亚历山大·埃尔德博士是美国著名的交易大师和交易教育专家。在他的新著《到我交易室来》(Come to My Trading Room)一书中有许多精辟的论断。其中有一段特别有意思,现引如下:
“Trading is very different from physics and mathematics, where genius reveals itself early. In science, if you are not a star by the time you're 25,you'll never be one. Trading, on the contrary is an old man's game , and now increasingly a woman's. Patience is a virtue and memory a great asset. If you slightly improve each year, you can grow into a brilliant trader.”
他还引用他的好友泰勒的话:“如果我每年增长0.5%的聪敏,到我死时我就会变成天才”(If I become half a percent smarter each year, I'll be a genius by the time I die.”埃尔德认为这句玩笑充满了智慧。(There was a great deal of wisdom in his joke) 。
纵观交易界,许多老年人依旧活跃,光彩不减。巴菲特、索洛斯、威廉姆斯,布林格等等,连罗杰斯也被国人所追捧。反而近年许多青年才俊红极一时,却又悄然消失。我想年纪老经历的事情多必然会增长经验,增强心理承受力。而按照埃尔德的理论,成功的交易商要具备三个M( Successful trading is based on the 3M's———Mind, Method, Money.———No matter how clever, is responsible for only third of your success. You also need to have sound trading psychology and proper money management.) 然而,经历的事情多但不长记性也不行,所以记忆力也很重要。孔夫子说过“君子不贰过”,就是说同样的错误不能犯两次,否则就不是君子。在交易上犯错误是正常的。但一再犯同样的错误,那就是朽木不可雕辈了。比如不止损输光了,以后还是不止损,那有多少钱可以供你输呢。