以下是邮件全文(中文除外): The following is a blog article posted by me a couple of days ago on the websites (http://blog.creaders.net/) and (http://blog./index.html) frequented mostly by the ethnic Chinese living in the US and Canada. My view is shared by some of readers and I am encouraged by them to send it to you as the voice from Chinese community on this issue. Note that there are adamant voices apposing my proposal as well. -译文:以下是本人前两天在居住在美加华人经常访问的网站上写的一篇博客,很多读者同意并鼓励本人把此文作为华人在控枪问题上的看法呈上。必须指出。华人里也有坚决反对本人观点的声音。 “Dear Mr. President, With a standing ovation of the American audience, you are sent to the plate for the second time as an ace pitcher, a star player. Your curve balls have shut down the Republican right-handers in prior innings. The game is at the fifth inning and you are at-bat. You have seen the people’s signal of the direction toward a safe society embracing kaleidoscopic cultures and multifarious values. You are obliged to build a future in which our children can go to school and come home safely and walk in the street without fearing being kissed by flying bullets. You know what we are talking about: do something about gun control! Do the militarized police force, the camouflaged National Guard and the armed-to-the-teeth military suffice? Or we citizens have to seek solace from the hardware manufactured by Smith & Wesson, Glock and Beretta? We know the answer and we bet you do as well. The second term is an opportunity for a legacy of guru with true courage to confront the powerful. We need you to draw a line, an outer limit to contain the monstrous gun rights embodied as NRA (National Rifle Association). The doctrine of “Gun doesn’t kill” is as posturing as red herrings of “drugs don’t kill” or “junk food doesn’t kill.” The second amendment right shall not supersede the individual right empowered by the Declaration of Independence: “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The American landscape is adorned with Halloween scenery of senseless killings. Mr. President, if you don’t believe the “taking things into our own hands” mentality should have a place in the society under the rule of law, introduce a bill to the House to revive the Federal Assault Weapons Ban which expired in 2004. The America is evolving demographically into a society in which the majority does not believe guns are the talisman for justice and peace. An effective and just judicial system is the best tutelage for our individual liberty. If you do send the bill to the House, you will be remembered as a legendary political pitcher as Satchel Paige is in the baseball history, regardless of the binary outcome. “ Best regards 署名是本人的真实姓名 以下是本人收到的白宫回执: Thank You! Thank you for contacting the White House. President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website. Our office receives thousands of messages from Americans each day. We do our best to reply to as many as we can, but please be aware that you may find more information and answers to your questions online. To follow news and learn more about President Obama's plan for an America built to last, you can sign up for updates from the White House, read the White House Blog, or visit WhiteHouse.gov/Engage. For an easy-to-navigate source of information on Federal government services, please visit: www.USA.gov. Thank you again for your message. The Office of Presidential Correspondence |