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十龄学童与冬天的告别 2017-03-24 13:09:49

Part I: The Snowman's Secret Meeting

When I was walking home from a evening's walk, I stumbled into something strange. I heard voices talking in a snow cave and to my surprise it was snowman! I was very interested so I hid behind a rock and listened.

"So, how are we going to get to the South Pole any way?" , the middle sized snowman asked.

"Ya, when are we going to see Santa?", the small hated one asked.

The small non hated one shook his head (Santa is in the North Pole).

"So again, how we are going to get there? Whoever thinks we should get there by boat raise your hand. (They all realized they cannot move their hand). So...let's take a boat. ".

They all agreed. "So, to sum it all up, we are going to see Santa in the South Pole by boat. ". (The small non hated one shook his head again.)

"But how are we going to get there?", one asked. " Oh, don't worry, I got a friend picking us up,"  said the tall non hated one.

Then I realized I was the one picking them up! So I rushed to my car and drove them to the docks. I can't wait to see their face when they discover Santa was not in the South Pole.


The End!


Part II: A  Snowman's Life

From the day I was made, I was happy. I always smile, mostly because I can't move my face. I got a carrot nose, and five big buttons, two sticks for arms, a big coal smile and a big top hat. I was happy until one day I noticed I was melting every day the sun was up longer and longer. I knew winter was slowly ending and I was slowly melting. I had fun watching the cars go by. My high score was 97!  Every day there was less snow. One day I completely lost my bottom! I was very short and stubby but I noticed more stuff. I noticed the ants crawling around the ground. Now my middle has melted. I was melting faster and faster! I watched as grass grew. I watched as birds flew. I watched and watched until I was merely a puddle with a top hat waiting to be evaporated, then snowed again, and built again.


The End!


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