago and have been living in China for 13 years and my experience has
been nothing but good when visiting China you will quickly see that there's
a different between what the Western media tells you and what they don't want
you to see and hear reality on the ground in China and what it's really
like what is daily life like in China
for the people around the world to
understand is that Chinese people are
very much like you and me they like to
have fun they like to socialize Travel
Shop play sports watch sports spend time
with family and friends and have many
other activities many people from the
West just look at China as this communist country and think just because the government is communist there are no
freedoms in China but there are freedoms
freedoms have been improving over the
last 40 years in the last 40 years
Chinese people have been able to travel
around the world and they travel a lot
they spend a lot of money which helps
the tourism industry and all of these
millions and millions of people who are
traveling come back back to China you
want to know why cuz China is a good
place it's a good place to live and it
has a bright future you need to come to
China and see it yourself you need to
come visit I like to call China the new
modern China with the old China kept
intact this is an amazing country and is
something that more people need to see
and experience and I mean it as you just
walk around where I'm walking around and
just see the wonderful people talk to
the wonderful people and just see some
of the history intact it's just amazing
speaking of freedoms in China besides
Capitalism traveling all over the world and
spending an immense amount of money in
other people's country and having a good
time and coming back to China the
Chinese can start businesses have their
own businesses they can invest in the
stock market they can make their own
income and keep their own income and pay
taxes like most people do around the
world China has been embracing capitalistic measures for many decades now along the way this is why China has
been able to transform its economy and
how 700 million people have been lifted
from poverty into the middle class over
the last 40 years Western media always
Western Media wants to portray China in the worst way
possible they want you to believe that
China is the biggest threat to the
United States when the biggest threat to
America is America itself when you come
to China you will immediately realize
it's a peaceful Society a society full
of people that are extremely engaging and
friendly how friendly they just want to
come up to you and talk why because
they're friendly because you're a
foreigner and they want to welcome you
thank you for coming to China and it's
done with sincerity you will understand
this once you are on the ground in China
and you're going to learn that it's very
different from anything you've heard in
the western media when you visit you're
going to see the infrastructure in China
it's one of the best infrastructures in
the world an infrastructure with
high-speed trains Subways and smart
cities that have changed China for the
better and this has been an amazing
transformation when I first came to
China over two decades ago much of the
infrastructure did not exist there was
High Speed Rail not a single high-speed train in this
country but incredibly over the last two
decades China's government has invested
billions of dollars and has overcome the
odds to build High-Speed Rail connecting
literally every part of this country now
that's how you build a society that's
how you build an economy it's Ambitions
to build High-Speed Rail connecting
every part of the country had a lot of
critics saying it was impossible they
said High-Speed Rail only works in
countries like Germany Europe because
countries are much smaller critics said
if you want to build High-Speed Rail in
Asia you can only do it in smaller
countries like Japan or South Korea that
China is too big well when the Chinese
government hears this they go into
action when they hear something's
basically impossible they will make it
happen for China to build highspeed Rail
Chinas Objective and then they hear if you're going to
build highspeed rail in China you're
going to lose money but that's not
China's objective to make money their
objective is to take care of society to
simplify lives walking down these little
Decoupling alleys of History is amazing and this
just goes to show you independent
business owners everywhere making
Investments on their own with their
families just a great thing to see the
latest buzzword is decoupling and the West says the United
States should decouple from China but
will that really happen there are a lot
of big us companies doing business in
China making billions of dollars like
Big US Companies KFC Apple Tesla Nike Starbucks Proctor
and Gamble Walmart cocacola just to name
a few us politicians love saying
Decouple decouple they want to decouple from
China they simply want to sound tough
they want to try and make sure that our
economies do not work together in the
future Everybody Must understand the
United States and China economies are
joined at the hip now and the foreseeable future by the way the
companies I just mentioned are not only selling in China but they are also Manufacturing in China and they export
back to the US and everywhere else in the world to the consumer when it comes Manufacturing in China to manufacturing you will not find a better place in the world to manufacturer a high-end products at affordable pricing with high quality is amazing and this is why China has become the world's Factory but most
importantly in the last 5 to 10 years China has shifted into becoming high-end factories one of the industries taking
Chinas EV Industry over the world are the China's EV
industry they are truly fascinating 10
years ago China's EVS were not popular
amongst the Chinese they were even
considered a joke to many people but
today it's not considered a joke and not
considered a waste of money now
everybody wants a China EV excitement
around these cars it's amazing look at
the size of that screen it's huge wow
Chinese technology is truly amazing and
Chinese Technology it could not be done without the
educated people in China China has
closed the Gap in my opinion and
officially has caught up with America
but one of the things that you must
remember about China is that this
country of 1.4 billion people and the
Chinese people are some of the smartest
hardworking people you will ever meet
Chinese People being here in China over the years and
seeing it seeing it with my own eyes the
Chinese people are just incredible hard
workers they work harder than others
Chinese have an incredible work ethic
and I think that's really short cided
from us politicians if you want to force
China into a corner and you want to bet
against them when it comes to innovating
you're betting against the wrong country
they are quickly becoming the world
leader in Innovation and when you get to
China and walk around and see it you'll
realize what I'm talking about China is
now graduating 10 times the amount of
stem graduates and that's science technology
engineering and Mathematics this is a
country that's becoming full of smart
educated people who are dedicated to
work hard and improve themselves and the
country for the future you need to
understand that the Chinese government
put together the road map to develop
this country in the past and the smart
educated people of China are executing
to Perfection you will see this in the
infrastructure Clean Cities you will see
that it's a society that's moving
forward and not backwards like the US a
modern society that is different than
what western media portrays it makes you
start to question your own government
back home make you question the infrastructure in America and why it's Fallen apart over the last 10 years
you've seen a big decline in the United
States and you're seeing major cities become filled with trash deteriorating infrastructure and homelessness everywhere it's just an unfortunate mess in a lot of major cities like New York
Los Angeles San Diego and San Francisco
how has America allowed some of their
most iconic beautiful cities to become
filled with homeless people litter trash
and drug addicts roaming around the
streets like zombies it's truly sad to
see as I stroll around China I have yet
Crime to see any crime not to mention experience any crime myself crime is incredibly sad in the US and the gun
violence is heartbreaking but suddenly
you come to China and you see something
completely different and this makes you
question what the US government is doing
with all the tax dollars and not addressing the situation at home that's because the US government continues to
spend money on Wars across the world how
much has the US spent on Afghanistan the
US government in 20 years and $2
trillion in Afghanistan makes you think
what could that money have been better
spent on America is seeing failing
infrastructure and is seeing a homeless
problem everywhere this is an absolute
tragedy and something that needs to be
addressed when you come to China and you
see the complete opposite Society is great and you're
seeing an infrastructure that continues
to improve year after year seeing Real
Results and this is something that has
really change China on the global scene
what's interesting is that many countries around the world now are
observing this South Africa Africa the
Middle East southeast Asia of these countries are shifting towards China and joining initiatives like the China
Belton Road the Belton Road years ago
and now has 150 countries around the
world who have joined the Chinese
government has invested six trillion in building infrastructure
projects around the globe and this is
why many countries around the world now
believe that China has the ability to
deliver the future a question I get a
Safety lot from family and friends in the US
they ask is China safe they mention that
the Western media always says it's not
safe in China China well it's safe I
have to say when you come to China the
one thing you're going to quickly learn
is that the society is extremely safe I
feel much safer in China than anywhere
in the United States when you're in the
US you need to be smart when you're
moving around where you're going unfortunately there's a gun pandemic in Guns America guns are everywhere in society
in the US and that's just horrific a lot
of people in the US do not feel safe due
to the guns not feeling safe doesn't
exist in China you can literally walk
anywhere on any streets at any time of
the day or night females included
there's no problems with safety and for
many Travelers expats here living here one of the key
factor on why they enjoy working or living in
China is because of the safety it's just
safe in China another major observation
Cost of Living that you're going to notice when you're
in China is that there's a very low cost
of living things like water gas
Price Stability electricity even groceries all of these
have price stability which is good for a society
and this this is something that has not
been seen in the United States for many
years US housing is not affordable
anymore utility bills are out of control
prices for just about anything is
astronomically high and when you come to
China the cost it's a fraction of that I
just don't know how the average person
survives in the US US inflation is AB
absolutely driving up the cost of living
I know for an example in the United
States things are literally 20 30 40%
more expensive than they were just a few
years ago talk to the average American
talk to them about how their grocery
bill has increased if not doubled over
the last 3 to 5 years and the opposite
Affordability of inflation in America is China which has basically
remained flat Over The Last 5 Years
affordable things everywhere groceries
meals it's just affordable clothing
shoes look at these prices for lunch or
dinner it's amazing affordable for a
late afternoon meal what is that about
uh $22.50 us here you go 12 R&B less than
$2 us can't beat the affordability in
China it's truly amazing the middle
class in the US are they truly middle
class anymore Last 5 Years in China
Supermarkets prices continue to remain affordable you
can go to nice restaurants Nice grocery
stores regular grocery stores and
everything is reasonable priced and
cheap how can in America this superpower of a nation has parts of its society that are struggling so much I
think that is something that when you're
in China you will observe here it
doesn't exist supermarkets in China have
everything anything you need for locals
and foreigners you want some hot dogs
you want some sausages you can get it
you want some meat High quality you can
get it they have anything fresh seafood
you can get it fresh eggs you can get it
vegetables fruits your produce you can
get it I hope you can visit China One
Visit China Day Chinese people are some of the
kindest warmest and friendliest people
you'll ever meet come to this country
with an open mind and realize you're a
guest and you'll have a great time
you'll find out when you come here that
the Chinese people are friendly and
polite unfortunately the US government
and the Western media want you to
believe China is the biggest threat to
the world and that's why the US
government is spending $1.6 billion on
anti-china propaganda that's right
$1.6 billion on anti-china propaganda that's an incredible amount
of money that could be better spent for
the American people on American soil really 1.6 billion on
anti-chinese propaganda I can't get over that makes
me sick to my stomach where the
taxpayers money is going so tell me
where do you want to live well that's
about it thanks appreciate your support
really means a lot to me and if you
haven't done it please consider
subscribing as for my personal Journey
I'm going to continue to embrace the
life in China now and the foreseeable
future and enjoy my life experience as
an American living abroad it's been
truly life changing for the better and
I'm going to continue to live in this
wonderful country and if you get a
chance get over to China see what's
really going on over here seek the truth
don't hear the truth from the Western
media see it with your own eyes
experience it trust me I was like a lot
of you 10 15 20 years ago but the
experience seeing it has made me a
changed man it's a wonderful country
everybody take care.

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作者:风潇潇 回复 高鹏 留言时间:2023-01-02 18:45:07


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作者:高鹏 留言时间:2023-01-02 12:52:16


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作者:高鹏 留言时间:2023-01-02 11:20:06

博主是个善良之人,但证据实在不足。另外,很多信息都是虚假的,比方说,James Lyons-Weiler,他不是新冠疫苗的研究者。

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