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Justin Trudeau appreciates the governance of China 2024-03-21 03:50:52

Justin Trudeau appreciates executive power of the China's Government

  Formerly: Justin Trudeau a rational leader of Canadian Liberal Party

   Frank Dec. 15, 2014, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 


First of all, I must state that I do not support any party. I have firmly convinced that partisan politics has evolved into the fatal harm for human survival. In Oct. 16, 2013, I have written the article that It is high time to end the partisan politics.

I write this topic today without any political purpose, instead, I eagerly hope that people can rationally give up no sense and ignorant ideological bickering on the political forms without looking at the actual social effects – idiotically tout multi-parties fighting as dogs biting dogs perform social governance as democracy as human manner; while condemn one-party peacefully performs social governance as autocracy as inhuman manner.

Irrational people have no human quality to put valuable energy on true worthwhile matter and consider that how to develop economy of Canada, and how to strive for avoiding to be starved to die, how to rescue the depreciation of the Canadian dollar with the oil wealth lost value.

Irrational people have no human quality to think about the nature of the problem; they never think of that: why do we want a government, why do we play democracy? What is the ultimate aim of the government or democracy?

The only ultimate aim of the government or democracy is able to proper govern society to make livable social environment for people making livings, is able to proper develop economy, is able to improve people's lives.

However, please look around the world; there fewer democratic governments are playing right function. Holy dignified Congress became madhouse of the place where those irrational politicians bicker as that of psychosis.

A government designed as election of several gangs to fight as that of street punks in the holy hall for the nation's destiny decisions making, mutually constraints to make a government cannot make rational decisions in a timely manner. This is absurd, abnormal, and it is a typical retrogression of human civilization.

Review back in Europe; from Crusades - in the name for faith, let us killing of each other, which started in 1095 to the Era of Great Voyages; in the name for free trade, let us killing of each other, even in the design of politics – in the name for democracy to have continued conducting fighting by the establishment of multi-parties.

The history of Western civilization is a barbaric civilization with believe of killing and looting others for self survival as a matter of course. It has never stepped into the civilization as civilized human beings should be.

A society takes absurdity as of course, takes the abnormality as of course, cheers non-civilization as of course, it is ignorance, it is the sadness as human civilization.

Now, please look at that how Justin Trudeau views the political parties - democracy, and you may understand that why I said that Canadian Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau is admirable?

Nov. 8, 2013, the article At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship’ reported that:

Federal liberal lead Justin Trudeau speaks to an audience of mostly women at an event called 'Justin. Unplugged.' in Toronto, Ontario, November 7, 2013.

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is facing criticism for confiding an apparent admiration for China’s dictatorial tendencies during a “ladies-night” themed fundraiser held in Toronto on Thursday.

When an audience member asked Mr. Trudeau which nation’s “administration he most admired."

Mr. Trudeau responded: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

When noting he was on camera, Mr. Trudeau then said: “But Sun News can now report that I prefer China.”

The comments of Mr. Trudeau suffered extensive fierce criticism.

"This wasn’t Mr. Trudeau’s first expression of admiration for the quasi-Communist rising global superpower."

"Mr. Trudeau’s remarks on China show he is unfit to lead the 'greatest democracy in the world.'”

"The comments made by the leader of the Liberal party are an insult to the many Canadians who fought for the basic values and freedoms that we enjoy today. His answer demonstrates again a long-standing position of our party that he is in over his head.”

"Mr. Trudeau took to Twitter on Friday to explain his comments, saying that his point about China was that Canada “is up against big countries (China, for one) that can address some major issues quickly.”

"Canada is the best country in the world. I would never trade our freedoms. But countries we compete with play by different rules. That’s why we need to work together to address big issues and that’s why I’m focused on the (real priorities) of Canadians.”

Those Great Critics were all garbled quote out of context to have intended ignored the intention of Mr. Trudeau is at that how to effectively solve urgent problems that Canada is in facing.

November 7, 2013, the other report on the same event that Justin Trudeau hosts 'ladies night' fundraiser despite 'firestorm' of controversy over ‘patronizing’ ad clearly provided the true intention of Mr. Trudeau's comments on China:

"In answer to a litany of questions, Mr. Trudeau said the environment was the biggest issue that would impact today’s children; that he most admired the political system in Canada’s northern territories, which operate without political parties; implored for the engagement of young people in politics."

Definitely say, as my view, those criticisms, in essence, is the ideological controversy regarding multi-party administration - democracy and one party administration - dictatorship.

Those Great Critics only blindly advocate they so-called value without essential sensible awareness on the nature of the government - it is to effectively govern the society.

In comparison with that of economic achievements of Germany and Singapore under their limited natural resources, with abundant resources, Canada has not done far enough. Don't mention the economic miracle of China, only think of Germany and Singapore, as the person who has a little rational mind with a little sense of social responsibility, would never doubt that Canada are poor administrated.

For the government of Canada, the urgent is to solve the thorny problems that we are facing as quickly as possible.

From the pragmatic remarks, we can easily understand that Mr. Justin Trudeau disappointed for the inefficient of democratic government of Canada, and the eagerness for an efficient administration to solve the plight that is not only in economy, but in the wide variety of aspects in Canada.

Nov. 16, 2014, I once wrote an article that Admirable Vancouver's Mayor Gregor Robertson, I excerpt some as follow:

Sept 13, 2010, article For Vancouver mayor, China makes an environmental leap forward reports that Mayor Gregor Robertson argued that "you can question how worthwhile democracy is...?"

"...you can be critical of a lot of regimes around the world, and you can question how worthwhile democracy is in a lot of countries right now which are, frankly, ignoring the biggest crisis in the history of our species which is climate change. That's where you see the Chinese government taking radical dramatic action in investing in turning the ship around. And you do not see that in Western governments right now, democratically elected, and that's because they're afraid. And that's not serving the greater interests of society."

I appreciate the pragmatic spirit of Mayor Gregor Robertson. He can see the problem from the nature without the shackles of ideological dogma.

Many people blindly advocate democracy, because they are not willingly to in-depth study, with a empty mind that only can remember some absurd dogma to trumpet the tone of others without normal brain to make clear that why blow such tune.

In consideration of effectively governing the society and developing economy, Gregor Robertson is quite right: "you can question how worthwhile democracy is in a lot of countries." And the fact is that democracy is not worthwhile in the most of countries and in the most of aspects rather than just in the few countries and in the climate issue.

In reality, as my view, the greatest sorrow for democratic government is that political parties mainly focus on what they want for own interests, with regardless of damaging to the national interest under the name of holy democracy, by which the government can not make a rational policy timely. So that a lot of important problems can not be solved; a lot of valuable time is wasted in the unnecessary quarrels.

The most terrible is that in order to get votes, the political parties and politicians dare dope any ridiculous ideas into the nation-fate-related vital issue - the development of the national policies.

MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging dynamic scans of the human brain have shown that human behavior is determined by the brain's working state. Because that human brain development varies greatly, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference. Those psychosis sufferers, depression sufferers, antisocial violence attackers, their brains all have partial atrophy from innate or latter acquired, and therefore, their brains can not exercise properly, so that, they can not do some thing rationally.

Even if people no significant behavioral problem as above mentioned, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do anything rationally, some people are impulse and radical. Those are also due to the differences in brain development.

In view of this, we must choose those people who are healthy in brain development to make decisions for the future of mankind.

As a simple way, the national and international decision-making bodies should be formed by those people who have obtained high rank academic qualifications, such as, the professional experts, professors, and the Nobel Prize winners, and so on.

It is high time to end the partisan politics immediately.

Mar. 31 2013, I wrote article that Italian President initiates a New Era of political said with that:

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has named 10 selected "wise men" to work in two separate groups to offer a policy platform to end the impasse in forming a new government.

His announcement ended speculation that he might resign - a day after political parties failed to agree a coalition government following February's inconclusive election.

The country's parliament is currently split in three main blocs - each without enough seats to govern alone.

Talk to here, you may understand that why Mr.Trudeau most admired the political system in Canada’s northern territories, which operate without political parties; implored for the engagement of young people in politics.

And also, you may understand that why I write the topic - Admirable Canadian Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau.

Nov 08, 2013, Trudeau under fire for expressing admiration for China's 'basic dictatorship'

Nov 09, 2013, Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger

May 21, 2023, When Justin Trudeau Said He Admired China's 'Basic Dictatorship'

Feb 17, 2021, GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau said he admired China's dictatorship -- believe him!

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