1. Q: One in three men say that this is their favorite vacation memory.
A: Torturing their siblings in the back seat on a family roadtrip!
Did you ever do this? 
2. Q: According to global research, this is a woman’s worst enemy when she’s on a diet.
A: Her husband.
女士们如果瘦身不成功, 可以找到原因了。
3. Q: According to a recent study, this is the most common reason women suffer from back and neck pain. A: Carrying a heavy purse!
女士们, 为了我们自己的健康, 减轻提包。
4. Q: Almost half of women will not go to the beach without this... A: something to wear over our bathing suit (cover-up)
美国其实是一个比较保守的国家, 并且不是每一个人的身材都很好啊。.