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元芳你怎么看?美调查称蓝可儿为意外溺水死亡 2013-06-21 13:42:44



My God! 以下是CNN的新闻报道:

(CNN) -- A 21-year-old woman whose body was found in a water tank of a Los Angeles hotel in February was the victim of an accidental drowning, medical examiners reported Thursday.

The decomposing body of Elisa Lam floated inside a water tank on the roof of the Cecil Hotel while guests brushed their teeth, bathed and drank water from it for as long as 19 days. A maintenance worker, checking on complaints about the hotel's water, found the Canadian tourist inside one of four water cisterns.

Tests conducted by the city Health Department found no harmful bacteria in the tank or the pipes, which had to be drained, flushed and sanitized after the discovery.

Los Angeles robbery-homicide detectives had treated the case as a suspicious death, since falling into a covered water tank behind a locked door on top of a roof would be an unusual accident, Los Angeles Police Sgt. Rudy Lopez said in February.

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作者:马黑 留言时间:2013-06-21 21:11:40
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