I have a dream that one day my motherland will belong to all The people indeed;they have an army belong to nation,this army Will exist for protect the dignity of constitution law and the national defence only ; policemen and court of law will never Surppress the D.P.V.(Different Political Viewer),so thus there Will not be political offender in the prison. I have a dream that one day my children can tell the truth; there will be no forbidden zone,so that everyone can search after truth freely.. I Hope that may dream will be realized as soon as possible. 我梦想有一天,我的祖国将真正属于全体人民,他们将有一支属于国家的军队,这支军队的存在只是为了捍卫宪法的尊严和国防;警察和法院将永远不再镇压不同政见者,监狱里将不再有政治犯。 我梦想有一天,我的孩子们可以讲真话;将不再有言论禁区,每个人都可以自由地寻求真理。 我看不到这一天了。惟愿我的在天之灵帮助国人实现这个梦想。