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注册日期: 2012-12-08
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· 该死的“弼马温”!
· ZT 方鲲鹏 - 虐囚、凌辱新兵、高
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· 评寡言的 “为什么我对否定“三
· 阿妞的愤怒
· 通渭个案分析 - 三年自然灾害的
· 看春晚有感
· 白宫征集投票把农历年定为假日-
· 请愿书发了
· 给美国总统的控枪请愿书 (中英
03/01/2013 - 03/31/2013
02/01/2013 - 02/28/2013
01/01/2013 - 01/31/2013
12/01/2012 - 12/31/2012
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给美国总统的控枪请愿书 (中英文)

这是一份给美国总统的请愿信,呼吁他在控枪问题上有所作为。欢迎大家签名,反对和支持都可以,但递交时一律统计为支持签名, 呵呵。 为了大家阅读方便,附上中文翻译。

Dear Mr. President,

With a standing ovation of the American audience, you are sent to the plate for the second time as an ace pitcher, a star player. Your curve balls have shut down the Republican right-handers and sent them back to the dugout with their tails between their legs in prior innings. They whiffed a lot and are whining in abyss. The game is at the fifth inning and you are at-bat. You have seen our finger signal for the  direction toward a safe society embracing kaleidoscopic cultures and multifarious values and you are obliged to fulfill the terms of the contract, one of which is to build a future in which our children can go to school and come home safely and walk in the street without fearing being kissed by flying bullets. 

You know what we are talking about: do something about gun control!

Turn off the teleprompter when you are on the pulpit. Speak from your heart. Don't the militarized police force, the camouflaged National Guard and the armed-to-the-teeth military suffice? Or we citizens have to seek solace from the hardware manufactured by Smith & Wesson, Glock and Beretta?

We know the answer and we bet you do as well. Why not spit out?!

The second term could be a curse to the concerted like your predecessor or an opportunity for a legacy of guru with true courage to confront the powerful. We need you to draw a line, an outer limit to contain the monstrous gun rights embodied as NRA (National Rifle Association).  The doctrine of “Gun doesn’t kill” is as posturing as red herrings of “drugs don’t kill” or “junk food doesn’t kill.” The second amendment right shall not outweigh the individual right empowered by the Declaration of Independence: “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Isn’t it axiomatic that people’s right to life has been seriously violated by the ill bilious with a gun? The American landscape is adorned with Halloween scenery of senseless killings.  Sandy Hook was aghast at gunshots, Aurora Movie Theater became cinematically bloody and Columbine High School is remembered forever as a killing field. Guerrilla warfare is a norm of life in the ghettos of the American inner cities and kids are doing target practice in streets. Quae Nocent Docent (when it hurts, it teaches), we are hurt by these tragedies. Lunatics take antidepressant medications like Prozac or Zoloft that has suicidal side effect and have access to M16, AK-47 or Tech 22 at the same time, a fatal combination. The NRA and the pharmaceutical companies point finger at each other for the deadly consequences. It is ludicrous, isn’t it?

Mr. President, if you truly believe the“taking things into our own hands” mentality is crackpot traceable to Bully Brooks and his bludgeon in history and has no legal or moral merits under the rule of law,  introduce a bill to the House to revive the Federal Assault Weapons Ban which expired in 2004. Don’t let those neo-conservatives continue their slapstick that the small town culture of church, gun and unprotected sex are the only moral lifestyle for Americans. The America is evolving demographically into a society in which the majority do not believe guns are the talisman of justice and peace. The correlation between guns and murders has been proven statistically and criminologically. 60% of the homicides in the United States are gun-related and the US is ranked among the highest in gun related violence in the world.  An effective and just judicial system is the best tutelage for our individual liberty.  Go and pitch a fastball at the House and let the monkeys in suit court disaster.

Regardless of the binary outcome of the bill, you will be remembered as a legendary political pitcher as Satchel Paige is in the baseball history because of the aceball pitched by you.



在美国观众的起立欢呼下,您作为优秀的投手和明星球员被第二次被送上了投球板。在前几局中,您的弧线球打的共和党右撇子们找不着北,夹着尾巴灰溜溜的退回到休息坑里。他们连遭挫败,悲天怆地。 现在是第五回合,你在丘上看到了我们的手势,方向是一个包容万花筒文化和五颜六色价值观的社会。你要履行和我们签约的义务,其中之一就是为我们的孩子提供一个能安安全全上学回家,在大街上行走不用担心被流弹亲吻的未来。




第二任任期对于自负的总统可能是诅咒,如您的前任,也可能是敢于挑战强势的伟人建功立业的大好时机。 我们需要您为枪权论的化身-全美步枪协会设限画圈。所谓的“枪不杀人”的论调和“毒品不杀人”,“垃圾食品不杀人”一样荒谬误导。 宪法第二修正案的(配枪)权利不应该高于独立宣言里的“人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可让与的权利,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”人民生命权被拥有枪支的混蛋侵犯的现实不证自明,不是吗?美国的土地上已经布满了被无辜杀戮的万圣节幽灵。康州小镇Sandy Hook被枪声震惊。科罗拉多州Aurora影院银屏上洒满鲜血,科罗拉多Columbine高中作为屠宰场载入史册。这些悲剧让我们有切肤之痛。美国城市贫民窟已成为游击战场,街道成为青少年的打靶场。神经不健全的病人在服用带有自杀倾向副作用的镇静药同时,还能够轻易摸着 M16, AK-47 Tech 22等进攻性武器 。美国步枪协会和制药公司则指责对方是罪魁祸首,可笑之极。




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