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Celine Dion recovered from heartbreaking moan 2024-10-18 13:06:09

Celine Dion recovered from heartbreaking moan

  Frank Li    Oct 18, 2024


Key points

Please look at the tragic reality; human world has been increasingly dehumanizing unlivable, people suffer increasingly unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals with increasingly incurable diseases; while increasingly people hard work cannot make end meets in the life threats of WWIII and atomic cremation. The widely acceptable way out is by China’s civilization integrates Western civilization.

By China’s Traditional Chinese medicine integrates Western medicine to treat patients as human from treated as inhuman lifeless assembly; then treat diseases by natural therapies and medicinals restore physical balance from killing and genes patching and then cheaper handily diets and diet supplements will cure diseases and reduce the occurrence of diseases to diseases free health 120 years.

By China’s Technocratic Democracy integrates liberal democracy to set certain qualification by qualified entrepreneurs, professors, scientists, etc., as lawmaker in part time self-reliant to form civil legislature as assistant to Gov-legislature by taking 30% of vote rights parallel run with government legislature; by humanized legislature to patch the fatal flaw of democracy, as an attractor to social garbage.

Motivation of the topic

Today, I found YouTube videos that made me surprising happy; which showed that star singer Celine Dion has recovered from heartbreaking moan. 

It was that her strong willpower led to overwork and extremely damaged to her health. But also, it was just her strong willpower that has helped her recovered.

Thank you for Celine Dion, strong willpower recovery made hope to many people, who are suffering from this incurable disease of the stiff-person syndrome.


1... Celine Dion's Heartbreaking Confession: The Battle you didn't know about?!

Your Safe Chat  Oct 5, 2024


Below is the screenshot of the video in heartbreaking moans. Stiff Person Syndrome seems like epilepsy paroxysmal seizures unbearable

2... Céline Dion: I Will Sing Again

CBC News: The National  June 13, 2024 


Below is the screenshot of the video in recovered for Singing Again confidently.

I found other video of Celine Dion

August 5, 2024,Celine Dion: The Heart Goes On | Full Documentary

This documentary follows the life, love and career of French-Canadian pop icon Celine Dion. Her story is one of strength, resilience and love.



I am sure that it was the ancient philosophy of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that helped Celine Dion; which was not the killing and gene patching as Western medicine, but it was that the TCM all-round restores health by repairing disease-caused lesions.

In many cases, for many diseases, Western medicine doctors do not cure the disease completely, but instead kill the patient by accurately calculating the patient's remaining life span that is mostly in months.

Please Google and doctor ourselves.


American nutrition expert says that vinegar is a cure for all. 

Modern studies show that vinegar can kill all viruses and bacteria, shrink cancer cells, increase immune cell, and regulate physiological indicators back to normal. It has a therapeutic effect on various diseases.

Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat Jan. 3, 2018, study report Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens: 30 day-old broiler chicks drinking water diluted vinegar significantly decreased small intestine muscular thickness (MT) and abdominal fat.

Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects Jul. 27, 2017, study report Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-diet-induced obese mice: vinegar reduced lipid deposition, improved the serum lipid profile, increased adipokine expression and suppressed inflammation in the obese mice.

Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes May 6, 2015, study report Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes: vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle.

Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses  Sep 10, 2017, on the website; Lung Health Institute posts article Apple Cider Vinegar and COPD: Clears Stuffy Noses – Apple cider vinegar contains potassium that thins mucus. Also, the acidic PH prevents bacteria growth. Directions: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream Jan 15, 2021, article Nine Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar; it said that Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen as it releases iron from the food you eat into your blood stream supplying more oxygen throughout the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin

Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. This is important because iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

2023, article Effect of acetic acid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 reports that vinegar inactivated SARS-CoV-2; by transmission electron microscope observe the morphology of SARS-CoV-2 virus virions treated with 6% acetic acid (vinegar); the  SARS-CoV-2 viral particles shows the presence of abnormal viral morpho-diagnostic features with misshapen structures, fewer viral particles in number, and disorganized virion structure.

The virus killing efecfect of vinegar is from the divalent electronegativity of two oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure;

The study by 6% acetic acid is for getting a quicker result; but we can infer that single vinegar molecular will be able to act as a dead bullet to kill virus in a little while to destruct any of viruses. Also modern studies show that vinegar along has multi-therapeutic effect on all of studied diseases.

Modern studies show that honey is medicine that can cure many diseases to keep healthy.

Modern studies show that Melatonin can optimize intestinal flora, eliminate constipation, and optimize nutrient supply; stimulate cell regeneration, revive renal failure stem cells, repair aging nerves and immune systems, cure Covid-19, and regulate physiological indicators to normal.


Melatonin can rescue chronic kidney failure

Jun. 27, 2017; article Melatonin Rescues Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Senescence Induced by the Uremic Toxin p-Cresol via Inhibiting mTOR-Dependent Autophagy reports that the stem cell senescence in patients with chronic kidney failure could be potentially rescued by the administration of melatonin, which grants this hormone a novel therapeutic role.

Melatonin can cure neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease

Sep. 8, 2010, Clinical Aspects of Melatonin Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease Progression: Melatonin has a useful ad-on therapeutic role on age-associated neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cognitive impairment (MCI).

Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration

Dec. 7, 2018, Melatonin combined with chondroitin sulfate ABC promotes nerve regeneration after root-avulsion brachial plexus injury, melatonin combined with chondroitin sulfate ABC can promote nerve regeneration after nerve-root avulsion injury of the brachial plexus, which may be achieved by reducing oxidative damage and inflammatory reaction in the injury area and inhibiting glial scar formation.

April 19, 2018, Melatonin and sciatic nerve injury repair: a current perspective, studies demonstrate that pineal neurohormone melatonin has effects on the physiological and histological properties of the nerve tissue, hinting at its effects of antioxidation, analgesia, and free radical scavenging in the degenerative peripheral nerve disorders. It is acknowledged that melatonin has beneficial effects on the length of the axons, the sprouting after the damage to peripheral nerves.

Melatonin in Dermatologic Allergic Diseases and Other Skin Conditions

Feb 2023, Melatonin in Dermatologic Allergic Diseases and Other Skin Conditions: Current Trends and Reports, the most important roles of melatonin is the initiation and maintenance of the sleep cycle, an important fact to consider in clinical approaches to chronic allergic skin diseases that are accompanied by sleep disorders, such as atopic dermatitis and CSU. Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypopigmentation effects, it can also be used for other inflammatory skin conditions and hyperpigmentation disorders, and also as a photoprotection measure.

Melatonin can antioxidize, detoxify, protect cardiovascular, immunization, brain or gastrointestinal

Apr. 2017, article Melatonin: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Benefits said that the physiological effects of melatonin are various and include detoxification of free radicals and antioxidant actions, bone formation and protection, reproduction, and cardiovascular, immune or body mass regulation. Also, protective and therapeutic effects of melatonin are reported, especially with regard to brain or gastrointestinal protection, psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases and oncostatic effects. This review highlights the high number and diversity of major melatonin effects and opens important perspectives for measuring melatonin as a biomarker (biomarker of early identification of certain disorders and also biomarker of their follow-up) and using melatonin with clinical preventive and therapeutic applications in newborns, children and adults

Melatonin a best treatment for Schizophrenia

Melatonin can inhibit the side effects of anti-psychotic drugs Apr 25, 2012, Melatonin: an overlooked factor in schizophrenia and in the inhibition of anti-psychotic side effects.

Melatonin stimulates the production of NK cells and CD4+ cells and inhibits CD8+ cells

Nov. 29, 2005, article Melatonin, immune function and aging May 19, 2020, Protective Role of Melatonin Against Postmenopausal Bone Loss via Enhancement of Citrate Secretion From Osteoblasts, Mar. 2019, Melatonin: Another avenue for treating osteoporosis? and Aug. 28, 2019, Melatonin prevents bone destruction in mice with retinoic acid–induced osteoporosis.

Melatonin increases bone density to prevent osteoporosis

June 29, 2010, Melatonin Osteoporosis Prevention Study (MOPS): Melatonin works through melatonin receptors to form osteoblasts from human mesenchymal stem cells and has been shown to inhibit osteoclast activity in rodents. Melatonin levels have been correlated with modulating bone markers; low nocturnal levels of melatonin correlate with in an increase in bone marker metabolism and osteoporosis.

Orthomolecular medicine

Modern studies showed and have been clinically proved that Orthomolecular medicine, such as, vitamin B, vitamin C, D, E; minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids; are able to cure diseases by correcting the imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry. The orthomolecular medicine will be the best treatment for the most of diseases; the key is at the high concentration in blood, which needs intravenous infusion in use and megadose in g/kg body weight.

Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases

The LD50 of Vitamin C is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams (11.9 grams) /kg. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported zero deaths from vitamin C.

Oct. 30, 2020, article High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)–Patient Version indicates that, “In a study of healthy volunteers and cancer patients, vitamin C was shown to be safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients who do not have kidney stones, other kidney diseases, or G6PD deficiency. Studies have also shown that vitamin C levels in the blood are higher when given by IV than when taken by mouth, and last for more than 4 hours.”

Article Vitamin C Saves Lives said that after Linus Pauling wrote his book on vitamin C in 1970, mortality from heart disease decreased 30-40% in the USA, from around 741,000 deaths per year to less than 500,000 deaths by 1986 according to U. S. Bureau of National Health Statistics 1986.

Feb. 2014, High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C as a Successful Treatment of Viral Infections: “Viral infections often lead to oxidative stress to the infected cells, and therefore, antioxidants are expected to suppress oxidative stress and work as antivirals or ‘drugs,’ improving inflammatory symptoms. Among these substances, the protective effect of ascorbic acid has been assumed due to its powerful scavenging and antioxidative property.”

“Vitamin C is also involved in enhancing several functions of the immune system. Cells of the immune system have one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C: white blood cells have an 80 times concentration of vitamin C in their cytoplasm, allowing them to create a vitamin C concentration surplus at the site of infection. Vitamin C can also enhance the production of interferon, which helps prevent cells from being infected by a virus, stimulate the activity of antibodies and cytokines, and in mega-doses, play a role in mitochondrial energy production. It can enhance the ability of specialized immune cells to ingest bacteria.”

‘In addition to this general neutralizing effect, vitamin C interferes with the assembly of viral RNA and DNA. In a recent study (2012), in vitro experiments showed ascorbate’s ability to kill isolated influenza viruses, as well as viruses from normal human bronchial epithelial cells. There was a dosedependent effect—a concentration of 2.5mM was able to eliminate 90% of the virus present and a 20 mM solution completely stopped the replication of the virus. The antiviral effect of ascorbate is greater when introduced in the early stages of infection.”

High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report; A 25-year-old man contracted flu and went from approximately 170 pounds down to 155 pounds to be cured by Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) therapy, which consisted of 1,000 cc of lactated Ringer’s solution containing 50 grams of sodium ascorbate, a pH-neutral form of vitamin C. This was infused over about one and a half hour in a total of 3 infusions over 3 days. All of the infusions were clinically uneventful and without discernible side effects. Actually, the morning following the first IVC, the patient noted that his body strength had improved dramatically.

Role in immunity of Vitamin C; Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, Vitamin C affects several components of the human immune system in vitro; for example, vitamin C has been shown to stimulate both the production and function of leukocytes (white blood cells), especially neutrophils, lymphocytes, and phagocytes. Specific measures of functions stimulated by vitamin C include cellular motility, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis.

2019 Mar. 27, 2019, Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU.

Vitamin C to Improve Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients, Vitamin C protects important organ systems (cardiovascular, neurologic and renal systems) during inflammation and oxidative stress. It also influences coagulation and inflammation; its application might prevent organ damage.

Aug. 10, 2020, article 'Unusual' IV High-Dose Vitamin C Success Story in COVID-19 reports that a 74-year-old white woman develops ARDS, on the request of families, started on a continuous intravenous infusion of high-dose vita-min C (11 g /24 hours). Two days later, her clinical condition gradually begins to improve, and the clinicians discontinue supportive treatment with norepinephrine.

Vitamin B3    

Aug. 28, 2012, article Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs said that “Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.”

I Google found that the LD 50 vitamin B3 is 4.5 grams/kilo. This is equivalent to 225 grams for a 50 kg people or approximately 100 times as much as is normally recommended.

Vitamin D         

Jun, 2015, Vitamin D for influenza, we treat flu or influenzalike illness by a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. One-time doses of vitamin D at this level have been used safely and have never been shown to be toxic. We urgently need a study of this intervention. The cost of vitamin D is about a penny for 1000 IU, so this treatment costs less than a dollar.

Optimal use of above remedies

The above handily diets and Nutritional Additives are the God medicine and to put them together as combo to enjoy their synergistic effects of inhancing the curative effect and reduce the side effect of each other; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects.

Cold boiled water dilutes 5% vinegar x 20 ml/50kg + honey at will, 3-5 mg of melatonin + 3 g vitamin C to take one hour before going to bed, rinse teeth with water, and drink 200-300 ml of warm water; which is able to treat various diseases, repair aging lesions timely to disease free 120 years.

Vinegar alone 2 times is able to cure airborn infectious diseases; for babies who cannot take medicine wipe their belly with vinegar water; by self-help will cure the most of diseases at home to make doctors rest at home.

Please read my article

A cure for Céline Dion and a solution for curing social diseases

--- What civilization is human one and how to humanize inhuman one

 Frank Li,  Aug 19 – Sept 9, 2023


Aug 29, 2023 Emailed to 

Denise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant honorable Jean Chrétien, the 20th prime minister of Canada

Céline Dion and sisters Claudette Dion and Linda Dion via Editors of Le Journal de Montréal;  thanks a lot.

vjdm.transmission@quebecormedia.commfortier@journalmtl.com  jdm-scoop@quebecormedia.com

Thanks Google Team for reediting the seaching result that can reach the topic core.

Please look at the amazing recovery of Celine Dion 2024


August 3, 2023, Celine Dion's sister Claudette reportedly spoke about Celine “We can’t find any medicine that works.”


August 29, 2023, I emailed Celine Dion with the suggestion in the treatment by vinegar + Honey + Melatonin.

Nov 15,2023, closer reported that Celine 'feels stronger now, She doesn’t want to hide out at home any longer."


Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; so that it must be regarded as Chaotic System to deal with by Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic philosophy Daoism guided TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this is the reason that western medicine coined incurable diseases or chronic diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

Philosophy Daoism (in Mandarin, Taoism in Cantonese, emerged 400BC China) dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites that composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. Human beings viewed as a part of the universe as unity of opposites with own characteristics. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation. The two sides of unity of opposites are interdependent as the part of each other’s existence. Dao embodies the harmony of the unity of opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance.

Daoism is symbolized by the Tai-Ji Diagram


The Yin and Yang were coined to represent the two opposites. Yin often represents the negative, the female, dark, cloudy, cold and the Earth, etc.. Yang represents the positive, the male, bright, sunny, hot, and the Heaven, etc. They are in accompanying coexistence; there would be no male without female, no bright without dark.

Traditional Chinese medicine developed by taking the principle and terminology of Daoism, it views human body as an emotional whole of all of parts are inter-influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restore Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it found that psychological factors in decisively affecting diseases development and the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication; so that the hope for achieving a peaceful world will help your grandpa to stand up.

Philosophy Reductionism was introduced by French philosopher and the founder of analytic geometry Descartes (1596–1650); which is referring to subdivide complex system into simple units to understand the complex whole.

Western medicine develops by taking Reductionism as guidance, it views human body as the inanimate assembly of lifeless parts by infinitely subdividing body as independent basic micro unit as genes or proteins to study the development of diseases and by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; without sense of psychotherapy.

Western medicine can accurately diagnose the causes of diseases, but it cannot produce accurate bullets. For example, according to statistics, there are 200 symptoms of COVID-19. Although individual patients have only limited symptoms, these symptoms continue to develop and worsen.

Also many diseases have no pathogenic agents for killing, such as, degenerative diseases. This is the reason that Western medicine smartly coined incurable chronic diseases. The Stiff Person Syndrome is the thorniest one among the incurable chronic diseases.

Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in compound medication 

By trial and error clinically, TCM have developed many natural therapies, and identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and accumulated about 100 thousands of experience-based formulas in covering almost all known diseases. Now with modern technologies, those formulas updated produce many OCT tablets and injections by extracts, and labeled with the instructions, precautions and dosage; in available in Chinese pharmacies globally. 

Modern studies found some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic ones in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, such as, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some Chinese medicinals can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc.

The biggest advantages of TCM medicinals are its efficacy, fewer side effects, never produces drug resistance due to multiple components. Moreover, OTC tablets are easy to use at home and inexpensive affordable; the OTC tablets medicines are helping us easy medicinal-selection for treating certain diseases according to the pharmaceutical functions.

1980s Germany made about 300 Phytomedicine Research proved correctness of compound medication that multi-ingredients’ herbs had full therapeutic equivalence with chemotherapeutics and had advantage of being devoid of any adverse effects; the mechanism of action differ from that of synthetic drugs or mono substances, can be called as polyvalent or potentiating. 

Also many modern studies have proved that the multi-combined medicinals can produce synergistic effect; which is inhancing the curative effect and reduce the side effect of each other; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects.

Nov. 2013, article Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells reports that “turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea. Individually, they were ineffective against cancer. But combined, they suppressed breast cancer cell growth in the lab by more than 80 percent, and eventually triggered the process leading to cell death.”

Sep. 2019, article Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment reports that if it is used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin are able to extend the lifespan of the fruit flies by an average of 11%, but if by any two combined use can increase the lifespan around 30%, and all three combined can reach 48%.

The 13 TCM natural medicinals combining made Lianhua Qingwen Capsule with 160 active components to care COVID-19 by 57 target proteins, 35 signaling pathways in cure rate over 90%.

Any disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions or multi-symptoms mutually inter-influenced developing; it is impossible to make clear the cause of each symptom to develop targeted drugs. It is necessary to follow the holistic way of TCM in treating diseases by compound medication restoring Yin-Yang balance. The multiple medicinals are able to cure the multiple lesions as that shotgun that is able to hit multiple targets in a blind shot by the multi-projectiles.

The findings proved the existence of the basis in both physiology and pharmacology for the compound medication; which indirectly proved rationality of the theory of ancient philosophy Daoism guided TCM. According to above findings, I would like to infer that, the best medication will come from the unlimited combination of medicinals.

Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in restoring Yin-Yang balance

2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses. So the since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The recovered cases in Covid-19 show that the curative effects were not from the virus killing, but were from the physical restoration.

The cured cases in Covid-19 are perfect matching the practice of TCM by focusing on the restoration of the physical balance of Yin and Yang as disease treatment.

Modern studies proved correctness of TCM in psychotherapy 

2008, a research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics reports that stress causes deterioration in everything, susceptible to everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.

1955 found placebo effect in 50-60% cure rate; Western medicine has to use double-blind clinical trial test in single ingredient to prove the drug effective than that placebo did; in this process, it has been in kicking away the most effective drugs in multiple ingredients.

The fact that placebo effect achieved 50-60% cure rate has clearly proved the corectness of TCM in psychotherapy; the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication.

The electronegativities of atoms is the most effective medicine    

People can't stop breathing, because the physiological activities of the human body need the divalent electronegativity of oxygen atoms. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure; while the atomic electronegativities are able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bond structured human body; thereby producing wide range of therapeutic effects without the formation of drug resistance.

My wife and my son were both Covid infected, in the state of fever, in short of breath, cough, lethargy in sleeping, did not eat or drink for a day long; after take vinegar slept 3 hours got up asking for drinking and eating, then took another dose sleeping hours cured quickly.

I infer that the therapeutic effects come from the electronegativity of its two oxygen atoms. Please Google Vinegar can induce apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibit the proliferation of the cancer cells. Vinegar can kill any of viruses and bacteria. Vinegar has therapeutic effect on all of diseases that studied by bidirectional regulation of various physiological indicators to return to normal.

The LD50 of the dose to lethal half of experimental animals of vinegar is 165g/50kg; which proved that 500mg vinegar capsule x2/50kg is surely safe. Also the long diet use globally was also proved the safe in long intake in any amount. No LD50 of melatonin and vitamins was been tested out; which means that it is safe in any dosage.

I infer that 500mg Vinegar capsule x 2/50kg alone can cure the most of airborne infectious diseases (Covid-19) + melatonin 3mg + vitamin C 3g (or + some remedies) will cure the most non-infectious diseases and chronic degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, stiff-person syndrome, and so on.

Since 1950s, Western medicine has been batch training killers

1955; Western medicine found that placebo effect can achieve 50 – 60% cure rate; and found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did with side effect killing people; then randomized double blind clinic trial often used to prove drug effective than that of placebo did; due to the compositions of natural medicinals of TCM are too complex to meet double blind clinic trial and to be yelled as unscientific and unproven.

People would never think of that scientific regulation of randomized double blind clinic trial created new crime pattern since it was born; by training people as killers to kick away the effective medicinals that used in combo by testing in single; the terrible is at its undeniable deceptive to poison people addicted in the state as scientific psychosis to act as global supervisor to yell this medicine was pseudoscience; that one was unscientific or unproven.

Easily containable Epidemic Covid-19 is a typical manmade disaster that Western medicine provides tools for greedy people kicking away the cheaper, handily, safer remedies, for marketing antibody drugs and vaccines by unreasonably high price to promote epidemic sustained ongoing for profiting; which has emptied government finance and destroyed world economy to destroyed very foundation for human survival, but the Covid-19 was not be contained by Western medicine; but it is the suicidal mutation of the virus.

Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote article Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2, due to that they persuade people not use of experience base medications on the pretext of unscientific; which was same in China.

Since Western medicine was introduced into China, people have been trying to kill TCM by the name of unscientific. But in the practice TCM showed unique advantage. In the treatment of 2003 SARS, Western medicine doctors use large doses of hormones to treat patients, resulting in a large number of deaths and lifelong paralysis due to femoral head necrosis. Traditional Chinese medicine treatments have neither deaths nor sequelae.

But when treatment of Covid-19, the doctors were still reject the use of TCM.

On Jan. 19, a respiratory specialist who was appointed as the team leader of the senior medical expert group to responsible for conducting the treatment of COVID-19 patients; because of experts in the team were all in the background of western medicine, so that they resist the participation of the medical experts in TCM for the treatment of Covid-19.

On Jan. 25, the top leaders of China held a meeting and decided the strategy of Chinese medicine integrates Western medicine to treat COVID-19 patients. On Feb. 8, the senior medical expert group was reorganized and some experts in TCM have been added to the medical expert team; and the respiratory specialist was removed from the position of team leader.

Thus, the experts in TCM were able to treat Covid-19 patients and quickly cured patients to have contained epidemic. The test shows that the immune cells increased in the blood of Covid-19 patients.

I am sure that only by the combination of vinegar, melatonin, orthomolecular medicine, and/or TCM medicinals, we can empty hospitals to help people diseases free healthier 120 years.  

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