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how do i apply for employment insurance 2014-06-18 01:41:28
First, the timing of application is important. Generally you receive EI a month or later, more than half before EI, EI do not recommend the end of the line to wait. The reason is: You would like to Case Manager to prove that you've been trying to find a job, but because of a lack of skills and aspects not found, it becomes necessary training, therefore if there is no reasonable period of time to find a job, it is difficult to obtain the trust of Case Manager . If you wait until the end EI or have been completed, then the government in approving your Case, in addition to the child to consider your tuition fees, but also must consider all of the living expenses during your study, so it may indirectly reduce the probability of success, Finally, you did not picking up sesame and watermelon.

Secondly, 90% of the application techniques in the application process determines the success or failure.

1) The first meeting with the Case Manager is very important, CVs belt and direction you have to apply a definite link, this resume is not your resume to find a job, do not write Over qualify, otherwise it will be that there is no need to train, just the wrong way to find a job skill and it will be recommended to the Job Search Workshop to conduct short-term training; resume can not write too modest, otherwise it will be considered even trained not find work.

2) and Case Manager sincere attitude positive conversation, take the direction you apply for admission several job-postings: The purpose is to prove that this area has a lot of job opportunities, and you simply lack the skills training and work experience in North America, so after high rates can find a job after training.

3) Show your efforts to find a job: The best you submit a record of the unemployed to find a job after the job has been to prove that you have tried, but to no avail.

4) Inform your family's financial situation: bank deposits should not exceed the amount of the application fees; greater emphasis on income or living expenses and income balance, so be sure to complete the job training can be funded by the government.

5) English level is not very high for the majority of Chinese immigrants, it is recommended to consult a professional who may be involved in the interview on the issues to be prepared; After the meeting, try to state your active status and hopes to take the initiative of the situation. The idea to say a word as far as possible, let him ask less, so your English is relatively easy to conceal defects, especially for English listening is not very good people, this is a valid approach.

If successful interview, Case Manager will give you a Training Research, Application Form and Budget Worksheet tables, get the table, seize on the great success.

In addition to these forms, you need to choose the school to obtain the relevant material to provide the following: approved by the Ontario Department of Education School Certificate; admission notice; Full time course schedule; Course Outline; you should most want to enroll in the school on the first bit, because the government is essentially consider your first school of choice.

After the turn in these forms, you patiently wait for the results, generally in the week before the opening date, the government will give you a call to see if you review the current state of the economy in line with the filling time, if no special problems, we inform you at the appointed time to MTCU contract designated place, then congratulations you've got a student government funding.(where to apply for second career        how to apply for sc
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