以下是英文版,欢迎大家到各英文网张上转发呼吁。 题目: Proposal to Abolish the "Economics" Scam and Revoke All Nobel Prizes in Economics 正文: More than a decade ago, I said this more than once: today's universities and all research institutions bearing the name of "Economics" are nothing but dens of fraud. The so-called "Economics" is essentially politics and finance. If you're dealing with politics, then just do politics openly; there's no need to shamelessly call it "Political Economy." As for finance, it’s simply about studying the money in the banks, using tools like mathematical statistics and linear algebra, which fundamentally belongs to applied mathematics. Math is math, so there’s no need to shamelessly call it "Financial Economics." The so-called economists in universities and research institutions are highly paid scammers who spend their days figuring out how to siphon off as much taxpayer money into their own pockets as possible. Moreover, they shamelessly collaborate with authoritarian governments to maintain these regimes, continue their fraudulent activities, and hinder the progress of global civilization. The work of these so-called Nobel Prize winners in "Economics" is nothing more than dressing up common political knowledge, mixed with a bit of psychology, in abstract terms, and then packaging it with mathematical jargon, which they then proudly call "economic theory." This trickery confuses the general public, who know little about politics or mathematics. If you strip away the packaging of these so-called "economic theories," they are nothing but common sense that even rural farmers are aware of. Therefore, for the sake of human civilization and progress, we should call for the abolition of the fraudulent discipline of "Economics" and the revocation of all Nobel Prizes in Economics. The sophisticated scam of "Economics" should come to an end. |